Steam Holiday Sales 2013 |OT2| DIE HARD (AND HAPPY NEW YEAR)

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Wasn't Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves going to be 80% if it won the community choice? Or I'm confusing it with some other titles?
Looks like it was Wrack in the previous vote, even though I could swear I had Sang-Froid in my community choice when I woke up this morning. Weird.


It was a flash sale on like the second or third day.
Ys I & II Chronicle, not this. Pretty sure this hasn't shown up yet.

I suspect it won't win, but at least this time it's closer to being the titan rather than the little guy being shoved out of the way, if it's beaten it's because people wanted other indie RPGs for cheaper, not voting for Knights of the Old Republic like fucking lemmings seeing that game they really liked even though it was on sale many times beforehand, twice within that sale I think.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
A bit late with the thanks, but thanks for Sonic 2, KenOD! I was sleeping when the raffle ended.


Ys I & II Chronicle, not this. Pretty sure this hasn't shown up yet.

I suspect it won't win, but at least this time it's closer to being the titan rather than the little guy being shoved out of the way, if it's beaten it's because people wanted other indie RPGs for cheaper, not voting for Knights of the Old Republic like fucking Lemmings.

Isn't Ys I & II the game that's up for voting? Or are my eyes failing me at 2AM?


I hope now that Dark Souls has reached new heights of popularity on Steam, they begin to seriously consider dropping GFWL out and migrate to Steam. I've no idea how difficult would that be. Is it too complicated?


Finally, Tales of the Werewolves gets a flash deal after losing the vote days ago. I was beginning to think it wouldn't get a 2nd chance.


irresponsible vagina leak
I hope now that Dark Souls has reached new heights of popularity on Steam, they begin to seriously consider dropping GFWL out and migrate to Steam. I've no idea how difficult would that be. Is it too complicated?

Depends the Developer I guess.


I hope now that Dark Souls has reached new heights of popularity on Steam, they begin to seriously consider dropping GFWL out and migrate to Steam. I've no idea how difficult would that be. Is it too complicated?
For From it probably is too complicated.

2K and Rocksteady managed it fine.
I hope now that Dark Souls has reached new heights of popularity on Steam, they begin to seriously consider dropping GFWL out and migrate to Steam. I've no idea how difficult would that be. Is it too complicated?

This IS From....

WB and 2K needed a couple gigabyte large patches to remove everything iirc.
I hope now that Dark Souls has reached new heights of popularity on Steam, they begin to seriously consider dropping GFWL out and migrate to Steam. I've no idea how difficult would that be. Is it too complicated?

More complicated than other games due to its singleplayer+ nature.

But on the other hand they will learn how to implement all this while working on DSII, so maybe one day..


This IS From....

WB and 2K needed a couple gigabyte large patches to remove everything iirc.
On the plus side successive patches wouldn't be as big of a deal without having to go through Microsoft's bureaucracy. Who knows, maybe through Steam alone they may actually have patched in at least full proper resolution options!

Then again there's Deadly Premonition, but given that restarting thing that game just seems to be special; for all people have ragged on Dark Souls's port as being one of the worst it really was more a case of squandered opportunity than something that actively made the console version preferable.
Vote Penny arcade. The first two episodes is on the Humble Bundle weekly sale right now. I'm hoping 3 and 4 will combo pack will get the discount.


Nito, what are you doing with that avatar? Give me back Don't Starve :( :p

Also, I sent a PM to Modbot for LLTQ with the title "Hope senpai Modbot will notice me", thought you would like to know.
Gah... Want to pick up Another World and Deadly Premonition but my funds are saved for Recettear and Cook Serve Delicious... :(:(:(

i know how you feel i had to sacrifice some games to get some games
ill just buy recettear and CSD in summer sales
anyways im gonna go kill Jafar then go to bed night everybody
Does the deadly premonition director's cut greatly improve on the original in terms of combat/control? I played it on the 360 for a bit, was interested in the story but ultimately couldn't look past the gameplay. I'm all for cheesy and low budget games but damn, there's a limit.


It was 50% at some point, I was seriously considering sending thank you letter to Disney
for being so unreasonable

Shit, I just forgot the Disney-LucasArts issue.

I'm currently playing all Obsidian Games and the next one would be KOTOR2. I should have bought it when it was on sale the last 1000 times lol


I know everyone probably has it by now, but gee, Witcher 2 is a whole lot of awesome for $5. PC gaming, huh? Nice place to be.

Too much NYE partying going on here, missed those big shooty robots after all that earlier deliberation and hand-wringing - I guess it just was(n't) meant to be. Next year, Activision - right? :/


How is Sang-Froid? It looks kind of interesting.
How is Sang-Froid?

It's a nice take on the Tower Defense Genre. I really liked the Canadian setting and the Storyline is told more funny than serious. I never played further than mission 5 or so, so I did not finish it, but I don't think that was because it's a bad game but I got carried away by other games that were released in that time.


Well, I dithered long enough that I missed out on the Transformers sale. Probably for the best, really. (My wallet's grateful, at any rate.) Though if it ends up getting yanked from the store now, I'll be kicking myself. : /

This vote is an easy choice, at least. Ys it is.


And please, it's Ys, no apostrophe. The name's taken from a mythological city named Ys, the only time an apostrophe's needed is as Villa d'Ys and that's not relevant to the game.
Well, I dithered long enough that I missed out on the Transformers sale. Probably for the best, really. (My wallet's grateful, at any rate.) Though if it ends up getting yanked from the store now, I'll be kicking myself. : /
Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I held back was that I knew I could just get it on consoles if worse came to worse. Kind of a shining example of why it's nice to have both options as you have an out via digital for printing ending and there being no new copies, and you have an out via USED copies if digital distribution pulls the game forever.


I really hope that if Ys wins this time they will discount the other Ys games. Intentionally or accidentally, I'm not picky.

Yes, this! I'm going to buy the other two before the sale is over but really hoping they get the deeper discount. But they didn't the first time Chronicles went on flash so I doubt it. :(
Does the deadly premonition director's cut greatly improve on the original in terms of combat/control? I played it on the 360 for a bit, was interested in the story but ultimately couldn't look past the gameplay. I'm all for cheesy and low budget games but damn, there's a limit.

nothing's changed. in fact controller support was just patched in last month after the game was released. prior to that it was a bunch of fan fixes. the game crashes more than the 360 version but if you run it in compatibility mode it fixes that up. but then you get other strange glitches when you do that.

it's in my backlog when i do want to slog through the technical mess
nothing's changed. in fact controller support was just patched in last month after the game was released. prior to that it was a bunch of fan fixes. the game crashes more than the 360 version but if you run it in compatibility mode it fixes that up. but then you get other strange glitches when you do that.

it's in my backlog when i do want to slog through the technical mess
Thanks much for this. I'll skip it for now.
Do you need anything for it? I've an extra #3 and #5.

err nvm

Nah, just giving 'em away at this point. Card money's not enough to actually buy one of the games I still want with, and some people here like crafting badges with them, so figured I could make at least one fellow SteamGAF'er happy.


Damn, I just got back from a small party with $100 to throw at the sale and a bunch of those $1 electric shock pens to spike my office with and I find out hat I missed an entire community vote and flash sale.

And it was Transformers too!

Which I don't have!
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