I love how one episode with Daryl and one episode by herself automatically have people declaring that Beth is a good character now, it also somehow excused her from two seasons worth of doing nothing. To a lesser extent that was what happened with Carol as well. Give her some bad ass scenes and let us all praise how great she has become. And again with Michonne when she had her flashback. How long ago did that happen? Look at her now, back to being just another no personality character (well, I guess at least she talks a little more and maybe emote once in a while). What about Glenn? He is a pale comparison to what he was back in season 1. I'm sorry, good character development take arcs and time. The Walking Dead have always had problems like this, so the writers take these shortcuts and the fans eat them up.
Anyway, I actually thought the episode was decent. It was an interesting look at how another group has managed to survived. Unfortunately, it was made less compelling due to Beth being the focus. I didn't really care about her before the episode and I remained unconvinced after. I actually thought everyone else around her had a more interesting story than herself, to be honest.