It wasn't great at all. It was awful. And I question the judgment of anyone who dares to justify that as a good episode. It had some of the worst wooden acting I have ever seen in a television show. And that's saying quite a lot for the Walking Dead, the king of bad acting. I've seen better acting on reality television. It's like they asked a bunch of their stage hands if they wanted to act and then gave them the job to avoid hiring some actual actors.
The dialogue as I've mentioned before was dreadful. Beth asks the new amputee what the guard had done to her and instead of simply answering the question she responds with some drivel about Satan or something. Just the typical bunch of fucking nonsense and filler crap that's a staple of this show. It's like none one can answer each other on the show straight. Everything has to be in riddles or as vague as possible.
And, what was the point of the Dr bringing Beth down to the zombies in the lower levels? Like telling her they can't leave because there are zombies all over the place wasn't enough? Hey it's that same 'ol zombies-behind-a-blockade-to-show-they're-a-threat scene which we've seen like over a 100 times by now. Yeah, those zombies which many characters can now seemingly dispatch of in droves with a butter knife are totally impossible for a small army of officers with guns to take care off. Yeah, this situation is a total conundrum. And, how pointless was it that he had to get Beth to kill for him when he could have simply done it himself. It's not as if any of those officers had equal medical training so he could have made it look like it wasn't a murder.
Nothing in his episode made any damn sense. And the idea that these guys would just knock her out and kidnap her out of nowhere is equally as confusing. Why were they driving around in the middle of the woods at night? What's the point of rescuing people if you're going to act like assholes and allow people to deplete your resources? At least Terminus made sense since they wanted food.
anyone know the song that was playing at the begining when beth was touring the hospital?
Pick a random episode from Hershel's farm and it was most likely worse than this ep by a long shot.
Episode was ok. lol at the statement of The Walking Dead being the King of wooden acting. This is not the Arrow thread.
Pick a random episode from Hershel's farm and it was most likely worse than this ep by a long shot.
Holy shit at the Doctor's room with the light illuminating the painting. I was just waiting for when the philosophical bullshit would start because they were obviously fucking READY to discuss that thing. Some of the dumbest cinematography of all fucking time.
That episode was easily one of the worst of the entire show.
What development? Blank stares, non-answers, vapid bullshit is character development to you? You're such a deep thinker with a true appreciation for the undertones of the show unlike us plebs who just want lolaction amidoingitrite?
What world building? Here's a bunch of people in a hospital in ATLANTA, AGAIN. There is no creed the group follows aside from a basic "give-and-take" mentality. The rest of their organization is incomprehensible because of how fucking abjectly bad the writing is in this episode.
People keep making this mistake that every point of view is valid and worthy of discussion; episodes like this one prove that this isn't the case. The episode was shit.
It wasn't great at all. It was awful. And I question the judgment of anyone who dares to justify that as a good episode. It had some of the worst wooden acting I have ever seen in a television show. And that's saying quite a lot for the Walking Dead, the king of bad acting. I've seen better acting on reality television. It's like they asked a bunch of their stage hands if they wanted to act and then gave them the job to avoid hiring some actual actors.
The dialogue as I've mentioned before was dreadful. Beth asks the new amputee what the guard had done to her and instead of simply answering the question she responds with some drivel about Satan or something. Just the typical bunch of fucking nonsense and filler crap that's a staple of this show. It's like none one can answer each other on the show straight. Everything has to be in riddles or as vague as possible.
And, what was the point of the Dr bringing Beth down to the zombies in the lower levels? Like telling her they can't leave because there are zombies all over the place wasn't enough? Hey it's that same 'ol zombies-behind-a-blockade-to-show-they're-a-threat scene which we've seen like over a 100 times by now. Yeah, those zombies which many characters can now seemingly dispatch of in droves with a butter knife are totally impossible for a small army of officers with guns to take care off. Yeah, this situation is a total conundrum. And, how pointless was it that he had to get Beth to kill for him when he could have simply done it himself. It's not as if any of those officers had equal medical training so he could have made it look like it wasn't a murder.
Nothing in his episode made any damn sense. And the idea that these guys would just knock her out and kidnap her out of nowhere is equally as confusing. Why were they driving around in the middle of the woods at night? What's the point of rescuing people if you're going to act like assholes and allow people to deplete your resources? At least Terminus made sense since they wanted food.
What is with so little Norman Reedus/Daryl so far this season. Was he off filming a movie or something?
Wanted revenge for being manipulated into killing for him. Can't do it if she needs him to save Carol.Speaking of own judgements, was I wrong in guessing that Beth brought the scalpel to stab the new patient? If the doctors logic was right, that she could be replaced as well, then she wouldn't want anyone coming in and replacing her
A lot of the acting on this show is subpar. Beth is really no better or worse than the average person on this show. She just has an often annoying sunny disposition and likes to sing a lot. She's cheesy.whomever plays beth, is a terrible actress
Did we ever figure out why Dawn slapped Beth?
Beth wasn't injured the last time we saw her (at least I don't remember so) and yet she woke up in a hospital not knowing what was going on which means they either drugged her or knocked her out. Were they just counting on her losing her memory or were they going to force her into slavery anyway? We know they were lying about finding her in a ditch because those hearses were parked right outside.
Speaking of own judgements, was I wrong in guessing that Beth brought the scalpel to stab the new patient? If the doctors logic was right, that she could be replaced as well, then she wouldn't want anyone coming in and replacing her
Hopefully they wrap this up next episode. I've had my fill of lunatic-run communities with captures and rescues.
She said the last thing she remembered was fighting a Walker and then blackness. So they likely knocked her unconscious from behind. So even if her memory conflicts with their story, she's no proof that their story is a lie. Even if she didn't believe their story in the slightest, there's nothing she could do as they outnumber and out-arm her.
Yeah, from Beth's perspective, there's nothing she could do really. I'm just pointing out that from the Hospital people's perspective, it seems like a super shitty plan. So many things could go wrong like knocking her out could cause permanent damage, or maybe she would remember what they did and rebel. Wouldn't it be simpler to just say "Hey, we saved you from those zombies. Come to our hospital where it's safe," and if she refused they could ditch her and she wouldn't be a problem. Wouldn't make for good TV I guess.
The first time was because Beth was "claimed" by the Doctor. Dawn couldn't hurt the Doctor because she needs him, so she slapped Beth instead. The part about Beth being claimed by the Doctor was insinuated when he was talking to the Rapist Cop. Rapist Cop said, "She should've been mine," referring to Beth.
I am guessiing a lot of people don't watch the next week preview a the end of the show? Next week is team Abraham.
If slapping Beth is something that bothers the doctor, couldn't he just refuse to do what she wanted him to do for that reason? Or leave? It doesn't look like he's in a position to do either. He's so scared of the zombies outside. He's not going anywhere.
Couldn't she force him to do work by threatening him?
But they can't really do anything to him since he's the only doctor. If Dawn or the other officers get hurt, he's their only chance. That's why she really wanted that other doctor to live, so she didn't have to be so beholden to him.If slapping Beth is something that bothers the doctor, couldn't he just refuse to do what she wanted him to do for that reason? Or leave? It doesn't look like he's in a position to do either. He's so scared of the zombies outside. He's not going anywhere.
Couldn't she force him to do work by threatening him?
Not really, no. I mean, they could beat him and might have previously but they couldn't beat him badly as they need him since he's the only Doctor. They also can't threaten to kick him out or kill him because he knows they need him. That's why he killed the Oncologist. To preserve his safety. He still doesn't want to test the limits too much though, which is why he has Beth kill the man instead.
So if she slapped him instead of Beth, what would he have done differently? He wouldn't have left. He wouldn't have refused to do work because as you said, he doesn't really want to test his limits.
I don't know why this had to be some kind of growing episode for Beth. It's been three seasons since she was introduced, she should have hardened the fuck up already.
Every time this show introduces new characters people say this. Every. Time.Episode felt undercooked. Like they didn't want to spend any money on sets or some more extras. Or some more time in the writing room to develop some actual characters.
Beth wasn't injured the last time we saw her (at least I don't remember so) and yet she woke up in a hospital not knowing what was going on which means they either drugged her or knocked her out. Were they just counting on her losing her memory or were they going to force her into slavery anyway? We know they were lying about finding her in a ditch because those hearses were parked right outside.
I am guessiing a lot of people don't watch the next week preview a the end of the show? Next week is team Abraham. they really went through with the multiple storyline this season. Not sure if I like this. But then again, it's kinda refreshing.
Not gonna lie, I fell asleep a few times during the episode ... overall it was OK ... I felt it got better toward the end, but it was just kind of confusing and disjointed for much of the episode ... I don't know, I still like the series and all, just wasn't thrilled with last night's offering ...
How are they supposed to please anyone with these kinds of attitudes?
"Sigh, not sure if I like this. But it's also kinda refreshing."
So wishy-washy.
He didn't have a choice, unless he wanted to surrender to those loons again. That's why she smiled at him; she was happy he could at least escape...Glad to see I wasn't the only person confused by this episode. I was a bit distracted because I was checking fantasy scores but it just seemed very hard to follow overall.
Gotta say, I didn't quite get the ending. I didn't catch the part where Beth and that fellow developed a bond where she'd be happy that he douched out and left her behind like that.
I think Beth didn't really consider them as evil (The rapist guy aside) and just wanted to get out of there. Murdering half of them would have been a bit hardcore.ok just finished the episode, and i have a quick question; if Beth had a gun why wouldnt she just shoot the officers in the hospital or lure them outside and then shoot them?? made absolutely no sense why she was able to be captured again after getting outside with Chris Rock. this episode was a waste. also i find it bizarre that Beth refuses to mention any of the events from the farm or prison, this whole quite and scared thing she did in this episode was frustrating to watch. she went from mildly strong character to completely week character overnight. its like watching Tyrese's twin. at least it wasnt filled with Herschel flashbacks or random crying.