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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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That was 1.5 hours I'll never get back...

And I just know that the person he offed isn't even one of them and is going to end up being some random used to make his point
I forget exactly the comic length because I read the trades, but-

it could easily be carried out in one season of pretty tight episodes, but more likely it would need to be a season and a half, which means at least two. But considering they drug out the finale to the Governer arc way longer than necessary (should've ended with season 3), I would not be surprised to see it to go longer than that even.

It's just how AMC does it.
further comics discussion
so the governor arc on the show was longer and filler-stretched out than it was supposed to be in the comics?
I like Negan as a villain, he certainly seems like he will be a nasty mothafucker but I don't want the arc to be fillered out. Keep the pacing right.
Season 8? I wouldn't be surprised if it went into season 10
You're joking, right? I really can't tell if this is sarcasm yo
Considering everything that went down with AMC and Darabont, it could possibly be a do the cliffhanger or leave the show decision. That being said, the Glenn dumpster rubbish earlier this season probably didn't come from AMC, so who knows!
yeah that came from the showrunners right? this is the same shit except it's worse because it is the mothafucking season finale!
I haven't read the comics, but that probably depends. How many episodes are they going to piss in our mouths with a shitty cliffhanger and call it good writing?
who the fuck said anything about it being good writing yo?


rofl, impatient?

They literally ruined one of the most memorable moments of the series because they wanted to create a hashtag so that people get roped into the next season opener to find out #WhoIsIt

You are being played, when a show starts making concessions in it's writing and story because they want to rope people in for the NEXT season, it's time to admit that whoever is in charge doesn't actually care about the quality of the show.

Think about it, they don't actually trust their own writing or characters to simply carry the fan base to the next season. Instead of us knowing #WhoIsIt and then thinking about all the consequences of that death that will drive the next season forward as well as ENDING THE FUCKING SCENE, they chose that the story isn't strong enough to carry people over to the next season and thus literally cut in half the final scene into two seasons.

Cliffhangers usually have some form of conclusion with the cliffhanger leading into the next arc due to whatever just happened at the end of the episode/season. Good cliffhangers are S4a, S4b. Prison arc is done, everyone is scattered and we get a conclusion to the Governor character. S4b starts with everyone scattered and heading to Terminus and ends with the majority of the group united and stuck in Terminus. Clear defined story arcs that have an end goal and reach them while putting the characters in a situation to launch them on their next season arc.

A good cliffhanger doesn't literally cut a scene in two for the sake of "WHO DONE IT!?". You're not completing an arc, you're not giving characters motivation for what comes next, you're just ending a scene before it actually ends.

It's embarrassing when people can't take criticism of their favorite shows, when I like something I can admit parts are shit, but when so much of a show is shit people need to convince themselves that what their watching isn't bad at all.

Well said. It seems like Negan is going to let the rest of them go back to Alexandria. To me, a great final scene would have been them driving back home, grieving and leaving the viewer wondering what they'll do now.
That was 1.5 hours I'll never get back...

Pretty much...

Have been in and out from the beginning, mostly in, but most recently wavered before Terminus. Got back into the show a little this season, but was really underwhelmed by the finale. The final scene just dragged and dragged, and the murder cliffhanger is horrid.


Chris Hardwick is having a mini-meltdown on Reddit right now at anyone criticizing him, quite entertaining.


ChrisHardwick -28 points 6 hours ago
I don't mean this disrespectfully but it's always funny that people feel like they need to tell you when they're going to unfollow, unsub, stop listening, stop watching. So...ok? Cut your cable then I guess? But thank you for watching all these years (sincerely)!

[–]ChrisHardwick -20 points 5 hours ago
Eh...I'm a massive overly sensitive dick? For giving you non-serious shit for calling me a sell out? Well in that case you're a clinically narcissistic tool who has a complete lack of awareness that calling someone a "sell out" based on their own terms (narcissism again) might not get responded to in the best way. You TAGGED me. I mean, how did you think that was going to go? And I was NOT calling all fans "spoiled" who didn't like the ending. At all. My rant was about the rude, histrionic, outrage-addicted people who were BEYOND insulting to me, to Scott and to the show the second it didn't go the way they thought it should. The specific EXPRESSIONS of those opinions that I was seeing are atrocious and THAT was what I was referring to. I stand behind that. People talking at and down to us like we're not human beings--I would love to see you deal with it for ten minutes and then get back to me. Believe me, I have the patience of a SAINT with this stuff because I get that people get passionate (so do I!) but every once in a while the sum total of aggressive insults all at once is a bit much. I'm ALSO a fan so I try to understand when people aren't happy (and I do talk to the rational ones) but that's no excuse for blatant rudeness and jamming a finger in my chest. When it comes at me like that, it becomes bullying and I do not respond well to that (thanks, childhood!). Having a constructive conversation with differing opinions is great, but name calling or calling someone's character into question or labeling them a filthy liar because you don't share their point of view is not cool. I mean, there's no way to win with people like that (and people like you, in this instance). All they (you) want me to say is, "YES, you're SOOOO right and THANK YOU for putting me in my place, Sir!!" But I won't, because I genuinely don't agree with your assessment of the episode and again--bully tactics.
I keep saying it, but if you don't want shit burgers, don't bring turds to the barbeque. ATTITUDES are what I was commenting on in the FB post, not OPINIONS. Someone's intent DOES NOT justify their toxic approach. Ironically, you said a few nice things in your first comment so I responded in a dumb, light hearted way that I though we'd both laugh off until you laid into me and called me a sensitive dick. That was totally unnecessary and it's a bummer it went down this way when it didn't have to. I'm sincerely sorry for whatever I did to contribute to it.

[–]ChrisHardwick -38 points 6 hours ago
You may have just jumped the vocabulary shark! I think "moderator" was the word you were angrily searching for. It's okay. Words are hard! Oh and eat a fart-powered blimp for the "shill" comment.

[–]ChrisHardwick -45 points 7 hours ago
Ah. If I don't think what you think I'm a huge, gross sell out. Got it. Well, since I'm piggybacking off your opinions now, I'm going to need A LOT of updates about what I'm allowed to like or not. Oh! And since we're henceforth The Borg, what are we having for breakfast in the morning?? I will like whatever the Collective likes!!!

[–]ChrisHardwick -12 points 1 day ago
Oh did you think I was talking about YOU? Geez what a narcissist! But yeah, I guess if I'm factoring in all of the racist imagery you used to make your point which you conveniently omitted from this recent "WHAT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE" response, I'd throw that in the "rude" category. Also since you asked, "shill" is undeniably rude because it ONLY has a negative connotation. For future reference on the nature of "truth", this is really just your opinion stated as a universal fact to make you feel like it has more gravity, and I'm sorry to bring you back down to reality, but it doesn't. Some people like it, some people hate it. Such things are our part of a subjective consciousness and that's okay! And while we're at it, I'd also like to take a shot in the dark at what I'm pretty sure is a sloppy hairball of hypocrisy--I'm betting if it were offered to you, you'd have done it. ;)
Ultimately, I think you were just funnin' and I thought that's what we were doing, but I did detect hint of serious in that last comment, which is IRONIC considering you WENT OUT OF YOU WAY a the request of NO ONE to start this snark carnival. But I keep forgetting my place...I'm learning I'm supposed let people talk to me however they want whenever they want about whatever and just shut up about it or thank them. So I guess, thank you for your incisive commentary that rightfully put me in my place! Sorry for messing up the flow!!! I'll shut my shill mouth now, fine Sir!
Keep it stinky,
Oh and PS - Autocorrect capitalizes Internet. You should pay more attention to your devices! It's a bold new age!!!


did they ever explain why they sprayed that dude?

It seemed to not make any sense, but I wonder if I just missed something.

I was half exception his stomach to begin inflating like a balloon and then one of them would pop it.


Chris Hardwick is a sensitive dude.

If you thought the finale was good that doesn't necessarily make you a sell out, it probably just means you have poor taste.


One of the most memorable moment of the serie just gone to waste for that shitty cliffhanger. wtf were they thinking...

edit: also didn't like Dean Morgan's delivery of Negan lines... something was off.
I agree.

Was Mazara fired after the disgusting season 3 finale? I hope Gimple deserves the same fate.

Not sure if he was fired, but Mazzara left at the end of season 3 and Gimple became showrunner Season 4.

Really? Glen Mazzara is a fucking hack.

Season 2 was literally one of the worst things on TV at the time, everything most people hate with TWD are in S2.

Season 3 was also pretty shit for the most part, and I'm pretty sure he was outed at the end of S3.

S4-S5 were great for the most part, while there will always be TWD peaks and valleys it's gotten really fucking bad this season.

I hear you.. but, in my opinion, I found Season 4 and 5 to be the worst. This season has been marginally better, but the first couple of seasons of the show were my favorite.
Not sure if he was fired, but Mazzara left at the end of season 3 and Gimple became showrunner Season 4.

I hear you.. but, in my opinion, I found Season 4 and 5 to be the worst. This season has been marginally better, but the first couple of seasons of the show were my favorite.

Mazzara was basically forced out by Kirkman at the end of S3


Chris Hardwick is a sensitive dude.

If you thought the finale was good that doesn't necessarily make you a sell out, it probably just means you have poor taste.

I thought they nailed Negan pretty well, all they had to do was to have someone yell in agony on who Lucille hit and it would have been perfect. I had no problem with panning away from the actual victim.


My exact reaction to that ending:

All the backlash they're getting for their cliffhanger shenanigans is well deserved. Fuck you for neutering that scene, AMC.
Negan introduction was perfect right until then. They completely fucked it with this stupid half scene. We're going to spend the first half hour of the start of next season wondering who fucking died too.


Negan introduction was perfect right until then. They completely fucked it with this stupid half scene. We're going to spend the first half hour of the start of next season wondering who fucking died too.

Yep I can see next season starting off with the people of Alexandria milling about getting their shit together for Negan, cuts of them reflecting on shit, possibly gathering at a grave site to pay their respects for who Negan killed. End of the episode will be the end of the season 6 finale and we will finally find out who it was.



It makes sense actually. You want to shock the people ? You end on a big note, with a death on a major character. You want to keep them wondering for 6 months, you take them by surprise by killing a minor character. My money on Aaron, as he's the newest one.

beating a gay character to death w/ a barbed wire bat (even if they don't show but instead tell us...) is just asking for INSANE controversy. Especially after another gay character just died. The only 'safe' bets are firecrotch & mullet, imo. Those are the only character deaths that won't unleash a deluge of uproar from all sorts of organizations and whatnot. Aaron's bulletproof, imo, in this case.
Chris Hardwick is a sensitive dude.

If you thought the finale was good that doesn't necessarily make you a sell out, it probably just means you have poor taste.
Finale was good till the cliffhanger. Sustained tension throughout, and Andrew's acting at the end totally sold the sense of helplessness
all this build up, all this easter eggs and hints who is gonna die, all these special character moments, all those statements from the actors about the finale

all of it for nothing

i was so excited for this finale, that i couldn't sleep last night.
I avoided the internet to not get spoiled

all for nothing

the episode was really good tho....that tension, ricks acting, the despair in his eyes...oh man


Negan introduction was perfect right until then. They completely fucked it with this stupid half scene. We're going to spend the first half hour of the start of next season wondering who fucking died too.

the reaction is an example of people's' entitlement and wanting things NOW, NOW, NOOOOOW! smh

i mean back in the day all the shows used to have cliffhanger finales... good lord. Imagine if Who Shot JR had happened in now times... >__<


Google The Walking Dead and its nothing but article after article slamming them for last night's episode and rightfully so.

I wonder at some point if Gimple and Kirkman realized they dun fucked up but it was too late to do anything about it. This was all shot months ago and it sounds like they didn't even really film the actual death scene itself.

It was also pretty clear on Talking Dead last night that they had to reserve the last 10 minutes for the 2 of them to do some sort of damage control. I guess my real question is - who picked this hill to die on?

Was it AMC or was it Kirkman/Gimple? Maybe it was both.
mmhmm, sure. >_>

Enough with the emotes.

If you want to pretend that all's well and good, you can live in your little bubble. All you have to do is go to any entertainment site today to see why people are angry.

It's clear that you don't understand what's being discussed here.


the reaction is an example of people's' entitlement and wanting things NOW, NOW, NOOOOOW! smh

Yeah, people are so entitled. Where do they get off wanting their shows to actually be good rather than rely on cheap gimmicks to wring more money out of their viewers.


Enough with the emotes.

If you want to pretend that all's well and good, you can live in your little bubble. All you have to do is go to any entertainment site today to see why people are angry.

It's clear that you don't understand what's being discussed here.

what's being discussed is a bunch of peeps that FEEL they DESERVED a 'payoff' didn't get it and are whining about it, and completely chucking the entire episode into the garbage bin on account. Am I wrong? ^__^
Don't feed the troll.

It was terrible storytelling, I've been left angry with a showrunner/producer/network suit instead of reflecting on the death of a character and the introduction of a terrifying new villain.
what's being discussed is a bunch of peeps that FEEL they DESERVED a 'payoff' didn't get it and are whining about it, and completely chucking the entire episode into the garbage bin on account. Am I wrong?

When the adaptation cuts a significant moment from the comics for no other purpose than cheap shock value and a hashtag, cutting the buzz from the reveal of the new villain in the process, then yes, it should have had a payoff.

People aren't discussing JDM's performance right now. The conversation is dominated by how poorly they handled the introduction of the character and one of the defining scenes from the comic.

like I said if Who Shot JR had happened in now times... damn.

Who Shot J.R. practically invented the modern cliffhanger. If it were produced today by AMC, it would cut when J.R. walks out of his office, without even showing that he'd been shot.


Yeah, people are so entitled. Where do they get off wanting their shows to actually be good rather than rely on cheap gimmicks to wring more money out of their viewers.

how dare a TV show be a TV show! >_>

like I said if Who Shot JR had happened in now times... damn. XD


Man, I feel bad for Chris Hardwick. Seems like he's taking the internet bullshit pretty hard. I mean, its just a bunch of pissed off fans. Hardwick should understand it and just stay off the boards and stuff for a while. He's an insider with the show, obviously, so maybe he just can't see it and thinks it really IS clever having it end like they did. Maybe when Gimple speaks, Chris just soaks it all up and it makes complete sense to him. Who knows.

I thought it was a terrible episode and not just because of the cliffhanger. That's the biggest foul play obviously, but let's talk about the rest of it for a moment:

-The log barricade across the road immediately comes to mind when I think of stupid moments. So not only did Saviors know Rick and co. would be headed to the Hilltop, but they knew days ahead of time and had the manpower AND machinery out there to bring down all the trees/logs to basically build a decent wall across the road. Then they doused it all in gas, which is apparently not that scarce, and lit the whole thing on fire from somewhere in the shadows. Oh, AND they threw a guy off the bridge without anyone being seen before or after.

I mean read all that and just think about it for a moment. Pretty dumb. Sure, it seems scary to come up against a bunch of ninjas who moonlight in construction/logging, but its not very realistic now is it?

-The rest of the roadblocks were also dumb and with each additional roadblock, my eyes rolled further back. Were they going to just sit out there all fucking day, all fucking week? What if Rick and co. hadn't piled into the RV? Were they all just going to be camping until maybe one day the group finally came out again? Seems pretty dumb. Seems like they want viewers who don't analyze anything to sit there with their mouths open going "Oh man, look it all them guys thar! Rick an' them is outnumbered, I tell you what!"

-The whistlers in the woods. We had a few hundred Saviors just sitting out in the woods, in the dark no less, not being seen or heard by Rick's group, and just waiting for their moment to emerge and start whistling? That was duuuuuuumb. Whistling is for the guy chasing the lone girl through the woods in some slasher flick. This just seemed like more "how dey do dat?" kind of stuff for simpletons to be impressed with. Sure, the whistle itself sounded creepy, but everyone out there doing it? You can barely get people to sing the chorus of a popular song in time at a concert. And all of them are ninjas? Are they same ninjas who threw the guy off the bridge and laid lumber across the road? Which one of them is Dwight's sensei? Clearly they've all been trained in the shadow jitsus, so Rick and friends might as well all die now.....Wait....unless Rick somehow discovers scrolls of the shadow jitsu at Negan's compound next season! Then it'll be a battle of the ninjas for jitsu supremacy! OH! I take it all back, Gimple and AMC! You've clearly done it again!!!!

I mean I know TV asks you to suspend disbelief all the time, and this show in particular has its peaks and valleys, but MAN this episode was important and all the other details they overlooked like these roadblocks just make the cliffhanger sting that much more. Had they gotten the last scene right, we would all be talking about that instead. But since they traded that for a hashtag, we are left sifting through the rest of the episode to find something else to latch onto. But alas, all we have are logs across the road and a concert hall's worth of people somehow hiding in the woods, waiting for their moment to whistle in unison.

Poor showing, AMC. You can and certainly have done much better.
He didn't have a choice in the matter.

You should know this already. After what AMC did with Darabont, there's no way anyone on the production crew or the cast was going to speak out or criticize the cliffhanger.
I don't know who Frank Darabont is or his history with this show. I didn't start watching until season 4.
I don't know who Frank Darabont is or his history with this show. I didn't start watching until season 4.

The guy who pitched the series in the first place. He was let go by AMC, largely as a cost-cutting measure because he either (a) didn't like the fact that the budget was being reduced, or (b) some speculate that he was screwing with AMC by turning in "unusable" footage for the second-season premiere.

Glen Mazzara took over from him, but he was replaced by Gimple at the end of season 3. It has been suggested that Gimple took over in the first place because Mazzara botched Andrea's death and they had to reshoot it to make it more suspenseful and meaningful.


When the adaptation cuts a significant moment from the comics for no other purpose than cheap shock value and a hashtag, cutting the buzz from the reveal of the new villain in the process, then yes, it should have had a payoff.

People aren't discussing JDM's performance right now. The conversation is dominated by how poorly they handled the introduction of the character and one of the defining scenes from the comic.

you are coming from a place of having read the comics already, and thus a place of entitlement to have SEEN WANT YOU SEEN'T and been satisfied, etc. I never read the comics and the finale felt like a very old school finale. You call it a cheap/shock value/gimmick but I saw it as the show runners using the material as an opportunity. Whatever.
you are coming from a place of having read the comics already

I haven't. In fact, I never bothered to read the comics before I watched the show.

Thus a place of entitlement to have SEEN WANT YOU SEEN'T and been satisfied, etc.

"Seen't" isn't a word. There is nothing entitling about wanting a show to be consistent in quality and not ruin or cheap out on the introduction of its biggest villain to date. It effectively neuters him as a character by not only not revealing who he killed, but that the production company behind it apparently didn't even think the scene through in the first place and haven't written a resolution yet.

Cut the trolling.
Imo theres two reason why they did the cliffhanger. It's either they are losing viewers and want people to come back next season to find out the "outcome". or they are scared to take out a popular character and next season its probably going to be someone like Aaron,rosita or Abraham who neegan killed.


Unconfirmed Member
what's being discussed is a bunch of peeps that FEEL they DESERVED a 'payoff' didn't get it and are whining about it, and completely chucking the entire episode into the garbage bin on account. Am I wrong? ^__^

Yeah. Very much. It's not so much that people feel they deserved a payoff but more that it would have made the scene so much better and been a great introduction to Negan. Now the talk isn't even about Negan it's about the crappy ending.


I haven't. In fact, I never bothered to read the comics before I watched the show.

"Seen't" isn't a word. There is nothing entitling about wanting a show to be consistent in quality and not ruin or cheap out on the introduction of its biggest villain to date.

Cut the trolling.

so you haven't read the comics yet you are complaining about how the show 'cut' the comic reveal and left you dissatisfied? o_O

anyway, cut the whining.
so you haven't read the comics yet you are complaining about how the show 'cut' the comic reveal and left you dissatisfied?

anyway, cut the whining.

I know enough about it. That's a tired and old fallacy.

Again, cut the trolling. You make yourself look worse and worse every time you post.


We don't even know for sure that anyone died. Maybe there was a dumpster nearby and everyone slid underneath it and waited until Negan lost interest.


Yeah. Very much. It's not so much that people feel they deserved a payoff but more that it would have made the scene so much better and been a great introduction to Negan. Now the talk isn't even about Negan it's about the crappy ending.

how so? Would seeing one of the characters beaten to death w/ a bat REALLY have made the scene better? Would seeing Negan's other men burning to death (w/ Carol) have made her any more badass?

imo, it's just that people wanted to be sickly satisfied w/ the payoff of SEEING everything...
yes because you

1) Have a fucked up scene that is shocking

2) Know who is dying

3) Complete the scene

It doesn't take much to figure out why they did what they did #WhoIsIt


what's being discussed is a bunch of peeps that FEEL they DESERVED a 'payoff' didn't get it and are whining about it, and completely chucking the entire episode into the garbage bin on account. Am I wrong? ^__^

Yeah, you are, because the comic did this scene perfectly and its impact became an instantly classic moment in the story.

Copping out removes a lot of the importance of Negan's introduction, which immediately set the tone for the next story arc.

They didn't accidentally miss the opportunity, they chose to. It's almost the inverse of the miracle dumpster, where this time we get to find out who actually dies, and who knows if they'll even follow through in the first episode.

They've designed it this way not for the story, but for the viewership, which is puzzling because last time I checked, this is the number one show on television and ratings haven't dropped.

It was a needless copout and an all out failure for fans and creators/writers alike.
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