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‘Resident Evil’ Series Canceled By Netflix After One Season



Very Surprising.
I liked it for what it was. As it's own contained thing, it was a perfect, Sunday "hangover" show. The character swaps and subs were dumb, but it was still fun enough that I liked it. Not surprised they canceled it, but I for one would have watched a second season if it was available. And I'm all for the "Go Woke Go Broke" moniker for most of Corporate America in general, but really, it felt like it fell in the camp of "Be mediocre, and nobody gives a shit"
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Gold Member
Sandman is fucking GREAT tho.

And according to Neil Gaiman, in risk of not getting a Season 2 because it was too expensive.
(I'm not even sure why they spent so much on it only to then fuck up the look with the most ugly visual style ever)
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Gold Member
Name a more successful and more fun series of video game movies. Let go of the lore and give in to the Alice.



Harry Potter No GIF

Seriously, would just love to see Jill do this to Alice.

resident evil jill GIF

Also, that fight against Wesker is a great showcase how stupid the writing was even when they threw in lip service. So Wesker tells Claire and Chris they’ve been a thorn in his side. That is a direct quote Wesker tells Chris and Sheva in RE 5, and the movie fight mirrors the RE fight as well. The problem is movie Claire has barely done anything to warrant being called that, and movie Wesker would have zero idea who movie Chris is as he was a prisoner this whole time! The quote in the RE 5 game made total sense, here it made Wesker sound like he was tripping balls.

And of course movie Wesker beats them and Poochie, I mean Alice gets to save the day again for the 1,000,000th time.

sam winchester yawn GIF

Honestly, Welcome to Raccoon City should have added a character named Alice on the STARS team, only when zombies show up, she forgets about the safety, points the gun at herself while checking it, and accidentally shoots herself and is then devoured by zombies. Then Chris and Jill look at the whole mess and go, “she was always a dumbass” and then move on. Would have been so satisfying.

Edit: As for more fun:

Pokemon Looking GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu
Jim Carrey Shock GIF by Sonic The Hedgehog
silent hill horror GIF

(only the first film for SH. Silent Hill Revelations is my most hated movie ever)
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For all the shit the show gets it represented the Lickers better than literally any other media, Capcoms own included. They looked closer to RE2 design (Fantastic) and behaved exactly how they are described in game.
So much wasted potential, That scene and the Spider scene right after it prove that you could make a show set on Raccoon City streets, following survivors during the outbreak and make it good and potentially tense/creepy.
Sigh, maybe next time I guess.
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Also, that fight against Wesker is a great showcase how stupid the writing was even when they threw in lip service. So Wesker tells Claire and Chris they’ve been a thorn in his side. That is a direct quote Wesker tells Chris and Sheva in RE 5, and the movie fight mirrors the RE fight as well. The problem is movie Claire has barely done anything to warrant being called that, and movie Wesker would have zero idea who movie Chris is as he was a prisoner this whole time! The quote in the RE 5 game made total sense, here it made Wesker sound like he was tripping balls.

And of course movie Wesker beats them and Poochie, I mean Alice gets to save the day again for the 1,000,000th time.
Alice is that series' Goku so it's okay. You expect her to come in and save the day with a new power or form. Also Claire has been in the movies since Apocalypse helping out Alice in various ways, so of course she would be a thorn in his side(Along with Alice and Chris) if he wants global domination.

Also, this is still the best live action Wesker we've ever had:

These movies understood the cheese of RE and gave into it.
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Gold Member
Alice is that series' Goku so it's okay. You expect her to come in and save the day with a new power or form. Also Claire has been in the movies since Apocalypse helping out Alice in various ways, so of course she would be a thorn in his side(Along with Alice and Chris) if he wants global domination.

Also, this is still the best live action Wesker we've ever had:

These movies understood the cheese of RE and gave into it.

She’s not Goku. She would be literally a brand new invented character in a Dragonball live action adaptation film series that proceeds to claim every victory in the Saiyan, Frieza, Cell, and Buu sagas thst had prior belonged to Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, etc. while the previous main characters all just can barely manage to not trip while walking (see the scene in RE Apocalypse, where Jill fails to blow up a room and Alice has to come in to do it instead). Heck, from this angle, Dragonball Evolution didn’t even fail this hard in this category. Sure, it’s version of Goku sucks, but at least it understands WHO THE FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER IS.

LOL at movie Claire “helping” Alice. Yeah, maybe after three films, her zombie kill count managed to reach double digits. Claire, and all the actual RE characters, got to do virtually nothing meaningful in those films (don’t even get me started on what happened to Barry, fuck the stupid asshole who decided to kill him off). And no, movie Wesker should have zero idea who movie Chris is. Rewatch film 4, Chris was in prison until freed when Alice and Claire find him, and barely anything happens prior to him and Claire meeting Wesker. This would be like Voldemort showing up halfway through book 1 of Harry Potter and saying Ron has been a thorn to his side. It makes zero sense from any angle. But that’s par for the course of these films. Movie 3, water is vanishing due to T Virus. Makes no sense why a biological weapon of that design would do that. Then movie 4 and beyond water is everywhere again and it’s never brought up again. So the films can’t even remember their own stupidity.

Tone alone doesn’t equate a good adaptation. The Mario Bros movie had a goofy tone like the games…..and it looked like a low budget Blade Runner made by someone on one hell of an acid trip.
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She’s not Goku. She would be literally a brand new invented character in a Dragonball live action adaptation film series that proceeds to claim every victory in the Saiyan, Frieza, Cell, and Buu sagas thst had prior belonged to Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, etc. while the previous main characters all just can barely manage to not trip while walking (see the scene in RE Apocalypse, where Jill fails to blow up a room and Alice has to come in to do it instead). Heck, from this angle, Dragonball Evolution didn’t even fail this hard in this category. Sure, it’s version of Goku sucks, but at least it understands WHO THE FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER IS.
I'm saying Alice is the Goku of her own RE film series, not all of Resident Evil as a whole. Clearly her storyline is an alternate timeline, that's why I don't get why RE loremasters are so hung up on it.

Edit: This is Xeno/GT Goku after the series ended according to DB Heroes, but I'm not going to get upset because this isn't main timeline Goku:


However I'm still going to admit I like this Goku better sometimes because he takes things more seriously and is essentially a time cop like Xeno Trunks.

Tone alone doesn’t equate a good adaptation. The Mario Bros movie had a goofy tone like the games…..and it looked like a low budget Blade Runner made by someone on one hell of an acid trip.
Even if it failed, the Mario Bros Movie was the boldest adaptation of any video game franchise ever made. If only the games took such a bold leap with Mario.
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I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to make a decent Resident Evil movie or show.

This particular show was somehow the worst of them all though. The main characters were so unlikeable that i can only assume the writers were actively trying to piss off the viewers.

Not like there’s already a black female character in RE who is actually likeable yet underdeveloped , oh wait….

Also black washing Wesker was so dumb. Of all the characters to race swap, Wesker was the worst possible choice.

I hate this diversity bs. This is more racist than racist itself. How the fuck did Capcom allow this to go thru? There are ways to be diverse like the main character, but changing Wesker is NOT THE WAY. I turned it off like 20mins in or something. I’ll most likely finish it but not right now.

I don’t like Paul Andersen’s movies. I can’t believe anyone could make Resident Evil worse than him. It’s time they hire Kojima to make a new one.


Gold Member
I'm saying Alice is the Goku of her own RE film series, not all of Resident Evil as a whole. Clearly her storyline is an alternate timeline, that's why I don't get why RE loremasters are so hung up on it.

Even if it failed, the Mario Bros Movie was the boldest adaptation of any video game franchise ever made. If only the games took such a bold leap with Mario.

But I didn’t want that. I wanted a film series with Jill, Chris, Leon, Claire, etc. as the leads on horror/action adventures. And no to a world apocalypse, the RE games never did that and made them more unique in zombie fiction in that regard. That’s why I prefer Welcome to Raccoon City, it has plenty of problems too (Jill is trigger happy, Leon is fairly dumb, Wesker is not really that evil, they add Lisa Trevor and William Birkin but remove Nemesis, etc.) but at least the focus is on who it should be.

It also doesn’t help I feel Alice is just boring to me. The actress just isn’t that good in those films IMHO.

Oh, it’s an entertaining train wreck, but it’s also, you know, a train wreck. Only legit good parts are Yoshi (baby dinosaur, yep that’s Yoshi) and the Bob-omb scene.

Annoying detail I remember reading about though, originally Mario and Luigi were supposed to hurl a Bob-omb in the climax right at Koopa to kill him. But the director thought it would be redundant to have two scenes with Bob-ombs so he changed it to what we got instead. Ah yes, when I think Mario games, I don’t think Mario using game items to beat bad guys, I think him using LASER GUNS!

rachel bloom bang head on desk GIF by Portlandia
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But I didn’t want that. I wanted a film series with Jill, Chris, Leon, Claire, etc. as the leads on horror/action adventures. And no to a world apocalypse, the RE games never did that and made them more unique in zombie fiction in that regard. That’s why I prefer Welcome to Raccoon City, it has plenty of problems too (Jill is trigger happy, Leon is fairly dumb, Wesker is not really that evil, they add Lisa Trevor and William Birkin but remove Nemesis, etc.) but at least the focus is on who it should be.
But WtRC is so boring in comparison to everything else, even the CG movies.

It also doesn’t help I feel Alice is just boring to me. The actress just isn’t that good in those films IMHO.
She's the type of main character who does well with more charismatic characters around her, which is what they did.
Oh, it’s an entertaining train wreck, but it’s also, you know, a train wreck. Only legit good parts are Yoshi (baby dinosaur, yep that’s Yoshi) and the Bob-omb scene.

Annoying detail I remember reading about though, originally Mario and Luigi were supposed to hurl a Bob-omb in the climax right at Koopa to kill him. But the director thought it would be redundant to have two scenes with Bob-ombs so he changed it to what we got instead. Ah yes, when I think Mario games, I don’t think Mario using game items to beat bad guys, I think him using LASER GUNS!
I'm talking about just the idea of a Futuristic Mario. It's taking chances. Even the Mario Bros Super Show took some liberties and chances with the story of Mario by trying to introduce new concepts, areas, and characters.

Even this idea of a Blade Runner take on Zelda is exciting when you think about it:



This shouldn't be that difficult. Just make a show or a movie that is a retelling of the events in the video games with actors that somewhat look like the characters they're supposed to represent. Why does this concept continue to remain a mystery?

I understand that it can never be a 1:1 adaptation, but shows like these barely use the games as a foundation at all.
Good. Less content and more meaningful quality shows please. Its not like the streaming public has nothing else to watch. Look at september and how is anyone gonna catch up with all of HotD, Rings of Power, Cobra Kai and Handmaids Tale.


Netflix has basically become the SyFy Channel of years ago. Cancel most after 1 season. If it's actually halfway decent show and people are watching it, cancel it after Season 3 usually on a cliffhanger because the budget to keep it a success will be too high.


I know people hate it and it certainly had issues but I didn’t think it was terrible. I really liked the lickers, spiders, Bert, and some other stuff. Would’ve seen another season. Oh well.
Netflix has basically become the SyFy Channel of years ago. Cancel most after 1 season. If it's actually halfway decent show and people are watching it, cancel it after Season 3 usually on a cliffhanger because the budget to keep it a success will be too high.
Agreed for the most part. I think Netflix is becoming very similar to how anime studios will give you 1 season as a teaser and then expect you to read the manga for the rest, because quite a bit of Netflix's material is based on existing books, comics, and/or manga properties. If their media interests the people in buying that source material then I guess it can be seen as somewhat of a win, even if TV-only types tend to lose.


Good riddance to a terrible series. I couldn't even make it to the end. Welcome to Raccoon City is a much better addition to the franchise than that abomination of a show.


It was horrifically bad....I'll never get that time back...I'll never trust people on this forum again....I was tricked into watching it all....terrible.
You were convinced it is worth a watch? There are like 5 people here that liked it, maybe a dozen who thought "meh" and the rest shits on it.
put them on ignore 😶
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