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‘Resident Evil’ Series Canceled By Netflix After One Season


Moderated wildly
You were convinced it is worth a watch? There are like 5 people here that liked it, maybe a dozen who thought "meh" and the rest shits on it.
put them on ignore 😶

Yeah, I'd watched like 2 episodes and stopped and I was told it got better...I failed myself...


Fuck with a series that is as beloved as Resident Evil so much that you have to cancel it after only one season is certainly a great achievement.

Glad Nintendo had some common sense and said fuck you with the proposed Zelda adaptation.
Seems they put more effort including the song then integrating it into the storyline.
To be fair to that actress, she was the one who showed the most acting range and good performances in that show(aside from Lance of course), and I agree with the takes here that I hope she manages to find more work/big roles, because I also feel bad that she wasted some of her good acting potential on a show that's widely disliked by viewers. Then again, I don't think directors fully think about the quality of a show's writing when choosing an actor for a role, or else there would be a ton more dead careers than actors who are currently hugely famous.
Did it end on a cliff hanger at all?

Honestly I didn't watch it but I'm very sick of Netflix ending shows on cliffhangers. Wish they were more into limited series.


Neo Member
The one thing I found interesting about this series, is the fact that it plays in 2036, 14 years after the apocalypse...

Get ready folks, the end is near.
and in the trailer thread i heard it was number one on netflix for one weekend. How could this happen
It can happen when it's a fresh release and everyone check it out to see if it's good but after the second episode you know what trainwreck is this series going to be and you search for something else like Locke&Key (awesome premise) but you get the same ugly shit here also and you have to wonder if you are in a deja Vu


Mindhunter died for this

Doctor Who Reaction GIF

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
The best adaptation joke made me laugh so much that i turned black like wesker...
What joke?
Feel sad for you if you actually believe the anderson girlfriend/wife power fantasy movies are better adaptations, or welcome to raccoon city.
Especially in the case of the latter, because why? They made some sets and have characters with names from the games?
They had all those things and it was still an insane train wreck from start to finish, you might as well not have named characters if you're just going to murder their characterisation completely; I dunno who that retarded ass rookie cop was supposed to be, but it definitely wasn't Leon. Even if not very good, "black" wesker is infinitely superior to any of the joke characters in raccoon city.
Mashing together multiple timelines, gutting the lore/canon, trash script, destroying characters and garbage dialogue leading to inane constant exposition dumps, made raccoon city absolute unwatchable trash and just proves having 'sets and characters' means nothing without proper execution; even the make-my-wife-famous movies from anderson are better and they are also trash.

At the very least the show followed the canon, having proper BOWs and even remarking that wesker died in a volcano, and really only changed what the 'wesker children project' was; the problem with the show was not, not having leon or chris or whatever, since multiple games prove this can be done very successfully.
If you believe the other adaptations are better because of "black" Wesker, then maybe you really have a problem with something else.


Gold Member
What joke?
Feel sad for you if you actually believe the anderson girlfriend/wife power fantasy movies are better adaptations, or welcome to raccoon city.
Especially in the case of the latter, because why? They made some sets and have characters with names from the games?
They had all those things and it was still an insane train wreck from start to finish, you might as well not have named characters if you're just going to murder their characterisation completely; I dunno who that retarded ass rookie cop was supposed to be, but it definitely wasn't Leon. Even if not very good, "black" wesker is infinitely superior to any of the joke characters in raccoon city.
Mashing together multiple timelines, gutting the lore/canon, trash script, destroying characters and garbage dialogue leading to inane constant exposition dumps, made raccoon city absolute unwatchable trash and just proves having 'sets and characters' means nothing without proper execution; even the make-my-wife-famous movies from anderson are better and they are also trash.

At the very least the show followed the canon, having proper BOWs and even remarking that wesker died in a volcano, and really only changed what the 'wesker children project' was; the problem with the show was not, not having leon or chris or whatever, since multiple games prove this can be done very successfully.
If you believe the other adaptations are better because of "black" Wesker, then maybe you really have a problem with something else.
Where did i said that the movies are not shit aswell?

But this shit is even worse because it only has a few things in common with RE and even these few things are badly made like black wesker being a fucking dad.

Where in the absolute fuck was the teen drama in resident evil games? Sorry but no amount of decent cg lickers is gonna make that any better...
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
But this shit is even worse because it only has a few things in common with RE
The others have nothing in common, all the characters might as well be new characters because they lack any of the characterisation, and they follow none of the canon, just some mangled version of what the writers/director thought was cool. Unless you think just having named characters and sets, and scenes ripped straight from RECV/5 without any context is "having things in common"; smh.
few things are badly made like black wesker being a fucking dad.
There's nothing made "badly" about wesker being a dad, because the real wesker is fucking dead, he died in the volcano.
Where in the absolute fuck was the teen drama in resident evil games?
If your story has teenagers front and center, chances are you're going to get some teen drama, dunno why this is so mindblowing for you.
Also, while they aren't teens, Ashley is plenty annoying like one in RE4 and Moira in Rev2 is similarly hard headed/brash like Jade.
Sorry but no amount of decent cg lickers is gonna make that any better
The BOWs alone are better than anything in andercucks work and raccoon city combined.


This shouldn't be that difficult. Just make a show or a movie that is a retelling of the events in the video games with actors that somewhat look like the characters they're supposed to represent. Why does this concept continue to remain a mystery?

I understand that it can never be a 1:1 adaptation, but shows like these barely use the games as a foundation at all.

Netflix could have just made it into another zombie movie without the Resident Evil branding.

The Korean zombie series have been doing this and it can stand on its own.


Gold Member
It is beyond belief that after having a number of commercially successful RE movies use as a template to what audience enjoys they manage to fuck up the series so bar


Someone will soon make another terrible resident evil series/movie.
Its really not that hard to make. Make RE1. Then make RE2. Make sure it doesn’t look like it was made with the budget of the sci-fi channel. Not that hard


That is fantastic news (albeit not very surprising).

The more you subvert and distort the original content the more you will see sales decline. Glad audiences are starting to grow up in that regard and vote with their wallets.


I bet that the writers never ever played a single game
It's what I think in all the RE adaptations except for the previous RE one where they did a big effort to include stuff from the game but sadly lacked more budget and talent in writing.

But regarding the current series if they wanted a young black female they could have adapted RE5 or tell Shiva's story before the RE5 events if don't want to include direct stuff from the games.

Absolute waste of Lance Reddick. What a shame.

Sandman is fucking GREAT tho.
No, it's another case of them of them being more focused on addding woke tokenism and propaganda than to make a proper good adaptation of the original material, as also happened with He-Man and many more Netflix adaptations. I bet Sandman will also fail and get cancelled after season 1 (or 2 if they already have it ready) too.
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No, it's another case of them of them being more focused on addding woke tokenism and propaganda than to make a proper good adaptation of the original material, as also happened with He-Man and many more Netflix adaptations. I bet Sandman will also fail and get cancelled after season 1 (or 2 if they already have it ready) too.

Sandman is an extremely good adaptation of the source material. If you’re pissed off they changed a few white people for black people that’s on you... but the actual story and characters are very well adapted.

If Resident Evil was that close an adaptation you’d all be cheering it for how good it is.
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Not sure how, but you missed my sales post at the beginning of the thread.
10 movies sitting on 1.2b dollars revenue vs 2 movies sitting at 725m dollars revenue. Wow what an outstanding win for shitty zombie flicks 1-10.

And if we’re talking fun watching RE is about as fun as being diagnosed with HIV.
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At some point in the future, someone should just suggest to Constantine Films that they give them a very small budget of a few million to go away and recreate the story of Resident Evil One, in a full blown, gory horror movie that amps up the scares, and sticks as close to the source material as possible - while improving on the game's obvious flaws in terms of characterisation and dialogue. Then put that out and see if its profitable. Because spoiler: it bloody would be.
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