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‘Resident Evil’ Series Canceled By Netflix After One Season


I've never played any of the games, but the feedback from fans wasn't good, im not surprised really, if these tv studios are going to make shows of games, you would think the best people to have on their side to watch and support it is the actual gamers, the Witcher is the same, it doesn't make any sense to me.
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Gold Member
I watched the whole series in the hope that it would redeem itself and it was such a painful watch. Anyway subscription is now cancelled.

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I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was definitely RE in name only and just barely shared anything in common with it.
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The modus operandi is clear…

The utilisation of well established and beloved franchises to be used as vehicles to propagate ideologically charged content - i.e. feminism, gender ideology or political correctness. Regardless of the reasoning behind the obvious and undeniable attempt to subvert. It is literally the definition of propaganda.

Just recently we have seen it in Wheel of Time series, Sandman series, Halo series, Resident Evil series and many many more. I’m glad that the tide appears to be beginning to turn. This is evidenced by the numerous ‘woke’ shows and movies being cancelled as streaming service subscription numbers fall off a cliff.


So I guess all those non racist pink hairs didn't even bother watching it either?

They deserved this to fail. Why do these morons keep alienating the fanbase to the point of ruining the lore just to piss them off and catering to pink hairs who don't give a fuck about it.
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Gold Member
At some point in the future, someone should just suggest to Constantine Films that they give them a very small budget of a few million to go away and recreate the story of Resident Evil One, in a full blown, gory horror movie that amps up the scares, and sticks as close to the source material as possible - while improving on the game's obvious flaws in terms of characterisation and dialogue. Then put that out and see if its profitable. Because spoiler: it bloody would be.
They had a Script from George Romero and he also wanted to direct it, but they refused.

They need to loose the licence, but this will probably not happen if they keep producing more real-life stuff (they don't seem to own the decent CG movies)


Gold Member
I think what's happened with all these tv/movie sub plans is they are trapped.

They got so many subscribers, they got to churn out tons of new series hoping to cover all bases. But that leads to a lot of junk. But if they focus their money on fewer new IPs that are higher quality they run the risk of not having enough new content to promote (all eggs in one basket kind of thing). So they resort to greenlighting tons of shit shotgun style hoping something sticks.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
"Veganism is the sad result of a morally corrupt mind. Reconsider your life"
Ron Swanson

Never bring woke bullshit into one of the most beloved game franchises


Gold Member
I think what's happened with all these tv/movie sub plans is they are trapped.

They got so many subscribers, they got to churn out tons of new series hoping to cover all bases. But that leads to a lot of junk. But if they focus their money on fewer new IPs that are higher quality they run the risk of not having enough new content to promote (all eggs in one basket kind of thing). So they resort to greenlighting tons of shit shotgun style hoping something sticks.

True, but my issue is when they take the established ip and try to "diversify or modernize" it. No issue at all when they inject that shit into new or original ip.
A service like Netflix/Prime do need good variety, so having programming to fit different likes and flavors is a good thing, just don't try to shoehorn all of that stuff where it doesn't really belong.


That kinda sucks. I quite liked it. The series was weirdly good at sticking to the canon but creating a future timeline.
It is still a mystery to me how it got greenlit. Why would you use the RE IP when you want not to tell the story from the games. You basically know from the start that you will already piss off so many fans of the franchise (not that the quality in any way good). It was just checking some woke boxes and that’s it.

Seriously with the whole woke thing ongoing I am still waiting until they make a real life Sailor Moon series and we all know how that Would look like:
1 girl must be black
1 girl must be transgender
1 girl can stay Asian
1 girl white American
1 girl must have middle Eastern heritage


Sandman is an extremely good adaptation of the source material. If you’re pissed off they changed a few white people for black people that’s on you... but the actual story and characters are very well adapted.

If Resident Evil was that close an adaptation you’d all be cheering it for how good it is.
The adaptation of the characters in Sandman are a joke. Even Dream, the one who wasn't tokenized by their woke censorship team seems a poor Twilight cosplay.


“All Hail the King”?

Considering Anderson’s films were just OC Mary Sue fan fiction for his girlfriend/eventual wife to play at the expense of all the actual RE characters as well as an infinite number of other moronic changes to the original material, hail it?

Office Space No GIF

And depressingly enough, even with all that stuff, they are still the best RE adaptations. Sad world, isn't it?


The adaptation of the characters in Sandman are a joke. Even Dream, the one who wasn't tokenized by their woke censorship team seems a poor Twilight cosplay.

Nah. It’s pretty faithful for the most part. You’re just mad they race swapped a few characters.
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