Lost Fragment
Obsessed with 4chan
Bret definitely isn't the same Bret from 10 years ago, and if he had a match he couldn't take many bumps, but I think him not being able to wrestle is more of a legal thing than a physical thing.
He had an insurance policy on his body that he cashed in after Goldberg kicked his face off. IIRC, the company he had the policy with wouldn't pay out, so he sued them and won. Him wrestling again in an actual match where he takes bumps, no matter how light, might delegitimize his insurance claim and force hiim to pay back the money he got from his insurance company.
But at the same time, a match between Bret and Vince at Mania would make WWE so much money that they probably wouldn't have a problem with compensating Bret's insurance company if they got crabby.
He had an insurance policy on his body that he cashed in after Goldberg kicked his face off. IIRC, the company he had the policy with wouldn't pay out, so he sued them and won. Him wrestling again in an actual match where he takes bumps, no matter how light, might delegitimize his insurance claim and force hiim to pay back the money he got from his insurance company.
But at the same time, a match between Bret and Vince at Mania would make WWE so much money that they probably wouldn't have a problem with compensating Bret's insurance company if they got crabby.