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1/4 Wrasslin' thread of Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, and the new Monday Night Wars (lol)

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DMczaf said:
It's funny that Triple H keeps putting himself in WM main events, but he doesn't really have any WM moments.

Shawn comes back from a 4 year retirement and pretty much dominates the show for a decade.

Shawn <3

ZombieSupaStar said:
from shawns dvd

Vince: "In all honesty, I think Shawn is in class all by himself."

I dont think he made it to the austin/rock/hogan level of audience hype, but I think if it wasnt for him, there wouldnt have been a wwf for austin and rock to inherit after he retired at the begining of the attitude era.

HBK is definitely my wrestler of the decade even with him missing the peak of the attitude era. Pure greatness in the ring, and top 5 in promos all time IMO.
"that was awesome" *clap* *clap* *clap*clap*clap*






Kintaro said:
Good job! Was going to post this but you beat me to it. :D My picks in bold.

My only problem right now is that NOAH is in dire straits, so they are in no position to really help themselves on this card. I think Naomichi will win the Jr. Title because Tiger Mask is and always will be a dud and Naomichi is a fan favorite. Tanahashi will beat Go. Go lost his title for no reason and I don't see NJ letting him beat Tanahashi right now since Tanahashi is the company Ace. Sugiura will win since it is his first defense and Goto is a dud. Nakamura will win since NJ can't help but push him down people's throats and Takayama is in no condition to wear the NJPW title right now.

It'll be a good card, but not great. I doubt it comes close to selling out the dome. =/

I hope Naomichi wins as Tiger Mask IV is lazy and I dunno why Liger keeps giving him the gold. Marafuji winning with Devitt challenging him for the title has to be the way forward.

I didnt really have a problem with Go losing the gold, it didnt really him, Sugiura is awesome so all good. Noah hasnt really got anyone else at the moment to be honest! Sugiura will win and the match should be pretty good. Goto is coming off a good win vs Masato Tanaka but again this will be another title match he loses in.

I am a Nakamura fan and have been since he first entered as a young lion. He should win. If they was gonna take the belt of him they might as well of had him drop to Nagata few weeks back. Kinda unsure how the match will be as Takayama cannot go like he once could but showed that he could still go hard when he was in All Japan against Kojima and Suwama. It should be a pretty stiff fight!!

New Japan only open up a certain section of the dome. The days of selling 50,000+ are long gone but if they sell 30,000 they should class that as a success.
Net_Wrecker said:
HBK is definitely my wrestler of the decade even with him missing the peak of the attitude era. Pure greatness in the ring, and top 5 in promos all time IMO.

Kenta Kobashi for me. His run as champion between 2003 - 2005 was amazing. 2 years as champion with 13 title defences. He carried a new organisation when they needed someone to sell tickets and establish Noah.

Also Helped Noah sell 50,000+ tickets for the Tokyo dome twice.


Worships the porcelain goddess
kobashi100 said:
Kenta Kobashi for me. His run as champion between 2003 - 2005 was amazing. 2 years as champion with 13 title defences. He carried a new organisation when they needed someone to sell tickets and establish Noah.

Also Helped Noah sell 50,000+ tickets for the Tokyo dome twice.

I honestly have to go with Yuji Nagata. I have much love for Kobashi, but circumstances far beyond his control limited his ability to do much of anything in the later half of the 2000s.

Nagata started 2000 breaking away from his generation and into a leve all his own. He had to endure the stupid faze NJPW went through with their love for MMA and shoehorning their wrestlers into fighting (he also got in the ring with both Mirko and Fedor...), he fought through, continued to improve both his skills and personality until he became Mr. IWGP beating Hashimoto's defense record of the title.

Then, without the belt, actually became even better. He became the bad ass mother fucker of NJPW who was a threat to do anything. Dominate, win titles or just snap and go apeshit. He went through the entire decade without major injuries. He is a legit wrestler to win any title, anywhere he goes.

The other ones I would consider are Naomichi Marufuji and KENTA. You would have to put them side by side because they made themselves famous while tagging and killing each other. Marufuji won more high profile matches and titles but I always felt KENTA was more fun to watch (and didn't have that stupid Shiranui...).
Maxrpg said:
Looking forward to this monday for some reason. Seems like something big will be dropped on TNA.
More shit.

All I want from TNA are consistently good shows. That'd be a good enough surprise to get people watching wrestling again.
abstract alien said:
WTF @ the 450 double knee drop from Angle
Nothing compared to the Five-Star Frog Knee-To-Your-Throat off the Elimination Chamber by RVD administered to Triple H. Not surprisingly it cost him a push.
Kintaro said:
I honestly have to go with Yuji Nagata. I have much love for Kobashi, but circumstances far beyond his control limited his ability to do much of anything in the later half of the 2000s.

Nagata started 2000 breaking away from his generation and into a leve all his own. He had to endure the stupid faze NJPW went through with their love for MMA and shoehorning their wrestlers into fighting (he also got in the ring with both Mirko and Fedor...), he fought through, continued to improve both his skills and personality until he became Mr. IWGP beating Hashimoto's defense record of the title.

Then, without the belt, actually became even better. He became the bad ass mother fucker of NJPW who was a threat to do anything. Dominate, win titles or just snap and go apeshit. He went through the entire decade without major injuries. He is a legit wrestler to win any title, anywhere he goes.

The other ones I would consider are Naomichi Marufuji and KENTA. You would have to put them side by side because they made themselves famous while tagging and killing each other. Marufuji won more high profile matches and titles but I always felt KENTA was more fun to watch (and didn't have that stupid Shiranui...).

Great post. Yuji has been excellent over the last 10 years.
Wow I just read that RVD, Ric Flair, and Jeff Hardy might be at Impact on Monday. This show is going to be crazy if true...
BoboBrazil said:
Wow I just read that RVD, Ric Flair, and Jeff Hardy might be at Impact on Monday. This show is going to be crazy if true...
RVD is the only one that matters. Getting a dream match with him and Styles would at least excite smarks, but they're going to have to rightly use all of these old fucks they're getting to put the brand over enough that anyone else would care.
RVD and Flair are who I am most hyped for. RVD can go back to doing all of his crazy moves they banned him from doing in WWE and Flair is Flair. One of my favorite wrestlers of all time. Even though he is old now I think he can still put on a good match and even be a great mouthpiece for some younger guys. He could even have a 4 Horsemen like group.
thefro said:
Hogan and Shane McMahon are both at UFC tonight in Vegas.
Conspiracy time! Shane leaving WWE, and TNA commercials airing during Raw. Also, TNA will be aired from Florida this monday. Shane bought WCW when they were airing in Florida.
That would be hilarious if Shane McMahon showed up on TNA:lol It would never happen though. How could they trust the Vince's son. They would have to think he was a mole.


Shadowlink said:
Conspiracy time! Shane leaving WWE, and TNA commercials airing during Raw. Also, TNA will be aired from Florida this monday. Shane bought WCW when they were airing in Florida.
Yes, it all makes sense. The pieces are all coming together.


Bret is returning to WWF? Holy f'n crap. This is the first time I've wished I had cable specifically to watch wrasslin' in a decade.
Funk is on the New Japan card? Damn, God bless that badass broken man for just getting up every day. It's not even possible to give TF enough credit for all his hard work and blood.
It'd be cool if Shane went to TNA... its good for the industry.
I mean HHH pretty much deleted him from the McMahon family, so what the hell?

Doubt it. And yeah I'm with some of you, TNA just needs better storylines/writing and consistant output, not all these cameos like they did with X-Pac and all that shit awhile ago.

Going to be turning on my TVs to Spike tomorrow just to show some love to TNA. I am excite for once about rasslin


No way in hell Shane ends up in TNA, he would either be a plant, or give his Dad the biggest heart attack in history.
Is there bad blood between Shane and Vince? I know Shane wanted to run the WWE at one point, but Steph ended up getting the book and having more control. I think Shane has a better mind for the wrestling business.


The Faceless Master said:
"that was awesome" *clap* *clap* *clap*clap*clap*


Excuse my ignorance but, who is this and what move is this called? I've pretty much been in hibernation in terms of the WWE..

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Forget Hogan, Shane would be the best thing that could happen to TNA. The drama and intrigue for that alone would be off the scale.

But it's not gonna happen. Shane's probably gonna go to work for UFC or something.


weepy said:
Excuse my ignorance but, who is this and what move is this called? I've pretty much been in hibernation in terms of the WWE..
Trevor Murdoch doing a Code Red

BillRiccio said:
Also, fuck TNA for letting guys do this. It wasn't even given that much attention when it happened.
GoutPatrol said:
RVD, probably. Hardy? LOL.

RVD has been signed, so he'll be there.
Hardy... why lol? He's made the jump before... what's to say he wouldn't do so again. He's damaged goods in WWE's eyes with his "problems"


Worships the porcelain goddess
DKehoe said:
Also, fuck TNA for letting guys do this. It wasn't even given that much attention when it happened.

Crazy bumps and higher risk moves is what separated TNA to begin with. Speaking of TNA, I must have missed a lot since I stopped watching US wrestling for quite awhile. What's this about Vince Russo and Eric Bishoff (sp) working in TNA now? Who the fuck let those chuckle heads in?


Kintaro said:
Speaking of TNA, I must have missed a lot since I stopped watching US wrestling for quite awhile. What's this about Vince Russo and Eric Bishoff (sp) working in TNA now? Who the fuck let those chuckle heads in?

Russo's been part of the crew writing TNA shows for probably the last 4 years at least.

Hulk Hogan is going to be running TNA now as far as the booking, etc goes, so Bischoff is around to help him out.
jecclr2003 said:
RVD has been signed, so he'll be there.
Hardy... why lol? He's made the jump before... what's to say he wouldn't do so again. He's damaged goods in WWE's eyes with his "problems"

Hardy's court appearance has been rescheduled, again, to January 27th. So he's got a couple of weeks to appear on TNA is he really wanted to... I don't think he would though.


Kintaro said:
Crazy bumps and higher risk moves is what separated TNA to begin with.
Bumps and crazy spots are fine but they need to be done for a reason and done safely. If they keep having to top stuff like that one of the X-Division guys is going to die in the middle of the ring. That spot with Daniels and Suicide wasn't even the end of the match, Daniels could have died and that part was just lost in the shuffle of the rest of that match.


Spiderjericho said:
I doubt Bret is going to wrestle. He's way too old and hasn't wrestled in a long time.

I remember reading a few years ago about Brett Hart falling off his bicycle, hitting his head, and it caused him to have a stroke. I can't imagine anyone allowing him to wrestle, even if he wanted to.
One more roster addition for tomorrow....

Shannon Moore announced he would be at tomorrow's Live Impact special in Orlando, Florida via his twitter account, commenting, "Big change of plans. Got a call from TNA. Looks like I'm heading to Orlando and meet with Hulk Hogan tomorrow."
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