It is easier and less heart breaking to blame others than ourselves for our shortcomings, we can all use these single mother examples but in the end the blame is mostly on ourselves as individuals for the circumstances in which we remain in. We can go for hours talking about whether it is ethically right to have children when you are not in a good economic situation but in the end we are not owed nothing except a chance to make more of ourselves, if we put ourselves in a bad situation than we only have ourselves to blame.
We can do away with sob stories and anecdotal evidence and just use the statistics we have to choose what's better to better the situation of the poor population base.
I know it's a bit cold and heartless but there's really no point in using demagogic sob stories about people being poor because it's their fault or not.
Either way they're poor and that doesn't help them in any way....that is unless you only want to help only one kind of people...