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16 y/o teen shot dead by police in Arkansas while carrying a BB gun

Tackle him? If you were required to tackle gun welding suspects before shooting them who the fuck would sign up to be a police officer in America? It's a paying job just like any other. They shouldn't have to needlessly put their lives on the line just because some joe schmoe who knows nothing about police training and procedure is upset a kid got killed.

Hot take: Police lives matter less than civilian lives. That's the price you pay for being a cop - you protect and serve at the expense of yourself. Police should be told this. They should be trained to ALWAYS attempt de-escalation, even if it means personal risk. Instead, they are trained to kill at the slightest perceived danger.


It not illegal to carry a gun in public. He was shot because he was a young black man with a gun aka the most dangerous thing in America according to a lot of Americans.


Tackle him? If you were required to tackle gun welding suspects before shooting them who the fuck would sign up to be a police officer in America? It's a paying job just like any other. They shouldn't have to needlessly put their lives on the line just because some joe schmoe who knows nothing about police training and procedure is upset a kid got killed.

You sound like a nice dude. Somebodies lil child is dead and you talking like this.


Don't you see? It's the child fault for not having a BB Gun strap!

You'd never see people in an open carry state handling their guns with their hands in pub-



I doubt crazepharmacist thinks those people should be shot.

Now these folks...
So just out of curiosity, would you have done the same if you were in those cops' shoes?

Would you have put a bullet into the back of the kid's brain and justify yourself that it was absolutely the right thing to do?

No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying


Tackle him? If you were required to tackle gun welding suspects before shooting them who the fuck would sign up to be a police officer in America? It's a paying job just like any other. They shouldn't have to needlessly put their lives on the line just because some joe schmoe who knows nothing about police training and procedure is upset a kid got killed.
Yeah I agree they should find other line of work. They don't have the mental capacity for police work if their first instinct is to reach for their gun. Not cut out for it. McDonald's is hiring.


No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

Shooting a kid in the back of the head isn't "airing on the side of caution". You wonder why people don't trust cops...


No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

Serve The Public


I didn't see the article identifying the race of the victim immediately, so I thought 'wait, is he not black?'...of course then I clicked the link. Fucking of course. It's downright pathetic that my first thought was shock that the victim wasn't being identified as african american and thus that he MIGHT have been white. Fuck the police man.
Lord help us for thinking that you shouldn't be given carte blanche to just shoot whomever because you "made a judgement call". Pretty sure a police officer's job is to, what was it again.

Oh that's right, protect and serve.
No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

Living to murder more children another day.

Lord help us for thinking that you shouldn't be given carte blanche to just shoot whomever because you "made a judgement call". Pretty sure a police officer's job is to, what was it again.

Oh that's right, protect and serve.
Doesn't say WHO they're supposed to protect and serve.
Crazepharmacist if you're a cop please at least give me your district # so I can avoid that place like the fucking plague.

I like living.
If folks worked for police reform as hard as they do for these murderous fucking psychopaths.

So, forgive my ignorance as I'm white and not American, but WHY isn't police reform an option? Like wouldn't that be the first damn thing on the table after all these cases of innocent men and boys being murdered by cops? Why is nothing being done? Are white people/the government just okay with black men and boys being killed seemingly every other week for no reason? I assume that's a "yes" and god that is depressing.
Shooting a kid in the back of the head isn't "airing on the side of caution". You wonder why people don't trust cops...

Okay I admit I might be wrong because of that detail. But I still don't want to rush out and say the police murdered this child. Maybe he was refusing to comply and was walking towards the community center with what they thought was a gun. I don't know.


Lord help us for thinking that you shouldn't be given carte blanche to just shoot whomever because you "made a judgement call".

i feel so bad for those officers who made the little mistake of blasting another human off the face of the planet without cause

must have egg on his face
So, forgive my ignorance as I'm white and not American, but WHY isn't police reform an option? Like wouldn't that be the first damn thing on the table after all these cases of innocent men and boys being murdering by cops? Why is nothing being done? Are white people/the government just okay with black men and boys being killed seemingly every other week for no reason? I assume that's a "yes" and god that is depressing.

Because it's always the same thing "Oh it's not that bad, you're exaggerating the problem, well statistically it's only x amount of cops" etc etc.

Always excuses instead of "No you're right the police probably shouldn't be just shooting people all over the place".


No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying
See might have a point if there wasn't 200+ years of institutionalize racism in the cj system against Afican Americans.
So, forgive my ignorance as I'm white and not American, but WHY isn't police reform an option? Like wouldn't that be the first damn thing on the table after all these cases of innocent men and boys being murdered by cops? Why is nothing being done? Are white people/the government just okay with black men and boys being killed seemingly every other week for no reason? I assume that's a "yes" and god that is depressing.

Trump gave a speech a day ago embracing police brutality.


Crazepharmacist if you're a cop please at least give me your district # so I can avoid that place like the fucking plague.

I like living.

Nah, dude work's in health care.

They're words. Sticks and stone may hurt me but words will never break me or something like that. I work in health care; dude probably has a mental illness and doesn't even know what he's saying. So we should just hit him over the head with a metal bat because of it? Cause violence is the answer right?
Just stop, for the love of everything, just stop, pharmacist. You went from foolish to straight foolish to just plain pathetic with your nonsense. Just go.
No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

...But that's not answering my question. Would you or would you not have shot that kid in the back of the head?

If you wouldn't, you should expect higher standards from your police force.


So, forgive my ignorance as I'm white and not American, but WHY isn't police reform an option? Like wouldn't that be the first damn thing on the table after all these cases of innocent men and boys being murdered by cops? Why is nothing being done? Are white people/the government just okay with black men and boys being killed seemingly every other week for no reason? I assume that's a "yes" and god that is depressing.
Black people are seen as criminals by default, as that helps reinforce the mentality that supports the prison industrial complex. The system is working the way it was designed. It's not actually broken.

Think about that for a while.
Nothing will change until people stop going about their daily lives as if innocent people aren't dead.

We are all part of the problem.


So, forgive my ignorance as I'm white and not American, but WHY isn't police reform an option? Like wouldn't that be the first damn thing on the table after all these cases of innocent men and boys being murdered by cops? Why is nothing being done? Are white people/the government just okay with black men and boys being killed seemingly every other week for no reason? I assume that's a "yes" and god that is depressing.
White people don't care and think the police are doing a great job.
...But that's not answering my question. Would you or would you not have shot that kid in the back of the head?

If you wouldn't, you should expect higher standards from your police force.

No I most likely wouldn't have but I wasn't there.if he turned around and started to face me, I probably would have.
No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

Lol you just used every excuse in the handbook. How much Fox News do you watch? How much brietbart do you read?


Shit ain't right. You always hear about this. This kid did not deserve to die in any way shape or form. There is no defending this.

People have got to stop thinking its about the gun being carried by civilians. How many white kids carry rifles, bb guns, air soft, paint ball, actual pistols and come out alive and well? I never hear about white kids getting put down.

Its about the skin, and there's no defending that.
Shit ain't right. You always hear about this. This kid did not deserve to die in any way shape or form. There is no defending this.

People have got to stop thinking its about the gun being carried by civilians. How many white kids carry rifles, bb guns, air soft, paint ball, actual pistols and come out alive and well? I never hear about white kids getting put down.

Its about the skin, and there's no defending that.

And yet you got those folks from the peanut gallery doing just that, defending. Or should I just say one folk doing that?


Nah, dude work's in health care.

Wait, so a mentally ill black child with a bb gun deserves to be shot in the back of the head but a white preacher yelling that girls should be raped gets pinged with a bat by a black girl probally just has a mental illness, doesn't know what he's saying, and that's crossing the line.



No I most likely would be killed on the job in under a year for asking questions and shooting later. Police are faced with scenarios that require split second decision making and that decision could mean life or death. That's why I think they shouldn't be judged too harshly because they have to think on their feet within a moment's notice. Yeah that decision may not always be right but it's better to air on the side of caution and live to serve another day. That's all I'm saying

You make it sound like every cop in every corner of the country is on the verge of being murdered at any second. Marion, Arkansas averages about 2 murders every 10 years. This isn't fucking South Central, L.A. or Detroit.
My little brother is mixed and I found him playing with his friend's BB/airsoft guns a few times,
It was so hard to make him understand and to tell him basically that he can't play with any gun like toys outside the back yard while me and all my friends could back in the day with little issue.

Van Bur3n

Two officers were put on paid leave, which is standard procedure, while the shooting is being investigated, according to KATV. The police department declined to release the names of the officers involved, but said they weren’t harmed. It’s also unclear if there was body cam footage.

Oh wow really.
Wait, so a mentally ill black child with a bb gun deserves to be shot in the back of the head but a preacher yelling that girls should be raped gets pinged with a bat by a black girl and that's crossing the line.


Yeah he didn't have a gun and was totally non threatening. Stop looking into it and stop reading my post history. Race has nothing to do with any of my opinions. And I'm not saying the police are absolutely correct in this situation. Im speaking in hypotheticals. "okay but what if he had this or did that". I just don't think we should automatically blame the police because the kid was black. If he were white would you guys even be talking about this?


Wait, so a mentally ill black child with a bb gun deserves to be shot in the back of the head but a white preacher yelling that girls should be raped gets pinged with a bat by a black girl probally just has a mental illness, doesn't know what he's saying, and that's crossing the line.




Nah, dude work's in health care.

They're words. Sticks and stone may hurt me but words will never break me or something like that. I work in health care; dude probably has a mental illness and doesn't even know what he's saying. So we should just hit him over the head with a metal bat because of it? Cause violence is the answer right?

So he's against hitting a young white asshole "preacher" with a bat because he "probably has a mental illness", but shooting a young black child in the back of the head who was at a youth center for therapy is okay since he "wasn't complying" (No video evidence to prove it) is okay?

Username fits.
Yeah he didn't have a gun and was totally non threatening. Stop looking into it and stop reading my post history. Race has nothing to do with any of my opinions. And I'm not saying the police are absolutely correct in this situation. Im speaking in hypotheticals. "okay but what if he had this or did that". I just don't think we should automatically blame the police because the kid was black. If he were white would you guys even be talking about this?

If he was white, he wouldn't have been shot, genius.
Yeah he didn't have a gun and was totally non threatening. Stop looking into it and stop reading my post history. Race has nothing to do with any of my opinions. And I'm not saying the police are absolutely correct in this situation. Im speaking in hypotheticals. "okay but what if he had this or did that". I just don't think we should automatically blame the police because the kid was black. If he were white would you guys even be talking about this?

White people don't get murdered because of the color of their skin.


Yeah he didn't have a gun and was totally non threatening. Stop looking into it and stop reading my post history. Race has nothing to do with any of my opinions. And I'm not saying the police are absolutely correct in this situation. Im speaking in hypotheticals. "okay but what if he had this or did that". I just don't think we should automatically blame the police because the kid was black. If he were white would you guys even be talking about this?

You're on a public forum. All your post history is fair game


Yeah he didn't have a gun and was totally non threatening. Stop looking into it and stop reading my post history. Race has nothing to do with any of my opinions. And I'm not saying the police are absolutely correct in this situation. Im speaking in hypotheticals. "okay but what if he had this or did that". I just don't think we should automatically blame the police because the kid was black. If he were white would you guys even be talking about this?
If he was white the police wouldn't have been called.
So he's against hitting a young white asshole "preacher" with a bat because he "probably has a mental illness", but shooting a young black child in the back of the head who was at a youth center for therapy is okay since he "wasn't complying" (No video evidence to prove it) is okay?

Username fits.

So you're okay with using force against a non threatening suspect but not okay against one that has a gun?
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