Tears in the rain
I never tried it but I thought I heard you could romance Aigis or Elizabeth
If there is a way I've never found it.
I never tried it but I thought I heard you could romance Aigis or Elizabeth
I never tried it but I thought I heard you could romance Aigis or Elizabeth
mother 3 is probably the most progressive. One character's arc is about them not being able to express themselves as transgender and acting out/doing evil shit because of it.
which character? i don't remember this.
Also, yeah. FF13 had Fang and Vanille (they also get the most romantic ending in the game, don't mind 13-2 or LR), and it was better than this tbh.
Either way i seriously don't trust japanese devs/game writers giving respect and thought to LGBTQ+ characters any time soon. I'd love to see it, but they can't handle them, they really can't write those characters.
which character? i don't remember this.
Also, yeah. FF13 had Fang and Vanille (they also get the most romantic ending in the game, don't mind 13-2 or LR), and it was better than this tbh.
Either way i seriously don't trust japanese devs/game writers giving respect and thought to LGBTQ+ characters any time soon. I'd love to see it, but they can't handle them, they really can't write those characters.
There's no explicit romance with either of them, just subtext. In Aigis's case it's more that her SL just wasn't changed much.
And what's frustrating about games like XIII and even Tales of Zestiria is that they skirt the line way too much without ever fully comitting. I do think Vanille and Fang were totally lovers especially by the end of LR, and Sorey and Mikleo was heavily implied too, but why just fuck around? Tell us they're a couple.
That's the plan.
I addressed this in an interview a while back, if you're interested in our take on it.
This is actually something that has been bothering me with a lot of the Persona talk recently. If I was more eloquent, maybe I could make a thread about it, but I don't think I could properly frame it in a way that doesn't make people defensive.
As a queer man myself, Kanji's character in Persona resonated deeply with me. My adolescence was filled with a lot of unglamorous amounts of doubt and a lack of clear answers and confidence in something as primal as whom I felt attracted to. Specifically because of the ambiguity and warts of Kanji's problems, it felt like an extremely genuine representation of how I felt at that time, going through those same struggles.
A handful of my introverted gay friends who played the game were all similarly struck blind with how many feelings of stark recognition he brought up. Granted of course, this is a pretty small sample size.
Flash forward to eight years later, and there's no shortage of people throwing Hashino's team under the bus for LGBT representation, sometimes for what I can recognize as some pretty valid reasons.
The experience of figuring out where you fall on the kinsey spectrum isn't universal, and I can imagine my friends and I may very well be in the minority regarding how positively we view Kanji's characterization.
But I do get disheartened when I see a lot of (presumably) straight people citing him as poor, or inauthentic representation. Perhaps their heart is in the right place, but what passes a binary of 'is this good/bad semi-objective representation' is an incredibly bold claim to make when you're already part of the represented group, and feels fairly disingenuous if you're an outsider or ally.
So what is the point of this thread? To say that P2 is a cool fun game and P5 could stand to do a lot better? I'd actually agree, but I think using the authenticity of LGBT representation isn't a great way to make that point.
It's true though, the title of this thread is a huge sprawling statement and really only queer folks themselves should be able to say what best represents them. Same goes for any marginalized group.
Neat, thanks for the link. And it may just me having, um, personal preferences but I hope one of them is Kogi. [/sorrynotsorry]
That's the plan.
I addressed this in an interview a while back, if you're interested in our take on it.
That response about about the team's commitment to a diversity of perspectives is great.
Unfortunately, Kanji isn't really positive representation. The moral of the story is "just because you like things that break gender norms doesn't mean you're gay." It's been a while since I've played (the JP ver of) the game, but I was left the impression that the game paired Kanji conquering his demons with "whew, thank god he's not gay."
I don't see why it matters whether or not the OP is gay or why talking about the nature ("authenticity") representation in the industry isn't worth talking about.
(I'm gay).
Emil, from Nier.
I mean, isn't that a positive message as well, to not let gender norms dictate how you live your life? If anything, the message is more powerful because Kanji is straight, because it shows other straight guys that liking feminine things is ok.Unfortunately, Kanji isn't really positive representation. The moral of the story is "just because you like things that break gender norms doesn't mean you're gay."[/SPOILER]
I never really thought of it like that...i figured Kanji's whole thing was that men should be able to break societal norms of preset gender stereotypes and not be judged as inferior or strange based on wanting to act out and be themselves, but i can see how one would come to your conclusion as well now that i think about it.
With Naoto as well, the fact that she was a female in a male dominated field and had to harden herself and be gender neutral to be taken seriously was another one, and i didn't even really think of the viewpoint from a trans person's point of view about how it may look like gender waffling.
mean, isn't that a positive message as well, to not let gender norms dictate how you live your life? If anything, the message is more powerful because Kanji is straight, because it shows other straight guys that liking feminine things is ok
Where is it mentioned that Emil is gay, or is it implied? I didn't really remember that from my playthrough.
I think they're referring to Fassad.
Unfortunately, Kanji isn't really positive representation. The moral of the story is "just because you like things that break gender norms doesn't mean you're gay." It's been a while since I've played (the JP ver of) the game, but I was left the impression that the game paired Kanji conquering his demons with "whew, thank god he's not gay."
I mean, isn't that a positive message as well, to not let gender norms dictate how you live your life? If anything, the message is more powerful because Kanji is straight, because it shows other straight guys that liking feminine things is ok.
While I certainly get what you're talking about, I still felt Kanji was gay and just struggling and confused.
He is in HS, after all, and I would imagine that coming out in HS isn't a thing in Japan like it is here now. And it certainly wasn't a thing when I was in HS, so I can relate to it.
Naoto certainly added to that confusion, and yeah, kind of gave him an out.
It's a positive message, but not in terms of being gay. Maybe it seems like a powerful message to you, but Japan is a society where gay men start families with women and fool around on the side.
I don't think that Kanji can be seen as gay, when he was still pinning for Naoto even when he knew she was female. He's very bi, but not gay. He's a tough guy who likes girly things and is certainly attracted to men. But he's also attracted to tomboy girls.
IS gets a bum rap too because it's so unforgivingly hard to begin with. But once you get about halfway it's much much easier to the point where you can break the systems.
I had a GF in college and have been attracted to the occasional women since, but I still identify as gay. And I would say that all were tomboys.
Just because there might be a woman out there for me doesn't mean that I'm bi. I think it means there are exceptions.
While I certainly get what you're talking about, I still felt Kanji was gay and just struggling and confused.
He is in HS, after all, and I would imagine that coming out in HS isn't a thing in Japan like it is here now. And it certainly wasn't a thing when I was in HS, so I can relate to it.
Naoto certainly added to that confusion, and yeah, kind of gave him an out.
But given that shadows are canonically their true selves and his was pretty unequivocally gay, I think that's actually probably the most accurate interpretation and everything else is about teenaged confusion and identity.
So, if anything, I feel like his "feminine" hobbies might be the worst part of his representation. Because Japan can't seem to imagine a normal guy who likes traditionally "masculine" things could also be gay.
This is also informed by my own experiences in Japan, too.
Just in every instance where I felt safe coming out to someone Japanese they've always been shocked, because I don't fit the stereotype their media has been feeding them their entire life.
(ところで直斗にドキリとしたかというと  それはゲームをプレーするか、アニメを視聴されたし。)
But i guess human sexuality in general is not so easily defined.
I had a GF in college and have been attracted to the occasional women since, but I still identify as gay. And I would say that all were tomboys.
Just because there might be a woman out there for me doesn't mean that I'm bi. I think it means there are exceptions. And when I came out, I stopped looking for them.
Kinsey scale goes from 0 to 6, after all, meaning there are plenty of gradations and exceptions in there. So I'd probably put myself in the 4 to 5 range.
Never encountered this before in my entire life and i can't wrap my head around it since you said it.
I always thought one is either attracted to one gender, or both.
I've never ever heard of "some days i like date women and am attracted to women but i'm still gay" Categorically it confuses me, no offense i mean.
But i guess human sexuality in general is not so easily defined.
Because Japan can't seem to imagine a normal guy who likes traditionally "masculine" things could also be gay.
Um.... what? IS is ridiculously easy except for the final boss (which they nerfed in the PSP version). EP does ramp it up, but it does get easier later on.
I can't pretend I understand the situation of a gay man in college. But to me Kanji's situation seemed a lot more muddled than what you present here. I mean he's in mad love with Naoto, when he thinks Naoto is male. And when he learns she's female he's still madly in love. It goes beyond a mere possible fling or just one crush amongst a sea of crushes. Boy is obsessed. I think it goes further than mere attractiveness.
As far as I can tell, Kanji is a 3 on the Kinsey scale. The ultimate bisexual. But then again I know nothing about that. So I can't really argue with you. I do hope he's a positive representation none the less. I goddamn love Kanji. Always part of my final party.
Persona 4 is operating under cartoon logic. You aren't meant to think that Kanji is bordering on gay because he was attracted to Naoto when he thought she was a boy. If Naoto is a girl, then Kanji is straight.
I can't pretend I understand the situation of a gay man in college. But to me Kanji's situation seemed a lot more muddled than what you present here. I mean he's in mad love with Naoto, when he thinks Naoto is male. And when he learns she's female he's still madly in love. It goes beyond a mere possible fling or just one crush amongst a sea of crushes. Boy is obsessed. I think it goes further than mere attractiveness.
As far as I can tell, Kanji is a 3 on the Kinsey scale. The ultimate bisexual. But then again I know nothing about that. So I can't really argue with you. I do hope he's a positive representation none the less. I goddamn love Kanji. Always part of my final party.
I've seen that boy's Palace (were they Palaces in P4? Can't remember). He sure isn't 100% straight.
Weren't the dungeons in P4 how they were perceived by other people? That's why they were over the top as it was a TV show for the viewers of the Midnight Channel.
Whereas P5's Palaces are the characters' vision of others.
You have it backwards. Aigis SL was different for FeMC. Her rank 10 is her wishing she was an ideal partner for you. Elizabeth's is just unchanged completely from what I remember
I've seen that boy's Palace (were they Palaces in P4? Can't remember). He sure isn't 100% straight.
I remember Raven and Lucius and their supports in Fire Emblem 7.
But what about enchanted arms?
Well yes, that's what the whole thread is about. Persona 2, and how the series could look back a bit.
They could look back at a lot, saying how the two Persona 2 games were the best in the series
I haven't booted up 5 yet though
And yet still infinitely more fun than EP.
not even close, EP is leagues ahead of every other Persona game just about every other jrpg for that matter. how is jun the canon choice with how EP plays out?