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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Guilty Crown 1

For a minute, watching the opening scene, I thought they could do something interesting with this. Especially with hilariously goofy stuff like the protagonist watching a youtube video of the girl singing intercut with the action. Then the rest of the episode happened, and they just lamely copied Code Geass, but with less interesting characters and ugly CG mechas.

This is fully of silly writing like the main character editing movies in an abandoned warehouse for some reason, and soldiers looking for an item deciding not to search the main character, or even go up the stairs and look at what's up there. Uh, sure, that's believable.

Also, once we get past the opening scene, the direction isn't interesting at all, featuring a blatant info dump, boring school scenes, and bland CG mecha action. The soundtrack tries its hardest, but the show just isn't as crazy as it should be.


?What is himawari? Just saw it on rightstuf and it looks cute.
I watched Kobato knowing nothing about it and almost HHHHNGGGHHed to death.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
on the Middle of Nowhere
02: Tons of exposition, "politics", fantastical technology, airships that double as floating cities, unlikable character designs with tons of accessories, school full of students who would fit better at a LARPing meeting, awesome music, and a jerk protagonist who for some reason everyone wants to hang out with. This is not Kingdom Hearts: The Anime, it's Final Fantasy VIII.

Yeaaah this is pretty bad. At least the first episode had action. Pretty weird how the censoring works, seeing how grabbing tits is whited out but every other shot showed it perfectly fine.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
UN-GOing anywhere with this, are we? 01: The twenty seconds or so before the opening are probably the best thing of this episode. Just as with Horizon, my problem is that they are trying to introduce too much shit too quickly. The back-story to the victim felt forced and the way the mystery was resolved didn't tell me anything about Shinjirou's detective skills with Inga using her magicks to do shit. On the plus side the character designs are pretty great, pointy chins included.

Eh, Bones has done a lot worse. I will watch this.
One Piece 517

lol, the fakehats are just the strawhats' VAs but switched around. Can't take fake Nami seriously when she sounds like Pikachu.

Brook's concert was great. Hope we get a full song out of it. That's another reason to watch the anime. Bink's Sake was great.

Not a fan of the new eyecatch. I liked the personalized ones pre-


Subete no aware
Tamayura 2: Oh hey, this really is a sequel to Aria after all!

I was actually wondering what the show will do after moving on from the father storyline of the OVAs/pilot, and so I almost laughed when the mono no aware moment of the episode came right at the end. It really is transitioning into Aria-mode, having a lot of the same characters and same story beats. The fact that this was a Yoshida script was icing on the cake.

I'm will aware that this is basically a show that most people won't get, but the few people who are going to stick with it - for whatever reason - are going to get a dose of that sweet, sweet SatoJun sentimentality.


Guilty Crown 1: Yeah, I suppose at least it looks good? I'm tired of every noitaminA scifi show starting with the same premise... the fact that this show specifically is a mishmash of dozens of other scifi adventure beats and tropes doesn't help matters either.

You know, maybe if GC was like No 6. and the dude had to reach into another man in order to activate his powers instead of a fetish object of a character, at least it'd be a little more subversive.


Sket Dance 28

Another one-chapter story extended to fill an episode by itself -- not bad, but I guess they needed to slow down the pace a little. The Student Council is fun to watch.

And firehawk pretty much said everything I was going to about Tamayura ~hitotose~ 2 (well, minus the Aria stuff since I haven't seen that show). It pretty much beats out both Usagi Drop and Ikoku Meiro from last season on the adorable scale.
Persona 4 2

Pacing is still a bit weird, but Charlie is still kicking ass and taking names.

I really do hope he doesn't use izanagi for the whole show.
Time of Eve (movie)

The original episodic nature of this story is still apparent, making the transition to film form slightly awkward. Still, the new scenes do a good job of linking things together and providing a little extra background so that the scientist scenes don't stick out so much, making this the superior version. The story itself is as gripping and moving a sci-fi tale as it ever was.

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

Man, this was so good. The action, the animation, the layouts, the style, the writing, the characters, the English dub, Yoko Kanno - all the elements that made me love the series are here in full force. The only criticism I could make is that it doesn't ascend to the heights that the last two episodes of Bebop did, but then what does?


Phi Brain 2: SLIDING PUZZLES with your life on the line. Death games with puzzles. EASY puzzles. I do find this quite amusing though. It just needs to keep being over the top.

Squid Girl 3: Poor Alex. The dog just doesn't get his props. That was a fun segment. The other two parts were somewhat amusing. Ika thinking radio exercises being a mystical ritual and the subsequent results including a bowl of ramen to Chizuru's face. The OP is pretty catchy I must say.

Ben-to 1: You might as well just learn to cook bro. Or get more bang for you buck than one off half price lunch boxes. So the wacky premising is some sort of fight manga with harem staged in a supermarket where people fight for lunch boxes. I hope there's some substantial in this. A good bad show to watch for sure.

Working'!! 2: That was pretty entertaining. The pacing and joke delivery is really improved from the first season (the new writer and director are doing some good). Yamada was hilarious the entire episode. I also really liked Poplar and Satou's bit in the episode. They have a funny chemistry.

Needs more Maya though. : (

Majikoi 2: Much less energetic than the first episode. A cliched romp where the cast finds a dog. They stumble upon some weapon dealers/smugglers at the end I guess. A pretty dull episode that didn't really involve much fighting that wasn't pans/speedlines or overtop ridiculous. I guess I did like the initial bit where one of the girls sneaks into the MC's bed and the dummy he propped there had phallic cucumber attached.

Horizon 2: A bunch of talking about things. I'm not quite sure I understand the whole retracing history thing but I don't know if I want to bother looking into it. Damn at Masazumi almost having to become transgendered though. Hopefully the next episode isn't as exposition heavy. I need some duck hat ninjas, roboarm girls and perverted mechas laying down something action.

Fate/zero 1: I thought that was pretty good at laying down a prologue (or what I assume to be one since I haven't read the novels). I can see what everyone was talking about though with the utter lack of visual goings on but I didn't mind it that much (well perhaps except the the whole I'm going to circle around you while talking and holding a glass of wine for like a minute). I'm looking forward to watching the next one.


I've got to put Dark Souls down for a bit and catch on the new season.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Utena did the sword thing first and with lesbians 01: Now this is how you do disorienting introductions. If you are gonna throw a bunch of shit at me let me bask in it and don't distract me with a bunch of terms and back story that I don't give a fuck about yet. In fact my only complaint about this episode was that scene where Dweeb-kun was all like "I am so pathetic and here's a history lesson on Japan being fucked in the bum by a virus". It's stupidly unrealistic and it takes me out of the setting.

Awesome visuals, fun music, and the characters are engaging despite not knowing much about them yet. I'm not quite ready to call this "Code Geass' successor", but at the very least it's managing to deliver on the promise of stuff that can only fly in anime. And I love it for that.


firehawk12 said:
Guilty Crown 1: Yeah, I suppose at least it looks good? I'm tired of every noitaminA scifi show starting with the same premise... the fact that this show specifically is a mishmash of dozens of other scifi adventure beats and tropes doesn't help matters either.

You know, maybe if GC was like No 6. and the dude had to reach into another man in order to activate his powers instead of a fetish object of a character, at least it'd be a little more subversive.

It doesn't really need to be subsersive. Its ultra pandering!

Branduil said:
I blame Un-Good.

Lafiel told me you think its good!


About five minutes into Guilty Crown and I'd much rather just go play Dark Souls. I'll come back to this, seems like the type of shit I'm usually gung-ho for. I just need to be in the right mood for it, I suppose - bored and horny.

I need to catch up on Chihayafuru and Persona as well...

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
scy said:
Horizon - 02 - So our
Horizon (character) look-alike seems to be an automaton/living doll named P-01s.
Interesting development, I guess. Token love interest route unlocked?

And the meat of the importance for us, I wager, some refreshers on the history:
There was the Divine States and the Harmonic Divine States placed in an alternate/pocket dimension; the Divine States housed just the Divine States (i.e., Japan) and the Harmonic Divine States housed the rest of the World. Which is peculiar as I'm pretty sure Japan isn't larger than the rest of the World but, whatever, we'll roll with it.

More than that, we're told
that the Harmonic Divine States fell to the world in 1412; half of it was destroyed during this but the other half merged safely, it appears. The occupants, though, all came at once and war broke out due to these events due to the Divine States being blamed as responsible. Though, there is the correction of it being 1413 and not 1412, but I'm not sure if that's a detail Suzu and Asama left out or an actual correction to the timeline. Either way, they reuse the footage from Episode 1's 1457 intro when discussing the two "worlds" merging...

The next class fills us in on some more backstory, but now it raises more questions, possibly.
She merely says "those that returned from Heaven", which could mean the population as a whole, not just the Divine States or Harmonic Divine States. Either way, whatever group of people she refers to are the ones who wrote the Testament, the Record of the World's History.

Besides the history lesson, we do get some insight to one character: Honda Masazumi. Tragic backstories so soon?
She has her breasts removed and plans to undergo a sex-change operation to become a boy to fulfill a role for her family (not sure entirely on it due to the wording but seems to just be a servant-esque position for a noble?); she even goes as far as changing her name to Masazumi to hopefully gain the favor of the man. However, the position is taken from her by automatons/living dolls and she remains a she, though still without a chest (really, we needed an explanation for her loli-status?). And then her mother is tragically murdered.
I feel bad for her :( Looks like we may learn things vicariously through her due to her status (
not a native to Musashi
). And her backstory serves to point out the first guy for us to hate, I guess.

And then the rest of the episode is just kind of sprinkles of silliness and plot setup. Though, it does beg the question of
is Toori's silliness ... for real? Or is there more to it? I mean, it's just too far in that direction to be for real, right? Especially given the kind of respect he is given by the class as a whole. I can't believe that's merely due to his President status, really. Please don't make it just that "He's happy-go-lucky weird because we say so!"

Outside of some unclear bits (that still stem from the shaky background information part), not a bad episode entirely. Would have been nice to have moved into something happening, though, instead of pushing it away for at least another episode, though.
It's not that I don't get all of this backstory, it's that whoever is making this crap hasn't given me a reason to care about all of this backstory. The characters are walking encyclopaedias and there's always time to stop and lecture me on how war between countries is bad and shit. Masazumi or whatever talking about how her life sucks shit™ didn't move me, it annoyed me. She hasn't been on the screen for five minutes and she's already pontificating on the injustices of war on innocent civilians.

Maybe I'm just whiny today.


Horizon would be 100x better if it was just Smugdouche and the heterochromatic big-boobed bow-wielding waifu doing random stuff.


Subete no aware
Dresden said:
I need to catch up on Chihayafuru and Persona as well...
Fixed, etc.

zeroshiki said:
It doesn't really need to be subversive. Its ultra pandering!
It doesn't need to be subversive... it needs to be interesting!

icarus-daedelus said:
What is that supposed to mean? *Frysquint.gif*

Will I like it?
Yes, you will. I know that SatoJun has his haters here though!

old hat
idk, this was probably subversive in 1997
This as in reaching into a girl or this as in reaching into a boy? Maybe it should be completely flipped and the main character is the one being reached into?


Kaleido Star 1:

Yeah, it's my turn to become a staff whore:

Of course, I was half expecting it to be like another episode of Tamayura based on just watching that a couple of hours ago, but of course it's a completely different premise. Strangely, this pilot was edgier than im@s has been in 14 episodes. That show really needs a villain.

I'd watch more, but... 52 episode animu and all that.


firehawk12 said:
Tamayura 2: Oh hey, this really is a sequel to Aria after all!

I was actually wondering what the show will do after moving on from the father storyline of the OVAs/pilot, and so I almost laughed when the mono no aware moment of the episode came right at the end. It really is transitioning into Aria-mode, having a lot of the same characters and same story beats. The fact that this was a Yoshida script was icing on the cake.

I'm will aware that this is basically a show that most people won't get, but the few people who are going to stick with it - for whatever reason - are going to get a dose of that sweet, sweet SatoJun sentimentality.[/QUOTE]
Perfect, I'm looking forward to ep 2 then.


firehawk12 said:
Fixed, etc.

It doesn't need to be subversive... it needs to be interesting!

Not everything needs to be a treatise on society's ills!

I should have taken a bet that you wouldn't like it. Not sure who would have taken me up on it but I would have won!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Articalys said:
Running down a list of some of the other categories from those awards:

Best Mascot:
1) Kyubey (Madoka)
2) Penguin#2 (MPD)
3) Sakamoto (Nichijou)
4) Kuro (Ao no Exorcist)

#2 is not even the best penguin.


Dresden said:
Horizon would be 100x better if it was just Smugdouche and the heterochromatic big-boobed bow-wielding waifu doing random stuff.
For some reason they felt the need to overload it with more "plot" than Legend of The Galactic Heroes and The 12 Kingdoms combined.


firehawk12 said:
Kaleido Star 1:

I'd watch more, but... 52 episode animu and all that.
You really don't need to see the second season, they just copy and paste the first season again, but they manage to degrade it in the transfer.


firehawk12 said:
Fixed, etc.

It doesn't need to be subversive... it needs to be interesting!

Yes, you will. I know that SatoJun has his haters here though!

This as in reaching into a girl or this as in reaching into a boy? Maybe it should be completely flipped and the main character is the one being reached into?


Kaleido Star 1:

Yeah, it's my turn to become a staff whore:

Of course, I was half expecting it to be like another episode of Tamayura based on just watching that a couple of hours ago, but of course it's a completely different premise. Strangely, this pilot was edgier than im@s has been in 14 episodes. That show really needs a villain.

I'd watch more, but... 52 episode animu and all that.

Kaleidostar was a pleasant surprise. I really enjoyed it for what it was.
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