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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Hitokage said:
Monster 18-28

Aw, he really does have a heart of gold. No, wait... Oh... OH...

Pacing like this is fine when you provide payoff.
I love that scene where
they take Schuwald to where the secret forest used to be, and Johan pulls that apple out and gives a monologue like a boss. It's great even if you mistakenly take it at face value.


icarus-daedelus said:
So we started watching Angel Beats! on netflix in English, and I take back anything even mildly kind I said about it. This is fucking awful. Although Kanon 02 probably slightly eclipses this in badness, that was at least so bad it was kinda good. Or at least hilariously derpy artwise. This is just like offensive to my eyes and ears. It's also all over the fucking place, like they just threw a bunch of shit at the wall (bad comedy, bad action, bad high school rock band) and tied it together with bland yet somehow abrasive character designs. I think it's the hair colors; they're just the right shade of obnoxious.

But I'm so close to the end, I can't stop now.

The ending is as bad as you'd expect.
scy said:
My standards are a lot lower than animeGAF as a whole, I feel, so I'd probably enjoy it. That and I actually like KEY, melodrama theatrics aside.
I like Key a lot, and think that Angel Beats is probably the best of Key's four (five, six) animes. Only Kanon is close; it's clearly better than Clannad or Air.

Anyway, I absolutely reject the idea that liking Key means you have lower standards. That's absolutely false, they make great shows. It's a difference of opinion issue, not a matter of a difference of quality.

icarus-daedelus said:
It's pretty bad for KEY, fwiw. They couldn't manage to pull a KyoAni and class it up enough to be tolerable to look at while melodramatizing sad girls in adverse weather. There's no genuinely hilarious best friend to provide relief for the audience, and the cute girls aren't cute even by KEY standards. It's just a mood whiplash-inflicted eyesore.
It does have constant mood whiplash, but that's the point, and it's done very well. The rest of that just isn't true, or is entirely opinion.


A Good Citizen
A Black Falcon said:
Nope, it indeed only means one thing -- animeGAF's circle of Key-hate continues. It means nothing whatsoever about the actual quality of the show, which is very high.
No it isn't.
PdotMichael said:
Oh god, yeah right Gunbuster! What a shame for me, the leader of monocle-gaf. I watch too many new animes, it's not healthy for me.

For now, you're just a wannable monocle, barely making the cut for class A. You got the douchiness down though.
A Black Falcon said:
Nope, it indeed only means one thing -- animeGAF's circle of Key-hate continues. It means nothing whatsoever about the actual quality of the show, which is very high.
How's that persecution complex treating you?

Fortunately I don't care what other people think, or else your persistence in believing that anyone who dislikes Angel Beats is part of some grand conspiracy would lead me to throw Kanon and Clannad under the bus as well.


A Black Falcon said:
I like Key a lot, and think that Angel Beats is probably the best of Key's four (five, six) animes. Only Kanon is close; it's clearly better than Clannad or Air.

Anyway, I absolutely reject the idea that liking Key means you have lower standards. That's absolutely false, they make great shows. It's a difference of opinion issue, not a matter of a difference of quality.

I actually didn't care for Kanon as much as I did Clannad, oddly. Which is weird, in retrospect, since I hate Clannad's female lead with an undying passion.

As for lower standards, terrible word choice, really. Different standards? Not as picky? Something along those lines. Angel Beats I'll watch at some point and update on (probably after I finish The Tatami Galaxy?) and see which side of the fence I fall on.


Im@s 16

Yeah... what a terrible episode. No amount of production values is worth this. The episode itself was rather ugly too so it doesn't even have that excuse going for it.

Just give me a heads up whenever there's an episode that doesn't feature Jupiter, 961 Pro or retarded idol drama. I'm done here otherwise.

icarus-daedelus said:
Oh, not again. Well, ok, one last chance.
No, just watch episode 8 and feel free to drop it afterwards.


A Good Citizen
A Black Falcon said:
It's one of 2010's best shows for a reason.
I wasn't aware that awful direction, terrible visuals, and cheap KEY writing got you on any best of lists.

Maybe I should try getting into the anime industry.


Aigis said:
I wasn't aware that awful direction, terrible visuals, and cheap KEY writing got you on any best of lists.

Maybe I should try getting into the anime industry.
Do you like drawing cute girls?
Branduil said:
Doing it on purpose is worse than doing it accidentally.
The point of the show was to do an often tragic drama that also has a lot of comedy in it. They succeeded, and the mix works.

hosannainexcelsis said:
How's that persecution complex treating you?

Fortunately I don't care what other people think, or else your persistence in believing that anyone who dislikes Angel Beats is part of some grand conspiracy would lead me to throw Kanon and Clannad under the bus as well.
Why do you hate Angel Beats if you liked their other shows, then?

Apart from you though, I think that, based on their words anyway. most of the Key haters here do seem to hate all of their shows, and the company in general, and act like their things are all so horrible that anyone who like them has terrible taste and likes bad shows or something, which is just not right.

Really, Key animes are the kind of thing that probably should be considered "monocle", if that referred to something about quality, because they are better made and more thoughtful than most anime. Key makes a specific kind of thing and does a very good job of it, making better tragic drama animes than most.

I'd guess that one reason the Key hate is so strong in the animegaf threads is because most people on GAF who do like Key aren't willing to constantly argue about it with the people who hate them, so they just don't say anything... understandable, circular arguments like this one do get annoying.

scy said:
I actually didn't care for Kanon as much as I did Clannad, oddly. Which is weird, in retrospect, since I hate Clannad's female lead with an undying passion.
Clannad's okay, but yeah, I didn't like it nearly as much as Kanon...

As for lower standards, terrible word choice, really. Different standards? Not as picky? Something along those lines. Angel Beats I'll watch at some point and update on (probably after I finish The Tatami Galaxy?) and see which side of the fence I fall on.
Different standards is better, yeah.

Hitokage said:
Being monocle requires taste.
No, it doesn't. It just requires a specific set of tastes, combined for a dislike of most anything that falls outside of them, I think.

Aigis said:
I wasn't aware that awful direction, terrible visuals, and cheap KEY writing got you on any best of lists.

Maybe I should try getting into the anime industry.
Key's writing is one of their strongest positive traits, and it's probably the main reason they got the substantial fanbase they have. You may dislike it, but that doesn't make it objectively bad. The direction and visuals of Angel Beats were quite good as well. It was clearly a pretty high production values show.


A Good Citizen
A Black Falcon said:
Key's writing is one of their strongest positive traits, and it's probably the main reason they got the substantial fanbase they have. You may dislike it, but that doesn't make it objectively bad. The direction and visuals of Angel Beats were quite good as well. It was clearly a pretty high production values show.
The show is bad, dude. I only need to point at one (major) aspect: tone. The show completely bounces back and forth and can not decide exactly what it is, and ends up being none of the things it is attempting and is just shit. It feels like something directed by a child. (in before "hahahaha ur 12 so u'd know" etc)

Only my third season in these anime threads and Angel Beats gets brought up for the umpteenth time, I think its, well I loved Angel Beats, pretty interesting to see the spectrum of comments about it. For the dub itself, I enjoyed it. Otonashi and Hinata need more roles. I will never forget it.


A Black Falcon said:
No, it doesn't. It just requires a specific set of tastes, combined for a dislike of most anything that falls outside of them, I think.

When I was lurking the threads, I thought higher of what "monocle" may have meant. Now? It's just a radically different set of tastes to mine so I just don't care~

Key's writing is one of their strongest positive traits, and it's probably the main reason they got the substantial fanbase they have. You may dislike it, but that doesn't make it objectively bad. The direction and visuals of Angel Beats were quite good as well. It was clearly a pretty high production values show.

Well, I'll see for myself when I see it. I feel like that, for the most part, Key writes (melodrama) stories fairly well. The issue, though, is whether or not you care enough about the cast to go with the story for it to be taken well; otherwise, it kind of gets taken as "o woe is meeeeee" and kind of silly. At least, that's my opinion on how it typically seems for the two sides of it.

Dresden said:
You know the show you're defending is bad when DtL is in your camp.

From what I read, I probably have tastes similar to DtL. Which makes me a heretic, I think. Time for the pitchforks and fire~!
Dedication Through Light said:
Only my third season in these anime threads and Angel Beats gets brought up for the umpteenth time, I think its, well I loved Angel Beats, pretty interesting to see the spectrum of comments about it. For the dub itself, I enjoyed it. Otonashi and Hinata need more roles. I will never forget it.

sometimes anime-gaf hate good stuff without good reason like Denpa Onna but Angel Beats is bad.
Aigis said:
The show is bad, dude. I only need to point at one (major) aspect: tone. The show completely bounces back and forth and can not decide exactly what it is, and ends up being none of the things it is attempting and is just shit. It feels like something directed by a child. (in before "hahahaha ur 12 so u'd know" etc)
I already said this, but the show was carefully designed to go back and forth between humorous and tragic elements. While at times I did find the tragedy somewhat overdone -- the character backstories are all unbelievably depressing -- overall they did a very good job of that. It was somewhat impressive how they managed to actually have some amusing humor in such a depressing situation...

Usually Key shows are much more tragedy than anything else, but they were trying something different with Angel Beats, both by adding in the comedy and by adding in the action scenes, to a greater degree than they've done before in their animes. Apart from what I said above, I think they mostly did a pretty good job with the action and tragedy elements. The comedy's usually good, too.

What's wrong with that picture? You don't explain.

scy said:
When I was lurking the threads, I thought higher of what "monocle" may have meant. Now? It's just a radically different set of tastes to mine so I just don't care~
Yeah, it took me quite a while to figure out what the whole "monocle" thing was about, and I still don't entirely get it, because based on the name I assumed that it had something to do with quality, but it clearly didn't based on examples such as this (and Key isn't the only one I'm sure).

But anyway, yeah, you've gotten it right there, I think. I mean, some things that are considered "monocle" are obviously great, but that doesn't mean their tastes should be considered across the board ideals for everyone. :)

Well, I'll see for myself when I see it. I feel like that, for the most part, Key writes (melodrama) stories fairly well. The issue, though, is whether or not you care enough about the cast to go with the story for it to be taken well; otherwise, it kind of gets taken as "o woe is meeeeee" and kind of silly. At least, that's my opinion on how it typically seems for the two sides of it.
They always try to make you like, and feel bad for, the characters, and I think they often succeed, but sure, if you don't, I certainly could see disliking their shows...

From what I read, I probably have tastes similar to DtL. Which makes me a heretic, I think. Time for the pitchforks and fire~!
Heh... I just have different tastes from the orders on their monocle list, so I think I'm usually somewhere in the middle.

icarus-daedelus said:
But it's not like the different elements are good or, god forbid, well-blended. You can have tonal shifts in a show which add variety and elevate the experience. This is just them trying a thing, failing at it, and cutting rapidly to the next crap thing.
They aren't supposed to be blended, really, though... the humor parts and tragedy parts are separate for a reason. They were trying something different in its layout, and I'd say it worked out well.

And did I mention it's ugly? Oh, right, you guys have posted that screencap twice already.
The visuals are fine. Sure, it doesn't match KyoAni work, but Angel Beats looked better than most anime.


Infinite Justice said:
i see we are back to Key hate and ABF valiantly defending. :p

The Wheel of Fate is turning.

A Black Falcon said:
Heh... I just have different tastes from the orders on their monocle list, so I think I'm usually somewhere in the middle.

The more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure I'm just too laid back in regards to things. Which is odd, I'm usually pretty critical. Meh, whatever.


Neo Member
Got around to Guilty Crown 2.

Pretty okay aside from Shu still : (

I thought after going all glowy-eyed he'd stop being the worst but he did not improve at all. Woooow. Hopefully this is all an elaborate ploy to just end up having him killed off so Gai or literally anybody else can be the main character that would be pretty great.

The ending was pretty lol though. But I'm not sure how intent they will be on having horrible guy ruin my fun high school antics.


I actually like a couple Key shows, but Angel Beats is surely their weakest outing.

scy said:
The more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure I'm just too laid back in regards to things. Which is odd, I'm usually pretty critical. Meh, whatever.
Mustache forces unite!


scy said:
From what I read, I probably have tastes similar to DtL. Which makes me a heretic, I think. Time for the pitchforks and fire~!
He's a huge troll so it's always disconcerting when he takes your position. I know that feel very well.


LordCanti said:
Tabuki wanted the rabbit saved, and it cost him a deep cut in his fingers?
I don't know what happened to Tabuki's fingers. I was referring to something Momoka said she did in this week's episode: she saved a rabbit's life, and one of her fingers received a small wound as a result.


Guilty Crown 2 - The MC can't start awesome, lest we lose the chance for 7 episodes of turmoil and inevitable character growth. But, seriously, I'm fine with the wimpy lead depending on how long it takes for him to be serious when it counts, barring any stupid
I want to save everyone oshi they all died while I waffled

I was digging crazy blonde dude villain until
lol I'll tell my dad
. I just want regular crazy, not a
spoiled brat. Hopefully he just becomes regular old crazy like when he flips out in the city--oh, wait, he died. Mm ... okay. That uh, that works too, I guesslolnm

So far, I look forward to Gai
eventually dying
probably the most, if only due to
the catalyst for events that it will serve in the grand scheme of things

And, of course,
. I may have been deluding myself, though, if this wasn't obviously going to happen.

So there's going to be two more Inoris? At least, that's what it seemed like based off the existence of two other Genomes. Maybe Gai will get a toy eventually, though it's more likely they'll be on the other side of things. Hopefully the school direction doesn't become insipid but ... we'll see.

Fanservice stuff wise ... man, I was expecting boobslosion everywhere. You people blow things out of proportions~! Really, though, just wish they were done a bit more tactfully rather than "LOOK LOOK ITS ASS AND LOOK BOOBS." Did we really need the camera to cut away for them? :/


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Mature said:
i feel like i have to watch GC just so i can have an opinion on it

Trust me there are plenty of people here who have opinions about shows they didn't even watch a single minute of.

You're already better than they are.


darkside31337 said:
Trust me there are plenty of people here who have opinions about shows they didn't even watch a single minute of.

I pull opinions out of a hat for those shows. It works wonders!
scy said:
Guilty Crown 2 - The MC can't start awesome, lest we lose the chance for 7 episodes of turmoil and inevitable character growth. But, seriously, I'm fine with the wimpy lead depending on how long it takes for him to be serious when it counts, barring any stupid
I want to save everyone oshi they all died while I waffled

I was digging crazy blonde dude villain until
lol I'll tell my dad
. I just want regular crazy, not a
spoiled brat. Hopefully he just becomes regular old crazy like when he flips out in the city--oh, wait, he died. Mm ... okay. That uh, that works too, I guess

Wait it was confirmed that he died? I didnt think MC would have actually had it in him to kill him, just to knock him out.


Neo Member
Dedication Through Light said:
Wait it was confirmed that he died? I didnt think MC would have actually had it in him to kill him, just to knock him out.

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of Kaleidoscope-kun. Also him being spoiled crazy is way better than just crazy he's great.


Dedication Through Light said:
Wait it was confirmed that he died? I didnt think MC would have actually had it in him to kill him, just to knock him out.

Actually, I don't know.

Edit: derp, I just missed a scene
of him being pulled out of his control pod for the Endlave


darkside31337 said:
Trust me there are plenty of people here who have opinions about shows they didn't even watch a single minute of.

You're already better than they are.

You have an opinion of me without even knowing me!

Well...with the exception of that one night.
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