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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Branduil said:
Well that's actually one of the less stupid things compared to what else happens in that show.

It's basically extreme for the sake of being extreme, so I'm not surprised you like it.
It was often extreme for the sake of being extreme, in several ways, but that was one of the points of the show. Over-the-top or not, I found the story interesting, and definitely was hoping that the main characters would be successful, against those villains. It was often pretty tense, too... yeah, I thought it was good for sure, overall.


zeroshiki said:
21st Century Boys was total garbage though.

Urasawa couldn't leave well enough alone and go with the obvious answer so he creates this completely new series to muddy up the waters even more.

I never read Pluto because the 20CB series turned me off his stuff completely. (Not enough to want to run him over or anything, though)
They aren't really similar works though, because Pluto has a tighter scope. Oh, and it's better. Those two things are, as you might imagine, connected because going way off the rails wasn't allowed in that stricture.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Pokémon Best Wishes! 025 023: The only good thing about that ban is that we go straight to a gym battle. I would be pissed off if these were the episodes that got skipped. They are the only reason I keep up with this show.

Ash still acts like a fucking newbie. When in a Bug gym you don't go head-first with your fire-type, especially if the fucking gym-leader opens with a Bug/Rock hybrid. Tepig must be Ash's worst-loser since he got it.

Fun battle all-around; I liked how he used Burgh's own attacks in his favour. It even included an evolution for hype factor. On the other hand, Team Rocket are back to their old ways. I don't know if that's good or bad.

FAKE EDIT: The pace at which this series is going makes me wonder just how much new material are they gonna include for Grey...


Sucks at poetry

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch


Regulus Tera said:
Pokémon Best Wishes! 025 023: The only good thing about that ban is that we go straight to a gym battle. I would be pissed off if these were the episodes that got skipped. They are the only reason I keep up with this show.

Ash still acts like a fucking newbie. When in a Bug gym you don't go head-first with your fire-type, especially if the fucking gym-leader opens with a Bug/Rock hybrid. Tepig must be Ash's worst-loser since he got it.

Fun battle all-around; I liked how he used Burgh's own attacks in his favour. It even included an evolution for hype factor. On the other hand, Team Rocket are back to their old ways. I don't know if that's good or bad.

FAKE EDIT: The pace at which this series is going makes me wonder just how much new material are they gonna include for Grey...

You mean the Pokemon USA is skipping episodes or something else is going on.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Novid said:
You mean the Pokemon USA is skipping episodes or something else is going on.
Japan skipped episodes 23 and 24 because of the earthquake. The US hasn't aired them either.
Extollere said:

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch
Everything is fabulous.


Unconfirmed Member
Extollere said:

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch
Extollere said:

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch
Whats your angle on this? Ironic or real?


Subete no aware
A Black Falcon said:
Well, I think the confusion of almost all plot elements in this episode are really what highlights how good the action parts are. If the plot actually made any sense it'd hold up better (and it might later in retrospect, once it explains some things), but yeah, for now the action, and maybe also the main three characters, are the highlights, along with the theme, music, etc.

As for "no explanation for new viewers"... yeah, good point, people watching this REALLY should watch the first season first, without that some of the few bits of plot in the episode that did made sense probably wouldn't. :)
The music is pretty nice as well. And between people explaining shit to death (Fate) and just being dumped into a world and letting it speak for itself, I vastly prefer the latter. Presumably, you can pick things up by just watching the show as it happens.


Extollere said:

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch


I am sad that we don't seem to be getting anymore Geass with Lelouch, C.C. and the gang :(


Extollere said:

I just finished Code Geass R2. I'm typing this from my iPhone in bed because it's keeping me up! In fact im probably masturbating thinking about it too... Maybe. I dont know whats going on anymore!! I cant feel my body...and I'm so exhausted from all the fabulous... Those last few episodes were astounding. Perfect end to a perfect show. Holy shit. Watch Code Geass.

I got Geass'd. All hail Lelouch
Sounds like Gode Geass all right. I'm still surprised when people haven't finished it.


I was really surprised how they maneuvered their way through that confusing mess of a plot to give us an actual coherent ending that made some kind of sense.

Re: Code Geass R2 ending
The role reversal from Zero to Emperor Lelouche and the Brittania vs Black Knights perspective change was really good too


Sucks at poetry
I'll post real impressions tomorrow. Right now my thoughts are the same as the first. It isn't incredibly well written and there are contrivances. It's not the best show there is. But my enthusiasm !! It's soooo good. WHY!?

In addition to giving you everything you ever wanted, and even some shit that you didn't even ask for they also cram about a massive ton of robot fighting and mecha porn. This show is ambitious as hell, and the story, while simplistic, has the balls of an ox. It goes there. Several times.

People this is it.

Okay I really need to stop typing on my phone and go to bed.


Rahxephon91 said:
Well at least I gave you a heads up. Better then Code Geass, with it's twists and turns that came out of nowhere.

I'm not really sure what comes from nowhere. They have a built in plot device of the Geass getting people to do whatever Lelouch asks them to do so that's handwaved away. Lelouch also never acts out of character (in so much as that he's a super megalomaniac). Combine that with crazy over the top theatrics and lots and lots of stuff blowing up, its not surprising it has many fans.
Rahxephon91 said:
Are we really talking about Code Geass in a positive light?
Just because the show is awful doesn't mean that there aren't people that like it anyway, obviously. I don't really know why, but I have guessed before that it probably is something like that they like the same things that made me hate it...

firehawk12 said:
The music is pretty nice as well. And between people explaining shit to death (Fate) and just being dumped into a world and letting it speak for itself, I vastly prefer the latter. Presumably, you can pick things up by just watching the show as it happens.
And then there's Horizon, which basically is both at once -- on the one hand, it's got lots of exposition, but on the other hand, it's also somewhat poorly explained and seems to rely on you just figuring things out. ... Yeah, it's not exactly the best of both worlds...

But anyway, both of those designs can work, I think. Exposition can be fine when it's done well and is interesting. That doesn't always happen, certainly, but when done right it can be. On the other hand, having something which just tosses you into something (indeed, like Last Exile Fam is definitely doing) can also be good, as long as it's not TOO frustrating that you don't understand what's going on or why.
zeroshiki said:
I'm not really sure what comes from nowhere. They have a built in plot device of the Geass getting people to do whatever Lelouch asks them to do so that's handwaved away. Lelouch also never acts out of character (in so much as that he's a super megalomaniac). Combine that with crazy over the top theatrics and lots and lots of stuff blowing up, its not surprising it has many fans.
So where did things like Cornelia getting shot and not actually dieing, even though she looked pretty dead and it was a random machine gun to the back. Or like her guard who was in an explosion and then also was alive. Where did that come from? And the maid was a ninja. Was she always a ninja, was that always built into the plot? Or how about the Chinese dude who has a disease that will kill him and it always comes up at the most terrible time, but I guess at the end it's not important?

Hell fucking R2, what was up with it completely?
I mean lets not kill Shirley and reintroduce her character only to kill her anyway?

Important Political Meetings that will decide to the fate of the world take place at High Schools?

And lets not talk about the revelation regarding how Lulu's mom died.
I need to watch the show again before I even attempt to explain how intense that was.
Extollere said:
Rahxephon91 couldn't handle the fabulous. I see...
Oh I love Code Geass. Even own it on dvd. But calling it good in an actual sense, that's stretching it for me.

Regulus Tera said:
Every single post you make proves to me you are an outlier in whatever context is being discussed.

Are you a hipster?
Nope, trust me though there is a method to my madness.
zeroshiki said:
There's no incest in Geass, ABF -_- (you know, just in case that's what's keeping you away)
You've forgotten that I greatly dislike evil MCs? That's a big part of it... that it's got so much pointless, overdone destruction for no good reason, constant stupid plot twists, and way too much pointless tragedy (some of which gets revoked, with or without reason, some of which doesn't) don't help either. And given the nature of the MC, it's not like there's a good cause involved to give there any kind of defense to the violence. I will admit I've watched FAR from all of it, but based on what I have seen, it'd be harder to think of much positive to say about it than it would negative things... I can't think of anything much good to say about it, offhand.

As for incest, I have no idea if it has it or not. Compared to all the things I dislike about it, though, it'd probably be a minor point either way...


Code Geass is bad and you should feel bad and watch a good mecha show as penance but I guess the people who like it dont give a fuck about the mecha :p

watching Gundame Age 3, did that guy in next weeks teaser
have kitty ears? wat


Sucks at poetry
Rahxephon91 said:
So where did things like Cornelia getting shot and not actually dieing just like her guard who was in an explosion and then also was a life come from?
I guess you don't get it. Those things don't matter. Especially not when it comes to anime. Theatrics like this can take precidence over consistency, and there is a finely tuned balance for where and when this should happen. It's crafted, in other words, for the sake of what works best in the context of the story or of its themes. I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the ride.
Regulus Tera said:
Code Geass may be a lot of things, but it is never boring, and that alone puts it above tons of shows airing nowadays.
I don't know. Some of it was boring. Like the middle of season 1 got pretty weak, was going to drop it. I'm really glad I didn't as the tail end of season 1 was great.

Code Geass Season 1 was actually pretty good. R2 was...


I will admit that there were alot of stupid stuff that happened in Geass

Mao 1
Mao 2
Murder Princess
Nunnally not dying from an atomic explosion

but you know, the overall entertainment value was so high that I can't bring myself to care about minor stuff like consistency.
Regulus Tera said:
Code Geass may be a lot of things, but it is never boring, and that alone puts it above tons of shows airing nowadays.
I disagree, when things happen as stupid, and wrong, as the things that happen in that show often are, I'd definitely take boring over something like that.

Extollere said:
I guess you don't get it. Those things don't matter. Especially not when it comes to anime. Theatrics like this can take precidence over consistency, and there is a finely tuned balance for where and when this should happen. It's crafted, in other words, for the sake of what works best in the context of the story or of its themes. I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the ride.
No way, the actual plot of the show matters, it shouldn't just be about "ooh look at the shiney craziness, never mind how stupid it all is!" and that's all... certainly not for anything remotely considered good, for sure, anyway. Lots of action is NOT the only thing a competent show needs.


A Black Falcon said:
I disagree, when things happen as stupid, and wrong, as the things that happen in that show often are, I'd definitely take boring over something like that.


I'd rather not watch but that's just me.


Code Geass is a bad show. But it's a bad show that is so unpredictable at what random nonsense it throws at you, that it becomes a genre of its own. It reaches enlightenment in its own stupid anime way. That's something to be commended on.


Sucks at poetry
It makes no sense to have Nunnally come back. But it works, as a tool to both create conflict and close a character arch. A cheap writers trick, but it's the execution and handling of it that matters. And are we complaining about a nurse also being a bad-ass ninja?? In an anime thread. Because it came out of nowhere and it doesn't make sense? Really??

Hold on a sec... I want off.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Rahxephon91 said:
I don't know. Some of it was boring. Like the middle of season 1 got pretty weak, was going to drop it. I'm really glad I didn't as the tail end of season 1 was great.

Code Geass Season 1 was actually pretty good. R2 was...
I liked the Mao stuff even if it didn't make much sense in the grand scheme. That's definitely the weak link of that series, however.
A Black Falcon said:
I disagree, when things happen as stupid, and wrong, as the things that happen in that show often are, I'd definitely take boring over something like that.
I expect "stupid" from ninety-nine percent of the entertainment media I consume. When a show like Geass has the bravado to do the stupid without caring to explain itself and manages to overshadow the idiocy with the fabulousness, I can't do anything but love the result.


A Black Falcon said:
You've forgotten that I greatly dislike evil MCs? That's a big part of it... that it's got so much pointless, overdone destruction for no good reason, constant stupid plot twists, and way too much pointless tragedy (some of which gets revoked, with or without reason, some of which doesn't) don't help either. And given the nature of the MC, it's not like there's a good cause involved to give there any kind of defense to the violence. I will admit I've watched FAR from all of it, but based on what I have seen, it'd be harder to think of much positive to say about it than it would negative things... I can't think of anything much good to say about it, offhand.

Lelouch isn't evil, he's just misunderstood.

As for incest, I have no idea if it has it or not. Compared to all the things I dislike about it, though, it'd probably be a minor point either way...



A Black Falcon said:
No, he's evil. He may do good things every once in a while, but he's definitely evil overall...

That is, given all the other reasons I hate the show, I don't know how high incest would be on the list.

Overall he isn't evil, and my laughing gif was because the whole reason Lelouch does what he does is all for his sister, which is pretty central to the whole plot.


Lelouch isn't evil in the sense that he probably has no proper moral compass. Unlike Yagami Light who actually was killing people with full awareness.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Steroyd said:
Overall he isn't evil, and my laughing gif was because the whole reason Lelouch does what he does is all for his sister, which is pretty central to the whole plot.
Hitler believed he had good intentions as well.[/Godwin's Law]
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