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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Hitokage said:
K-ON! 11-12 END, Extras 1-2

Yup, definitely liked this. Again, it's not something deserving high marks, but it was consistently enjoyable and that alone went way above my expectations.

Season 2 is considerably better as the pacing is more relaxed and a bunch of the side characters get involved too. And the ending of the series is quite fantastic, something Jex missed out on.


Everything is tsundere to me
I RETURN! Yeah, sorry 'bout the long absence only to turn up in the wee hours of the morn, but hey, I have a life. :p


Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing 1-3
Well, just caught up with this, and... it's not bad! Actually, in many different ways, it's better than the original! The art is clearer (Murata still rock'n), the animation is rock solid (ignoring the typical QUALITY shots), and the cinematography is SOOOOO much better paced and produced than the first. That was actually the biggest failing of Last Exile S1, the shot structure and pacing was lazy, tended to fall flat, and slowed everything down when it shouldn't have slowed down. The speed of developments in this is just a little on the high side, and with the total in medias res of the narrative, it was almost a little jarring to jump right into this. But then I remembered, a direct narrative sequel to the original would have been, aside from the easy way out, probably the worst way to go about it. While it was a bit strange to get into the feel for things and sort of release my expectations for the show, it's started to click and it's not bad at all.

I do have some problems though. The characters, while very likable, are unfortunately running the standard "WE'RE SO POSITIVE, INNOCENT, AND PRINCIPLED" of anime protagonist syndrome. Fam actually started as a great character, a Sky Pirate who gleefully ambushes ships with no regard for those inside to be stripped of their vessel and then left God knows where. I knew that Fam HAD to have been an idealist on some level, but that casual disregard for authority and a certain level of personal interest made me think for a bit that this show wouldn't suck.

But then Fam had to go and be a doormat to Princess Dumb-as-rocks. After actually LISTENING to the idiot broad and somehow infiltrating a HIGHLY ADVANCED ENEMY AIRSHIP, Fam is the one that feels bad she couldn't save Princess Plotpointia MacGuffin? Bitch please. That girl deserved to be slapped, not the one doing the slapping. That the pirates are exiles created by the Sky Nazi Federation is probably the worst part. So much potential to create a loss of innocence story stronger than the original! All relegated to the boring, predictable standard of Innocence>Fall>Depression>Revival>Victory that's basically in just about every other anime ever made. Godfuckingdamnit, why'd they have to go the easy answers route...

Oh well, I'm still enjoying it. I'll keep watching, but there best be some dogfighting eventually, damnit!


doomed1 said:
Oh fuck. Yeah, my bad. I've been up for about 20 hours now, and I probably won't be sleeping for at least another six...

You should watch Un-Go while you're at it. Probably the best frame of mind to be experiencing this unique series. :D


neoanarch said:
You know what was spectacular about pendrum 17?
the octopii
Are they the
arch enemy
of the penguins? Will they come back next episode?
When #1 and the octopi became nakama, I was happy. Being able to see double the panties was a benefit from them both, and it's through panties that their friendship began and blossomed.

We have yet to see about #2.



Sanzigen chief Hiroaki Matsuura explains that the real world in BRS TV will be done with traditional 2D animation, while the fantasy world will be full CG. He is pretty excited to be working with Imaishi yet again.

The way I see it, the decision to use CG in BRS TV seems to be entirely a "creative" process, instead of a matter of budget. With this being Ultra Super Pictures' first anime production, they clearly had to find a way to make all parties happy and feel that they are contributing in a major way, instead of playing second fiddle in the project. The way I see the breakdown is this:

2D animation production and direction = Ordet
3D animation production = Sanzigen
Bridge between Ordet and Sanzigen = Trigger

Having the Ordet staff direct and produce the overall project is a no brainer, since it is a continuation of the OVA which Ordet already produced. The difference here would how they could integrate Sanzigen into the production seamlessly. Allowing them to create and animate the fantasy dream world parts and action scenes make perfect sense here, because that clash in 2D/3D style differences would also serve as an element of the overall theme.

But seeing as Ordet is not a studio that has worked much with CG animation in the past, that is where Trigger comes in. Imaishi has worked with Sanzigen which in this previous two productions, and he knows exactly how they work and what they are capable of. His experience in this area makes him suitable to be the go-between, and since he is a famous director himself who is well known for action animation, it would make sense to allow him to take full charge of the CG direction as well. Having Yoshigaki involved as the character and main animation supervisor would also give more creative leverage to the Imaishi/Trigger involvement in the project, even if they're not the ones producing the animation.


Another minor point of interest for Madhouseisdead-age:

Copihan ep7 credits Ai Yokoyama as the animation director. This is a Gonzo production with no association with Madhouse whatsoever. Ai Yokoyama has been a Madhouse employee for her entire animation career, leading up to her being promoted to the character designer for X-Men. Has she too left Madhouse for greener pastures?


neoanarch said:
Kannagi >K-On

Toradora was awful, some of you people have no taste.
Kannagi was a fun show, and I do like it more than K-ON but I liked ToraDora more than both of them. I still rewatch all three shows though (but I dont have K-ON volume 4 bluray yet)
cajunator said:
Kannagi was a fun show, and I do like it more than K-ON but I liked ToraDora more than both of them. I still rewatch all three shows though (but I dont have K-ON volume 4 bluray yet)

Toradora is probably my favorite anime of the 2000s. Everything just developed very naturally, had a satisfying resolution, and was pretty damn funny to top it all off.


Neo Member
Penguindrug 17

I think Tabuki's thing could be either completely unrelated to harming Himari or any of the kids, or, if not, still fall in line with him saying he doesn't hold a grudge against them. In that case their fate would just be the punishment for their parents, it has to be cruel and unfitting to the ones who suffer and all that stuff they've said about punishment throughout the whole show.

And I can definitely see that interpretation of the penguindrum regarding KanbaxHimari. Kanba's whole "It can't be me" thing would be kind of a response to his continued belief that Himari's true pairing is with Sanetoshi.

Not that I actually subscribe to that or any theory. I mean, the penguindrum is probably the takoyaki skillet thing. If you flip them fast enough, it would sound like a drum, and penguins love seafood it all makes sense.

Also really liked the ending song!
cajunator said:
Kannagi was a fun show, and I do like it more than K-ON but I liked ToraDora more than both of them. I still rewatch all three shows though (but I dont have K-ON volume 4 bluray yet)

because garbage goes in the garbage bin, you know?
Guilty Crown 4

Shu is so cool, gorgeous episode, and Shu x Inori is so nice. Entirety of the second half of the episode had be in shock and amazement.
Anti gravity Void was mind blowing both in concept, and its usage, and the graphics. The scene with Shu pulling the sword out from Inori was beautiful.
Music was nice.


Neo Member
Guilty Crown 3

I am only five minutes in but I may have to completely change my opinion of the show.

The entire argument about CG girl is just hilarious. I had to pause the episode because of laughter. Amazing.


Branduil said:
That won't make it any less crappy.

Of course not. Studying and analyzing the production process and goals of the creators is totally different from giving a critique on the end result.


duckroll said:
Of course not. Studying and analyzing the production process and goals of the creators is totally different from giving a critique on the end result.
newtaminA sucks out all my motivation to be interested in that :(


Dedication Through Light said:
Guilty Crown 4
Shu is so cool, gorgeous episode, and Shu x Inori is so nice. Entirety of the second half of the episode had be in shock and amazement. [spoiler]Anti gravity Void was mind blowing both in concept, and its usage, and the graphics. The scene with Shu pulling the sword out from Inori was beautiful.[/spoiler] Music was nice.[/QUOTE]

Making me regret not watching it before going in to work :(


Setec Astronomer
darkside31337 said:
Sailor Moon 06

Holy cow.

I am not really an Ikuhara fan at all. I enjoyed Utena but didn't think of it as super amazing as some folks do. Mawaru Penguindrum has been up and down for me, but mainly down and mainly incredibly boring.

But this episode. I feel like I get it. This episode was great. This was the best episode of Ikuhara I have watched all year and by far the best episode in my Sailor Moon escapade thus far.

This episode was something special. It managed to turn the formulaic monster of the week and random characters, into something so much more than that even when it wasn't. That was just really enjoyable to watch. Wakamoto being involved for this episode was the cherry on top of this sundae.

The power of
is something special, even if Usagi doesn't know who
the father is lol
. Only gripe is that Usagi was totally out of character during this fight, she was actually using some intelligence.

Just outstanding. Can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes he's at the helm for in this series.
One of the things that makes Sailor Moon great in general is that it doesn't take itself all that seriously, and so it doesn't pretend Usagi isn't bullshitting with her speeches.

Also, anime Usagi isn't a total moron. That would be live action Usagi.


Unconfirmed Member
Un-Go 4
Flat, but entertaining. Good to see a continuing plot being established.
Once again, Shinjuro spews verbal diarrhoea at the end of the episode. Why does no one ever cut him off?

Persona 4 A 05
So many dead-eyed stares.
I usually give a show at least 5 episodes, and I was planning to drop this show. Alas, maybe it's just because my expectations couldn't be lower, but this wasn't bad. For once, the humour worked to an extent. It was even sort of fun.
It's nice to see Nakamura with something resembling a personality, but it still makes no sense that everyone gravitates around him. Is such a boring person really profoundly touching the lives of the people around him?
Use of music is appalling. Traditional anime visual flourishes like giant tear drops keep being used even though they clash massively with the (horrible) art style.

Mawaru-Penguindrum 17
Well directed, fun to watch (love the
, but I can't help but be a little underwhelmed. It was an obvious set-up episode, but it really felt like nothing happened. That can be said about many episodes of this show, but usually I feel more like I've learnt something about this world, or at least have something worthwhile to take away from the week's story.
The scene with
Yuri and Tabuki looking out at the city
was fantastic. I'm wondering what the hell triggered
Tabuki's sudden personality switch
at the end of the episode. Was he
deceiving Yuri as well? Does he have his own agenda?
Nice elevator. Hell of a cliffhanger.
As is always the case with Penguindrum episodes, the running time flew by.
Basileus777 said:
There's stalker crazy and there's
bringing a sick girl from the hospital to an isolated construction site to meet up with a deranged woman who drugged and raped you crazy.
She wasn't
. Only
sexually assaulted.

...jeez, this show.


Up to date now, with 3 episodes seen in a row... astonishing overload!

Branduil said:
That's more like it. Love the malaprops.
Most hilarious intro to Survival Strategy yet. Don't really get the grandfather taking over Mario's body.
I don't either, but maybe there is nothing to get... things happen (fabulously, sometimes).

Branduil said:
Loved the scene with
Yuri and Tabuki in their condo discussing Momoka. It's the first time we really have seen Tabuki without his mask.
Yeah, from the moment I doubted of his character's position and integrity on this show some episodes ago, I wanted to see some kind of redemption in my eyes, and with this I'm kind of satisfied and now want to see more of him, and why he acts the way it does.

GaimeGuy said:
early on in the episode i got the impression he didn't hold what himari, shoma, and kanba's parents against himari, shoma, and kanba? And now he's going to off Himari?
Maybe Yuri convinced him on accepting that grudge she has against the Takakuras...
or maybe, as hosannainexcelsis rightly said:

hosannainexcelsis said:
It's not uncommon in this show for
people to lie about their true motives and emotions to others and to themselves. Tabuki's been putting on a false front for most of the show; even if he's more open with Yuri, he may not have been totally willing to admit his true feelings.
At any rate, we'll need to wait for next episode to see how things play out.
By the way the conversation between Yuri and Tabuki was presented (like the two were reluctant to acknowledge how the other individually appreciated Momoka, in distant ways) I had the impression that although both of them appear united in behalf of the diary procurement and that same "objective" in common, their intentions seem to diverge, so it wouldn't surprise me if he hided his true motivations to Yuri, like we have already seen earlier, to later act on his own (that illustration card at the end made me think that we could see Tabuki's personal resolution next).

Also, I don't think it is necessary to assume he is going to "off" Himari at this moment, his revenge could imply other kind of situations, right? Although the previews for the next episode sometimes give good clues on what will happen, and this latest one...


/XX/ said:
By the way the conversation between Yuri and Tabuki was presented (like the two were reluctant to acknowledge how the other individually appreciated Momoka, in distant ways) I had the impression that although both of them appear united in behalf of the diary procurement and that same "objective" in common, their intentions seem to diverge, so it wouldn't surprise me if he hided his true motivations to Yuri, like we have already seen earlier, to later act on his own (that illustration card at the end made me think that we could see Tabuki's personal resolution next).
Well that was obviously what the imagery of the scene was heavily implying.


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
Your transformation to Dresden Jr. is nearly complete. Now you just need to find a nice girl without working limbs to fantasize about.
Meh, I just found it funny how what you wrote could be interpreted another way.
Lesbianism > Cannibalism
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