A Black Falcon said:
Just because you can come up with a somewhat decent explanation for why it happened doesn't mean it's not sexist, you know... it is.
What?? So your argument is "you have a good point but you know it's not true despite me offering no counterpoint?"
A Black Falcon said:
You might be right that part of it is because of her wanting to train him, etc, but come on, "the MC guy finishes fights" is the way things are done in this genre, because you couldn't have a female character doing that... and I also just can't ee the male MC ending up with the honor seal bento even though Sen fought the best as anything else than based on sexism, whether or not it can be explained. Your explanation is decent, but that's the reason behind it I'm sure.
Why are you so sure?
A Black Falcon said:
Also, while the fact that Yarizui did most of the fighting, and was the one who won the fight almost on her own, is important, that he was given the last hit definitely has symbolic value. It's not meaningless. I do agree that letting him and Shaga help out in the fight made sense, though, I'm not complaining about that part. But overall, of course that's how the genre is (sexist because of where it comes from and the audience it is for), but that doesn't mean I just accept it.
Of course the MC getting the final hit has symbolic implications but again I think they're positive. Before the MC gave his spiel over why he was there after she questioned him on what he was doing there her demeanor changed completely. You could decide to attribute it to "she's so happy the knight came to save the damsel in distress" or you could decide that she was happy because he made a decision on his own and followed through with it and better yet he followed her advice. As cheesy as it is she's not just training him to be a wolf but a man as well, and perhaps the concept of being a man is sexist from the start but then if that's so why not just call everything sexist?
A Black Falcon said:
Yeah, Wizard taught her to be a wolf. That story's the one the manga covers (she starts out not knowing how to fight at all pretty much). As for the MC replacing her, though... perhaps, but that'd require a Sen-MC pairing not to be the final one, which could well happen gven that she's pretty much the main girl. It isn't definite, sure, but likely? Yeah, I think so.
What? No, it doesn't. None of the things I mentioned, her leaving, Sato succeeding her or them being a couple are necessarily mutually exclusive. First off I should remind you of their position and setting, they're in high school. Yarizui leaving is not conjecture it's an inevitability. Oh sure I suppose she could fail a grade and get held back, if that can happen in Japan, or he could graduate early as some kind of genius and they can graduate together but all things considered it's almost 100% certain that she is going to leave a year ahead of him. Whether she still hunts for ben-to or not is irrelevant because she will no longer live in the school dorms, no longer have that store as her stomping grounds and will either be off working or going to college. So yeah, whether the story gets that far or not she's leaving. Then you have him succeeding her, either that happens formally as she hands over the reigns of the club over to him so he can be in charge when he's a second year so she's free to study in her third year, whether she stays on her final year and he takes over when she graduates formally or she just leaves and everyone just calls him her successor because she's gone and he's still there, it's pretty much a certainty that, with Yarizui gone and if he continues hunting for half priced meals that he will be her successor. Notice how time flows here? Life doesn't just stop at some point, all these kids are in a transitional point in their lives, to say that any point in their life at 15 or whatever is "the end" is fucking silly. Now the show will probably decide to end with them both still in school, time is just moving too slowly for them to all of a sudden hit you with finals and shit and there to be the "real ending" this season, I'm talking about the story's end and logical conclusion not the anime's. And lastly you have the pairing, why the hell does them hooking up mean he can't succeed her? I don't understand this logic. You want a shitty Oshiroi style quick and dirty scenario that fulfills all three suggestions I made previously?
Yarizui steps down shortly before graduation to study for graduation officially leaving things to Sato. They don't even need to fight for him to succeed her you know. Spend some time with Sato, Oshiroi and crew as 3rd years waxing poetic over their time with Yarizui , sprinkle it with some dabs of hijinks and melancholy end it on a high note with everyone agreeing they treasured their time together and those experiences made them the people they are, yadda, yadda, yadda, you know, the usual shit at this point. Show them all graduating, someone asks Sato what he's doing next, he's got some school picked out, scene change, brief intro of life on his new campus, scene change, he's hungry and checks out a local shop and sees some Ben-to's about to be marked down, runs to grab one when out of the blue at the last second he blocks a kick to his face(hey, he's gotten better by now right?), shock and awe, it's Yarizui and he's stumbled on her new hunting ground, or maybe she's not really hunting but that's how she says "hi," they become a pair and stand up to even stronger wolves in college together. See? Easy anime level story right there. I'm not saying it's going to happen I'm just saying them ending up together in now way hinges on whether he takes her title in High School or not as they're not going to up and die after graduation.
Of course she might just leave and the story ends with the waxing poetic over how she changed his life or some shit.
Also, she's training them to succeed her because of where and
when they are. I mean, what kind of bitch is going to train someone to fall apart the second they leave them during graduation? That's some fucked up shit man, why you gotta be such an ass and think Yarizui would do something like that? I mean, either she's training him to stand on his own two feet when she's gone OR she wants a pet, all signs point to the previous. And again, there are numerous scenes in the show that deal with the current cast's influential one's departing them or leaving them behind, it's rather blatant really.
Also, it'd make just as much sense for the show to end with Sato picking out someone to train and reminiscing about his mentor.
A Black Falcon said:
You are right, though, that the setting isn't entirely sexist; there are a bunch of strong female fighters in the series, as well as male ones, which is good. Fighter-girl harems in harem action shows aren't rare these days, but still, the fights and action clearly show that the female characters can be just as good as the male ones, for the most part, which is good to see.
It's not even the setting that's remotely sexist it's the presentation, the presentation is beyond sexist, male gaze EVERYWHERE, at all times, the OP puts them in bathing suits for no reason but I'm not convinced wrapping up something not sexist in a sexist male oriented bow makes it sexist.
A Black Falcon said:
Heh... it was a little annoying that they didn't show either of the other fights, but the main one took up a lot of the episode, where would they fit it in? Maybe they could have cut the earlier parts of the episode to make room, but the episode does work as it is, I think.
I don't care, make the episode longer damnit, this shit airs late enough.
A Black Falcon said:
A theme of the show? I guess so, but but that might be overstating it... it's just something which has happened repeatedly and without explanation. Your reasoning there could be it, I'm not sure. That's not quite as Wolflike as fighting for it is, but it's a start for sure, and she's good at it too, clearly (hence why I said she was actually a ninja or something

True, she's more like a hyena or some scavenger.
A Black Falcon said:
Her novel's fine, just for a certain audience obviously (not us, but that's the joke). The little clips we hear are stupidly amusing.
I guess, different things for different people.
icarus-daedelus said:
I think you're a cool guy, mac! For your hatred of Tessa, love of Spoor, and stern determination to watch every shitty GONZO show you can unti they kill you, I look up to you and salute.
Thanks, I like you too! But you really highlighted how bad my reputation is, you got the two important things right, those being my immense hatred of Tessa and my love of Spoor but somehow now I watch every Gonzo show! This is a fabrication! I wanted to stop with Glass Fleet but no, then others started watching it and bullied me into it, I did stop with Last Exile though. I might be late but I eventually come through on my goals.