That sounds pretty amazing. Not something I'd like to watch, ever, but at least they're mixing it up, staying creative. That's a good sign, from a creative standpoint. That sounds like a whole new tier of filler episodes.
Filler episode types:
Traditional filler: An anime original story in a anime that's based on a manga. These might be below average in terms of production as the studio is trying to pad out a shows run, possibly because the next part of the manga hasn't been written yet.
Oshii variation on traditional filler: Similar to the above in that it's a story that comes from the team creating the anime, rather than the original manga. Except here it might not be below average, rather, it might be seriously weird.
Lazy ass filler: Take 98% old episode footage, add some kind of framing device like one character explaining something to another, and then go. These are episodes that I will always skip.
Wolf's Rain level filler - The same as the above, except you do it for four episodes in a row.
Annoying filler: Perhaps this episode will only be 40% new material, and that material might not be that interesting but you kind of have to check it out episode. At least is straight filler you can just skip it outright, with this you are forced to watch.
Utena[filler: Similar to the above except there are some potentially huge story or character based revelations packed in around re-used footage. Dastardly!
Gintama filler - It's clear when they don't have the money or time to animate certain segments, but at least they include meta-commentary on the nature of filler itself.