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2011 NBA Mar |OT| Now listening to the Stan Van Gundy mixtape

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TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Derrick is passing too much.

He's getting others involved but hopefully he takes the shots when he has them (instead of being too unselfish) in the second half.

Korver lighting it up.

Boozer playing well.

Lulz, Derrick Rose is actually being a good point guard and yet you want him to jack up more shots.
Red Blaster said:
Lulz, Derrick Rose is actually being a good point guard and yet you want him to jack up more shots.

I don't want him to overpass.

It's as simple as that.

He's done that a few times and it led to nothing.

He's not Rondo, Rose actually can make plays.
Fucking did something bad to my knee, it's swollen to shit and I can feel it move when I walk. Any advice? I'm keeping it elevated and iced for now. Looks like intramural basketball is getting dropped at the least.

Celtics better lose, Lakers closing in on HCA for the finals.
I can't believe Roger Mason Jr. has suddenly turned into an NBA player again. Spurs-GAF did RMJr. do anything like this last year? Dude has sleepwalked more than half the year now is playing solid O and D.
Zeke said:
still no word but they said the trainer give them a thumbs up so hopefully its minor he's done for the game tho

I'd be ok with Tim missing 2 or 3 games. Gets him so rest and we can play Splitter to see if he'll be worth a damn in the playoffs. He sets really good screens and cuts to the basket really well.
The Frankman said:
I can't believe Roger Mason Jr. has suddenly turned into an NBA player again. Spurs-GAF did RMJr. do anything like this last year? Dude has sleepwalked more than half the year now is playing solid O and D.

No. After he disappeared in his first season as a Spur during the playoffs, he never showed up again. I was amazed Pop managed to make him look like an NBA player for the first part of his first season here. One of the best coaching performances ever


obijkenobi said:
I'd be ok with Tim missing 2 or 3 games. Gets him so rest and we can play Splitter to see if he'll be worth a damn in the playoffs. He sets really good screens and cuts to the basket really well.
same here I'd rather have a healthy Timmy in the playoffs. Timmy confirmed sprained ankle.
obijkenobi said:
No. After he disappeared in his first season as a Spur during the playoffs, he never showed up again. I was amazed Pop managed to make him look like an NBA player for the first part of his first season here. One of the best coaching performances ever
I'm sure Popovich could turn the current Cavs into a .500 team.
The Frankman said:
I can't believe Roger Mason Jr. has suddenly turned into an NBA player again. Spurs-GAF did RMJr. do anything like this last year? Dude has sleepwalked more than half the year now is playing solid O and D.

I mean, he was really good his 1st season here (until the playoffs). So I suppose he could get his form back.

But he was so disgustingly bad in his 2nd season that I doubt it.

obijkenobi said:
I'd be ok with Tim missing 2 or 3 games. Gets him so rest and we can play Splitter to see if he'll be worth a damn in the playoffs. He sets really good screens and cuts to the basket really well.

Ah, I bet they are going to be more cautious with Timmy than that. I expect 4 games minimum. With this type of standings lead, we have leeway. Besides, we planned to give him rest anyway.

I wouldn't hold your breath with Tiago.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Millsap just scored 35 without Deron and Sloan and while coming off an injury. If Kobe wasn't a chucker, Gasol's numbers would still be worse than Millsap's so that is an offensive stat where Millsap is better. Watch Millsap shoot a layup, the degree of difficulty on every one is absurd because he's five inches shorter than the guy trying to block his shot and because Millsap has poor lift. Millsap has to do hand changes, body adjustments, changes on shooting direction, and fakes on almost every layup he shoots and he can't dunk. He's the statistically best finisher in the NBA. That's just one aspect of his game.

Really, you're citing one game? Jamal Mashburn once scored 50.

Crunch time is not worth anything. Why are we singling out 100 minutes out of 26,000? Oh right, to serve your agenda. I don't know how you measure "statistically best finisher in the NBA," because he doesn't lead the league in At Rim FG% at all.

He has a jumper, a pump fake, a blow-by, a crossover, a hesitation, a jump hook, a turn-around, a side-shimmy, a step back, And 1 Durantics and one of the most insane finishing moves ever in transition where he's sliding when catching the ball to dodge defenders and ends up near the three point line. He's incredibly skilled.

As I said, Pau does all of those and some even better. Is Millsap very skilled? yes. Is he as skilled as Pau? No.

Also, New York's bench is failing bad right now. Melo too.
Millsap has an inside shots percentage at 70%, but KG's is higher at 71% which is the first one I've seen that's higher :/. Millsap's played well without Deron and Sloan and is playing extremely well again tonight, you were arguing he was a product of Deron and Sloan and he's shown in almost all games not to be. I wasn't even listing all of Millsap's moves.

Jazz fading.


talisayNon said:
We are getting so many calls this is awesome.
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