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2012 NBA Apr |OT| Presented By Unicef and Feed The Children, Fuk Yo Hunger Clown.


what does the past have anything to do with this year?
i dont dwell on the past. i embrace the present.
kobe since all star break has been on that stupid scoring title fever.
taking idiotic shots, forced shots. stagnating the offense.
and let's not go into Dumbfuck's offensive scheme of getting kobe the ball
by giving him a screen at the 3pt line and "let's see what he does from there"

Yea, I really don't buy into this assertion that he is gunning for the scoring title. Kobe always guns, always has, always will. Since he believes, and always has, that he's the best offensive player in the league why didn't he always gun for the scoring title every year?

What's different about this year? He just woke up and said "fuck winning...i'm gettin mines"?

He takes more shots because no LO and Artest struggled for the first 4 months so our 4th and 5th offensive option disappeared this year...and he takes worse shots cuz he's slower, older, and the offense is stupider.

All that being said, we're 3rd place in the West right now...and realistically...who the hell thought we'd be contending for 3rd place in the West when the season tipped off?


A friend of mine tried to bring up the Rudy Gay pre-draft stuff... the biggest knock on him then was " a lack of a motor, questionable drive" and things like that. But he could actually play. Drummond... you're starting from scratch. Even Bynum had something to work with coming out of high school. Drummond is a wannabe Amare.

I don't know if the other Portland guys feel this way but screw it. Let's just take him. He can rebound and be a defensive paint roamer and could turn into something offensively with work. It took Bynum 2 years just to start dropping 10 and 10. I can give this kid some time to develop

No way in hell it's as bad as Oden
Lol what happened to you this season?

Really angry that he cheated on Vanessa or what? We're squeaking by NO and getting blown out by Phoenix without him...a few years ago we were blowing out teams and winning 4 in 5 games without him.

Because Kobe has become the Kobe who shoots first, second, third, fourth, and passes fifth if he is surrounded by four of the opposing players. Kobe's FG% has crashed due to his stupid shot selection. And as Kado has said, dumbfuck coach being dumbfuck coach isn't helping. Bynum refusing to grow up and behave any more mature than a 5 year old. The team is screwed.


Remember how diehard said that the Jazz would lose because of me? I chimed in and they won. I think he has the early stages of konex stink starting up on him.




more money than God
Jalen Rose going hard against Skip (thanks Ripclawe)

Damn. Skip is caught! haha
None of that is disproving of a lie. He simply said that he shot too much, and his coach didn't like it. Him only scoring 1.4 PPG could just mean that he was absolutely terrible. I can buy Skip being a terrible player in fucking HS. It was also low of JR to do it, because it had nothing really to do with the discussion.

Besides, JR is a scumbag who shouldn't be implying anything about anyone else.


None of that is disproving of a lie. He simply said that he shot too much, and his coach didn't like it. Him only scoring 1.4 PPG could just mean that he was absolutely terrible. I can buy Skip being a terrible player. It was also low of JR to do it, because it had nothing really to do with the discussion.

Besides, JR is a scumbag who shouldn't be implying anything about anyone else.

Yeah, it was totally a dodge move by Jalen. Skip's antics are annoying, but that's a douche move to pull on a guy on TV like that.
oh my god, hahaha.

1st Sessions puts up his hands in disbelief as the play happens.

Then he just stands in one spot staring at Metta for 10 seconds. Doesn't even move as everyone is walking back to the locker room. ahahaha

Morris' reaction is amazing, too.

Only MVVP can produce such a play.

The $2.4 mil might not matter, but we'll see. I still think a Dampier type trade is more likely.

MWP inbounding is asking for it. I trust him to preform in the crunch, but not inbounding.

This is where I miss Odom and Horry.

Kobe's FG% has crashed due to his stupid shot selection.

Not quite. Prior to Sessions, no one else is a constant perimeter threat, so when there's 4 secs left, Rock is going up. He's had his wtf games for sure, and always will, but the FG% I'm not really knocking him on.

and let's not go into Dumbfuck's offensive scheme of getting kobe the ball
by giving him a screen at the 3pt line and "let's see what he does from there"

AkA the LeIso. Hey, I've already said 2 seasons max. It's just painful to watch.


NBA Players, for obvious reasons, get frustrated when people lie about their basketball accomplishments in order to add a sense of credibility to their opinions.

If you've got a PHD in astro-physics and some dude is arguing with you and claims he also has a PHD and you realize he took one Astronomy class in college and studied economics...you'd point it out too.
Yea, I really don't buy into this assertion that he is gunning for the scoring title. Kobe always guns, always has, always will. Since he believes, and always has, that he's the best offensive player in the league why didn't he always gun for the scoring title every year?

What's different about this year? He just woke up and said "fuck winning...i'm gettin mines"?

He takes more shots because no LO and Artest struggled for the first 4 months so our 4th and 5th offensive option disappeared this year...and he takes worse shots cuz he's slower, older, and the offense is stupider.

All that being said, we're 3rd place in the West right now...and realistically...who the hell thought we'd be contending for 3rd place in the West when the season tipped off?

responding to bold.
uhh yes?
he has a shot at getting the scoring title this year, unlike the last several years.
he hasn't shot this poorly since the the 97-98 season ffs.
if you can't see kobe's selfishness this year, then you really are obtuse or being disingenuous.

his logic can be said in a nutshell.
"as long as we get in the the playoffs, we'll be fine. but in the mean time, fuck all y'all.
im getting my scoring title first."

the only viable counter argument you have is where mike brown is placing kobe.
which should be in the pinch post and nowhere else for better shot selection.


more money than God
NBA Players, for obvious reasons, get frustrated when people lie about their basketball accomplishments in order to add a sense of credibility to their opinions.

If you've got a PHD in astro-physics and some dude is arguing with you and claims he also has a PHD and you realize he took one Astronomy class in college and studied economics...you'd point it out too.
How did he lie, though? He said that he thought he was Pistol Pete in HS, and he sought to shoot a lot, but his coach didn't like it. Scoring 1.4 PPG in HS simply means that he shot terribly, which I can easily believe. It's HS. Plenty of kids come and go who are absolutely terrible.

BTW, I still don't get the hate that Skip gets in this thread. I watch him all the time, and his opinions practically MIRROR those of Best-GAF. Yeah, people may call him a troll, but he's held consistent opinions for YEARS.


responding to bold.
uhh yes?
he has a shot at getting the scoring title this year, unlike the last several years.
he hasn't shot this poorly since the the 97-98 season ffs.
if you can't see kobe's selfishness this year, then you really are obtuse or being disingenuous.

his logic can be said in a nutshell.
"as long as we get in the the playoffs, we'll be fine. but in the mean time, fuck all y'all.
im getting my scoring title first."

the only viable counter argument you have is where mike brown is placing kobe.
which should be in the pinch post and nowhere else for better shot selection.

Responding to bold.

Kobe's shooting like ass this year...primarily because of a two month stretch of bad shooting. he was shooting fine and jacking up 24 shots in the first 2 months of the season...no one cared then right?

Viable counter arguments to "Kobe doesnt care about winning and is just selfishly searching for a scoring title":

1) The offensive playcalling, like u said, is much worse

2) Bynum + Pau play more together than in the past, clogging up the paint and forcing Kobe to the perimeter

3) LO is gone, Artest, Blake, Barnes have been shooting horribly all season...onus is on Kobe to create more offense.

4) Since Sessions came in...Kobe's shot selection and shot totals have gotten better. Even in his 3-20 and 3-21 games he shot less shots than his horrible 30 shot games + shot primarily makeable shots. Why? Because LA has another scoring threat that they didn't have.

A little bit of thought and analysis and you realize there are a myriad of reasons behind why Kobe's shooting so much...why he's shooting so poorly? That's due to age, decline in athleticism, the entire league is shooting poorly in the * season, Brown's offense blows, etc.

Edit: I love how NO ONE is mentioning that Bynum has been HOT GARBAGE in the last two games without Kobe...38% from the field. Why? Because his FG% skyrockets with all the Kobe double teams that lead to lobs between Kobe/Bynum and Pau/Bynum etc. 38% from the field for your starting ALL Star Center


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
None of that is disproving of a lie. He simply said that he shot too much, and his coach didn't like it. Him only scoring 1.4 PPG could just mean that he was absolutely terrible. I can buy Skip being a terrible player in fucking HS. It was also low of JR to do it, because it had nothing really to do with the discussion.

Besides, JR is a scumbag who shouldn't be implying anything about anyone else.

Skip said he started for his team that went to state that year.

"Skip Bayless scored a grand total of 21 points in 15 games as the “starting” point guard for the 1970 state runner-up. That averages out to 1.4 points per game. Considering his coach didn’t like him because he “shot too much,” you have to wonder how low his field goal shooting percentage was."


How did he lie, though? He said that he thought he was Pistol Pete in HS, and he sought to shoot a lot, but his coach didn't like it. Scoring 1.4 PPG in HS simply means that he shot terribly, which I can easily believe. It's HS. Plenty of kids come and go who are absolutely terrible.

BTW, I still don't get the hate that Skip gets in this thread. I watch him all the time, and his opinions practically MIRROR those of Best-GAF. Yeah, people may call him a troll, but he's held consistent opinions for YEARS.

He does get some undue hate but this was good instance of the record being set straight. His comments made it sound like he was too hot or the coach didn't like him because he was too good. He twisted the truth slightly to make him sound good when he actually wasn't


more money than God
Skip said he started for his team that went to state that year, but he wasn't even on varsity the year the team went to state.
Where are you getting that from? I thought he said during the show that he was. There's nothing in the article about that either, is there?

He does get some undue hate but this was good instance of the record being set straight. His comments made it sound like he was too hot or the coach didn't like him because he was too good. He twisted the truth slightly to make him sound good when he actually wasn't
Really? Because I didn't get that AT ALL from his twitter comments. It's just people assuming something, and maybe he did imply it, but it doesn't mean he lied. Also, we're talking something subjective here. What does his HS coach's opinion of shooting "too much" mean? Could be just a few shots.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.


more money than God
That article confirms that he indeed played for the varsity team that was State runner up. He just played terribly.

"Yep, Skip Bayless scored a grand total of 21 points in 15 games as the “starting” point guard for the 1970 state runner-up. That averages out to 1.4 points per game."

So, he didn't lie about playing for the State runner up.

EDIT: Lol at Iadien's tag. That sucks dude, lol.


I didn't know Skip's claim to fame and what launched his career was basically implying or stating that Troy Aikman was gay

BHAHAHAHAHAHA...dude has always been a troll! While I agree with his ideas about Lebron...this is just sad!


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
That article confirms that he indeed played for the varsity team that was State runner up. He just played terribly.

"Yep, Skip Bayless scored a grand total of 21 points in 15 games as the “starting” point guard for the 1970 state runner-up. That averages out to 1.4 points per game."

So, he didn't lie about playing for the State runner up.

Skip still lied. Skip said he started on a varsity team and scored 21 points during the entire season, and also said his coach told him he shot too much. How the fuck is he starting and shooting too much with 21 points, on a team that lost 2 games the entire season?

edit: either way, what I read may still be correct. He was a starting point guard on team that went to state, but played in less games than anyone else? Sure.


i really don't want perry jones. He looked like he didn't give a fuck sometimes, and more than anything else i reall wouldn't want that on the rox.

we just need to find an underated white center. I think that would solve all of our problems.

How is a 6pts/6reb a game center going to solve our problem of barely making the playoffs (or not) and getting shit on in the first round? I think it would just make the problem worse.


more money than God
Skip still lied. Skip said he started on a varsity team and scored 21 points during the entire season, and also said his coach told him he shot too much. How the fuck is he starting and shooting too much with 21 points, on a team that lost 2 games the entire season?
Maybe he shot terribly? Once again, all he said was that he played on a state runner up (confirmed to be true), and that he was told to stop shooting so much. Maybe he started off shooting a lot, then stopped when his coach told him to stop? Maybe he was terrible, and that's why his coach told him to stop? People are calling him a liar based off one stat. There's nothing here to confirm that he lied. Very little, actually. He didn't say he played great, just that he shot too much, which could be true.

I understand that he's made a lot of enemies, and people have been waiting years to see him fall, but this is really reaching.

Was the last play at the end of the Laker game a Mike Brown thing, or did the players pull some shit?

If it was Mike Browns, I would continue with the plan to fire him after the season is over.

I have become of the opinion that he really has no idea what he is doing, and your gifs and thoughts of him when he was announced turned out to be true.

I wish the Lakers hired Adleman.


more money than God
Skip still lied. Skip said he started on a varsity team and scored 21 points during the entire season, and also said his coach told him he shot too much. How the fuck is he starting and shooting too much with 21 points, on a team that lost 2 games the entire season?

edit: either way, what I read may still be correct. He was a starting point guard on team that went to state, but played in less games than anyone else? Sure.
The point is he did play for the team, and you were incorrect about that. He could have been starting PG. Hell, maybe even for just one game. It's fucking HS. Starting lineups change all the time. Not necessarily a lie.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
The point is he did play for the team, and you were incorrect about that. He could have been starting PG. Hell, maybe even for just one game. It's fucking HS. Starting lineups change all the time. Not necessarily a lie.

Even if it was only him exaggerating his skill, it is still douche baggy. The only reason Jalen went at Skip is because Skip is critical of Jalen because he wasn't that talented of a player.


Ok, what is this play that everybody is talking about? I didn't see it.

Also, when did Devin Harris remember that he used to be a great player? The dude has been rock solid the past couple of weeks.


more money than God
Even if it was only him exaggerating his skill, it is still douche baggy. The only reason Jalen went at Skip is because Skip is critical of Jalen because he wasn't that talented of a player.
He is? Where? All he did was ask Jalen what position he played to make a point about Westbrook.

And JR is the last guy to talk about anyone exaggerating their skill. The man produced a documentary on the Fab Five that made it seem like he was one of the greatest players ever.


I understand that he's made a lot of enemies, and people have been waiting years to see him fall, but this is really reaching.

Really? Claiming himself to be the starting PG of a shitty high school team, playing the fewest games on the team, and scoring the fewest points, then trying to relate this experience to one of the best players in the world? Who is reaching here?

He deserved whatever is being thrown at him in this case.
Really? Claiming himself to be the starting PG of a shitty high school team, playing the fewest games on the team, and scoring the fewest points, then trying to relate this experience to one of the best players in the world? Who is reaching here?

He deserved whatever is being thrown at him in this case.

Skip is and has always been a piece of dog shit. I turn off the TV when he's pontificating.

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