There are certain favors you ask at great, great risk. Such as: Borrow large sums of money. Help move a piano. Take care of your dog that still hasn't gotten the hang of housetraining.
And root for the Heat.
This may come off sounding like an anti-Celtics story. But it's not. It's just a simple and direct basketball plea, that's all. A request to the basketball gods to give us Miami vs. Oklahoma City in the NBA Finals, especially after what we've all been through since last summer. Don't you think we deserve it?
Look. The Celtics, at this point, are many things: Noble, for sure. Proud. Fighters. Gamely geezers. Gritty, determined, resourceful. All that.
And they're also something else: In the way.
For the sake of Heat lovers and haters, the Celtics need to step aside Saturday so we can witness a big buildup to an event that just might meet the hype. If the Heat win Saturday, basketball wins. Seriously, after watching LeBron James on Thursday, and Kevin Durant the last week, and knowing how quickly the ball will whisk up and down the floor if these two players and teams met, why would you wish for anything else? What's the alternative