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2013 NBA Playoffs |OT| Lakers started from the bottom, and they still there

The fact that an active professinoal player came out and is openly gay is very much a sports story. Whether or not Broussard "agrees" with it, or whether God does or doesn't allow him to grace Jason Collins with approval of his lifestyle, is completely irrelevant.

Well then you don't want people to give opinions on ESPN. You want them to simply state the facts and only that?

He was asked a question about how he feels about the topic and answered it based on his religious beliefs.....I don't feel like he did anything particularly wrong but espn will fire him because of it.

Exactly. It's not fair to cut it out like that.


bish gets all the credit :)
this is nothing new for Broussard

My take on John Amaechi by Chris Broussard

broussard_chris_mCheck out this article from ESPN writer Chris Broussard who recently appeared on Corelink Radio. This article appears courtesy of ESPN.

I think the NBA is ready for an openly gay player.

By “ready” I don’t mean that everyone on the guy’s team or in his organization will like the fact that he’s a homosexual, or that the guy might not get called names by opponents on the court, or even that his own teammates might not chuckle behind his back.

But by “ready” I mean that players will tolerate a homosexual teammate or opponent. Like Charles Barkley said, some have been doing that already.

Just look at the comments made by players, coaches and Commissioner David Stern when asked about former player John Amaechi’s recent disclosure that he is gay.

The overwhelming majority of comments have been politically correct, even the ones that were considered homophobic by Philadelphia’s Shavlik Randolph and Steven Hunter.

Go talk to guys at an open gym in your neighborhood, and lots of the comments won’t be so polite.

But America has become so politically correct — not to mention that, in my opinion, much of the media and Hollywood are promoting the idea that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle — that many players are afraid to voice their true feelings publicly.

Thus, whenever a current player comes out as gay, you will hear overwhelming support for the guy. And while I think Mark Cuban went overboard in saying the guy would be “an American hero,” I do believe he would be embraced by a sizeable segment of the population.

He would definitely get marketing/endorsement opportunities, and some folks in the media would champion him and the gay cause.

Well, anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I’m not concerned with being politically correct. So here’s where I stand:

I’m a born-again, Bible-believing Christian (no, I’m not a member of the Religious Right). And I’m against homosexuality (I believe it’s a sin) and same-sex marriage.

But before you label me “homophobic,” know that I’m against any type of sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman. That includes heterosexual fornication (premarital sex).

Some cats in the NBA run around, sleeping with different women in every city — I don’t agree with their lifestyles.

Some players run around, cheating on their wives — I don’t agree with their lifestyles.

It’s all wrong to me and against the biblical teachings I believe in.

I’m saying all that to say that if I can play basketball with a homosexual, just about anyone can.

I’ve played in several rec leagues with LZ Granderson, who is an openly gay writer at ESPN The Magazine.

I consider LZ a friend. I’ve gone out to lunch with him, talked music, sports, politics and lots of other things with him. I greet him with a handshake and a hug, just like I greet lots of other guys.

By the way, LZ can ball. In a league in New York City that features several former college players, we both made the All-Star team. He was kind of like our Shawn Marion minus the dunks (though he claims he can still slam!) and I was like our Gilbert Arenas (high game of 39, thank you).

Anyway, when we play in our rec league games, I give him high fives and hugs. Same with one of his friends who is on the team and also gay. When we’re on the court trying to get a win — or in the office talking about a story, for that matter — his sexuality is not an issue.

Granted, I don’t shower with LZ after games like NBA teammates do, and I’ll admit that if I had to, it might be a little uncomfortable at first.

But if a gay player just goes about his business in the shower, showing that he has no sexual interest in his teammates and that he’s not “checking them out,” I think the awkwardness would wear off fairly quickly.
LZ and I know where each other stand and we respect each other’s right to believe as he does.

I know he’s gay, and he knows I believe that’s a sin. I know he thinks I get my moral standards from an outdated, mistranslated book, and he knows I believe he needs to change his lifestyle. Still, we can laugh together, and play ball together.

That’s real diversity. Disagreeing but not being disagreeable.

For the record, I covered Amaechi as a beat writer for the Akron Beacon Journal when he was a rookie playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

I like John. He’s intelligent, nice and you can have a good conversation with him. I haven’t seen him in several years but if I saw him today, I’d smile and give him a hug. I think dinner with him would be a blast, with lots of great discussion/debate about race, politics, religion, Africa and yes, sexuality.

Since Amaechi came out, I’ve read lots of columns about being “progressive.” The implication — or outright assertion — is that anyone who believes homosexuality is wrong is not progressive or enlightened.

That’s where this thing becomes problematic, because those who hold to that view are saying I must change my entire belief system/religion because of your belief system.

Where’s the diversity in that?

Those folks don’t want diversity. They want everyone to agree with their “enlightened” opinion.

Look, I’ll accept your right to have your own belief system and to live as you please, but I’m not changing mine. Diversity is not just accepting alternatives to what has long been perceived as normal, but it’s accepting the significant number of people who hold to long-standing “traditional” beliefs as well.

Millions of Christians who follow the Bible — and Muslims who follow the Koran and Jews who follow the Torah, as well as many nonreligious Americans — believe homosexuality is wrong.

That doesn’t mean they’re unenlightened. That just means their moral code doesn’t fluctuate based on society’s ever-changing standards. As long as we’re not being violent toward one another, as long as we can be civil, everything should be fine. We don’t have to agree.

And please don’t compare being homosexual to being black. I consider that insulting to blacks for a number of reasons. The fact that some blacks make the comparison themselves only shows how crushed our racial esteem has become because of America’s oppression (witness our insistence on calling ourselves the n-word).

You can’t hide your skin color, choose your skin color, change your skin color or switch your skin color back and forth. Some argue that you can’t do that with your sexuality either, but there are many scientists on both sides of the genetic debate, and I believe a truly objective person would admit the biological evidence for homosexuality is far from definitive.

Nor has the Bible, the Koran or the Torah ever associated a particular skin color with sin (it was only racist whites who twisted the Scriptures 400 years ago who did that, never the Bible itself).

I’m not trying to get into a religious or scientific discussion here, I’m just saying that some people will accept homosexuality as fine and others will not.

Some will write me off as a bigot for this article, but folks, this is real talk. Unfortunately, we can’t have real talk in America nowadays.

Whites can’t voice their real opinions — no matter how legitimate — about race for fear of being called racist, and everyone’s afraid of offending anyone. It seems the only person who can be openly criticized, or disagreed with, is the President.

How crazy is that?

Until we can honestly hear each other out — and be civil while doing so — we won’t get anywhere. One thing I hope this article does is encourage people to have frank discussions about sensitive issues such as this one.

Here’s the bottom line: If I can accept working side-by-side with a homosexual, then he/she can accept working side-by-side with someone who believes homosexuality is wrong.

If an NBA player can accept playing with a homosexual, then the homosexual must accept playing with guys who don’t agree with his lifestyle.

Believe me, when the ball goes up, his sexual preference isn’t going to matter.


Broussard is a walking sin against journalism.

Did it last year and it still works today.


Bill Simmons for Broussard on ESPN's NBA crew isn't going to make me as sad when TNT is done for the season.
Having sex before marriage is an open rebellion to God? Chris Broussard just said me and my gf are going to hell. Cool.

Is Collins a Christian? If so, it's extra lame he would pull that true scottsman fallacy on him and say he's not a Christian.
He was asked a question about how he feels about the topic and answered it based on his religious beliefs.....I don't feel like he did anything particularly wrong but espn will fire him because of it.

Then ESPN should have someone else come on to give the opinion that Broussard's religion is a stain on humanity.

edit: to clarify, I mean his interpretation
Well then you don't want people to give opinions on ESPN. You want them to simply state the facts and only that?

Exactly. It's not fair to cut it out like that.

If they want to give their opinion that's fine. If their opinion is bigoted and ignorant then they deserve to be called out for it and if he loses his job so be it. If an NBA analyst had come out against Michael Jordan's recent marriage because he doesn't believe in interracial relationships he would have been fired yesterday. I see no difference in what Broussard said. And if he is too stupid to realize his opinion is bigoted and should be kept to himself than that his his problem. He should have refrained from the discussion otherwise.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Broussard's comments are gaining steam. Him getting shitcanned by ESPN might be the second best part about Collins coming out.


Having sex before marriage is an open rebellion to God? Chris Broussard just said me and my gf are going to hell. Cool.

Is Collins a Christian? If so, it's extra lame he would pull that true scottsman fallacy on him and say he's not a Christian.

The bible says its a sin...which is an open rebellion against God. Again, chris never said anything new....This is a very sensitive topic though.
If they want to give their opinion that's fine. If their opinion is bigoted and ignorant then they deserve to be called out for it and if he loses his job so be it. If an NBA analyst had come out against Michael Jordan's recent marriage because he doesn't believe in interracial relationships he would have been fired yesterday. I see no difference in what Broussard said. And if he is too stupid to realize his opinion is bigoted and should be kept to himself than that his his problem. He should have refrained from the discussion otherwise.

I don't see how saying "I disagree with that act, but I think you have the right to do that because I am not in no position to tell you what to do with your personal life" is extremely bigoted. And again, he was asked for his opinion.
The bible says it is.

The bible also says that working on the sabbath is an open rebellion against God. Has Broussard ever filed or written a story on the sabbath?

I don't see how saying "I disagree with that act, but I think you have the right to do that because I am not in no position to tell you what to do with your personal life" is extremely bigoted. And again, he was asked for his opinion.

He called into question another man's Christianity, and also equated homosexuality with adultery.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hey Chris, tell me something, where does God stand on reporting rumors as facts?

False witness is among the six things God hates, king Solomon says.[13] False testimony is among the things that defile a person, Jesus says. [14]

Oh, I see.


Why isn't Chris Blowhard talking shit about Dwight since he gathers up baby mama's faster than he learns post moves.

Hey Chris how about "thou shalt not bear false witness".

So every off season is Chris's mountain of lies basically the equivalent of a 50 man bangbang/bukkake in the eyes of his god?


The bible says its a sin...which is an open rebellion against God. Again, chris never said anything new....This is a very sensitive topic though.

Deuteronomy 25

25:11 When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets:
25:12 Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

I guess I should go cut off my wife's hand too.
Actually it's not. But that's another religious debate for another day.

Leviticus 23:2-3

Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'These are my appointed feasts, the appointed feasts of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies. 3"'There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a Sabbath to the LORD.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Why isn't Chris Blowhard talking shit about Dwight since he gathers up baby mama's faster than he learns post moves.

Hey Chris how about "thou shalt not bear false witness".

Thou shalt not steal my jokes!


The bible definitely says lots of dumb shit in the first half. Then the second half Jesus gets all hippy basically says ignore it and quit judging people.

Also if this gets sources fired Jason Collins will be a real American hero.


Leviticus 23:2-3

Like is said, that is a debate for another day (or another place). Chris probably should have expressed his views better. In this day and age, with our kids even taking their lives because of bullying, and LGBT fighting for their rights... I feel like chris should have not just thrown his words out there.
Like is said, that is a debate for another day. Chris probably should have expressed his views better. In this day and age, with our kids even taking their lives because of bullying, I feel like chris should have not just thrown his words out there.

It's not a debate. If you try and take the word of the bible literally (like so many do when they try and use it against gay equality) then you have to take a lot of other crazy shit along with it. Unfortunately for people like Broussard, they like to pick and choose what they get religious about.
Manu gave Collins props for coming out on his Facebook page just now.

"All my respect and support to Jason Collins. Thanks to his courage perhaps someday an athlete's sexual preference will be irrelevant. Congratulations."

This is what TP had to say:

"Really hope people will RESPECT Jason Collins for his decision to come out. Just glad he can now relax and not be afraid to be who he is."

Really cool to that Collins is getting support like this across the NBA.


It's not a debate. If you try and take the word of the bible literally (like so many do when they try and use it against gay equality) then you have to take a lot of other crazy shit along with it. Unfortunately for people like Broussard, they like to pick and choose what they get religious about.

This is the thing. Their is no reason why a free man or woman should be barred from getting married. It's never made sense to me. I believe anyone who says so is a hypocrite.

Also, as a "christian" myself, we aren't allowed to pick and chose what to believe. Otherwise, the bible just becomes another book(As it is for anyone that isn't one). However, I feel my words are a condemnation of me infront of you and God. There isn't much i can say here, knowing i'm far from being the perfect person and only christian by "name". English isn't my first language but i hope what i said here was clear enough.


Mark Jackson said he is "praying for Jason Collins and his family".

Meanwhile I'm praying I never have to hear this again.

See now imagine Jason Collins isn't a 34 year old vet but a 24 year old D-leaguer/fringe league guy. Him being gay might be enough of a reason to prevent him from getting a call up in the Warriors organization.

If anyone else comes out soon it's either going to be an old vet like Collins, or a player so good that a few coaches/execs being bigoted won't affect his place in the league one bit.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Broussard's comments are gaining steam. Him getting shitcanned by ESPN might be the second best part about Collins coming out.

We all can dream.

Dude makes me ill.


If Chris wanted to say something he should have kept it brief like "I'm a Christian and I don't personally agree with his lifestyle but that's his prerogative and I'm not going to judge him for it"

Instead he went on a tirade about it being an open act of rebellion against God. His words not mine.
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