My main position is that there is no conspiracy by the NBA, refs, or even ESPN (lol at this even being a real thought) to proper Lebron to some level that he isn't already on.
If the NBA was fixing the games or finals, Spurs would never be "allowed" to make it to the finals so many times. OKC wouldn't be runner up. Miami itself is a small market. Pacers wouldn't be good.
The refs aren't out to get the Spurs or paid off by the Heat. Every superstar in the existence of the league has gotten disproportional calls. But alone in this series, 2 out of the 3 games Spurs gone to the FT line more. Miami has been in foul trouble. And in this last game 2 out of the 4 quarters Miami was already over the foul limit around the 6 min mark.
And finally ESPN only cares about covering the highest ratings news story which is Lebron. When its NFL season they barely touch on the NBA. Its why they cover guys like Tebow or JFF who either flat out suck or haven't done shit yet in the league. Why its always Yankees/Redsox, Puig, Woods, Manning, Brady, and Lebron.
Seems like all these guys go through intense mental gymnastics to first condemn Lebron for leaving and teaming up with good teammates, which is pretty much a requirement to get a ring in the NBA since forever. Then when they can't attack that they come up with wild child like theories where everyone is out to get them, the fan of the "other" team.