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2015 NBA Finals |OT| the deli is closed

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Whoever's mad about who is and isn't posting, I mean, maybe watch the game or something. Shouldn't have time to F5 and read up and post with a 24 second shot clock, particularly when teams aren't interested in draining it.
all due respect to Stu, but if you were from another country, or had no frame of reference of who he was or what ESPN/Sportscenter was, this mural would probably look weird as hell:
LeBron hitting that 3 was bad news, he still doesn't have that shot back. The midrange is fine though.

I think going big is our best lineup. Only issue is mozgov can't switch onto Steph.
Is LeBron still overdribbling like a dumbfuck on those 3 attempts?

(At Colossalcon right now so I can't really watch much of the game)
Some of those shots weren't affected by size though, like Jalen pointed out in the replays some of those GState actually had the size advantage but the shots just didn't fall.

True, it will be interesting to follow the stat going forward, if it continues on the course of the series Vs Cavs it could be more than an aberration. I think the Bulls & the Hawks struggled as well.
True, it will be interesting to follow the stat going forward, if it continues on the course of the series Vs Cavs it could be more than an aberration. I think the Bulls & the Hawks struggled as well.

I seriously doubt it, considering they have played against guys like Dwight, Davis, Randolph, Gasol who are just as big rim protectors.
Games happen at about 10am local time here so I can't watch much, and my Grizzlies been out for a little while anyway, but I'm just here to register my support for the Cavs even though for the past 10 years I been like fuck Lebron due to me always rooting for the underdog/being a hater. I've decided to be a hater against the Warriors this year.
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