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2020 PC Screenshot Thread of No Compromises




advanced basic bitch
I really like how as we move ahead in power, anime and animation styled games are literally looking like the animation they are based on. Literally the worst you can say about them is they look too clean.
I was going to post the same thing. It makes me hopeful to see more games based on anime and western cartoons.


I really like how as we move ahead in power, anime and animation styled games are literally looking like the animation they are based on. Literally the worst you can say about them is they look too clean.

Edges are clearly seen. Need to use special shaders for these, that will trace splines. IIRC Ratchet and Clank used something like that.
It's called "silhouette refinement" IIRC.


Crysis 2 might have the cleanest IQ i have ever seen in my monitor so far. Apparently it used some kind of temporal AA that was based off MSAA and worked in a very different way to the TAA we know today.

I found some information in this document, it's in the spoiler below:

19. Anti-Aliasing 19 10 Anti-Aliasing Although many multiplatform engines often do not use AA on certain platforms, CryENGINE 3 uses a form of amortized MSAA reminiscent of OpenGL accumulation buffer approaches, called Post MSAA. Such an approach works by accumulating sub-samples over frames and reprojecting them to the current frame. It should not be confused with “temporal antialiasing” commonly used on 60 fps games that simply do a linear blending and hence have ghosting for every pixel. The Post MSAA approach is very general and allows for a sub-pixel accuracy solution on all platforms at a cost of just 1ms on consoles, and less than 0.2 ms on PCs at 1080p resolutions. Due to its sub-pixel accuracy, it minimizes moiré patterns and visible shimmering on surfaces with high frequency characteristics (fences, grids, etc) commonly visible in EdgeAA/MLAA or similar techniques. It works on alpha tested geometry, and performs shader anti-aliasing i.e. on surfaces using Parallax Occlusion mapping, or similar aliasing prone techniques. It also performs post-tone mapping without damaging HDR quality on high contrast areas like regular hardware MSAA approaches (pre-dx11). Such a technique is quite a novelty in the video game industry and it’s very likely Crytek will release improved versions as it has potential to also be merged with different techniques - for example, it’s currently also combined with Nvidia’s FXAA in “Extreme” spec, in order to improve quality further with sub-pixel accuracy results from post MSAA.

All that considered, it puzzles me why this kind of AA wasn't used in any other game ever, as far as i know. It basically cleans up the image as well as any blurry TAA we see nowadays, while being less blurry (especially when compared to some horrible implementations such as Fallout 4's)... and that was in 2011 ! And it looked and performed a LOT better than Nvidia's TXAA which was only going to be released around 2012, in the next year! What's even worse is that not even Crysis 3 used it. It has FXAA and SMAA as low cost post process AA options but neither looks nearly as clean as this one from Crysis 2, I was very disappointed to find out that the game looked better and worse than Crysis 2 at the same time, on my PC. What could possibly the reason for that? Why wasn't this Post MSAA implemented as a global solution for CryEngine? I really wish we had access to it, it would be awesome to have such option in Reshade. And i was easily able to remove the blurriness it added to Crysis 2 while keeping the anti-aliasing effect almost intact so that means some sharpening implemented of top of this Post MSAA would make it an almost perfect low cost post process AA solution.
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RPCS3 (8K Internal Render 4K Output)


...And if anyone is curious about how this emulator actually runs the game, I've uploaded this 4K video, showing it running at 8K (internal render) on my gaming rig with Msi Afterburner overlay enabled, to give you an idea of perfromance metrics:

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