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2020 PC Screenshot Thread of No Compromises


Hunt: Showdown


Kingdom Come Deliverance ENB + Reshade + Mods

New Version of my personal reshade profile (2.5), added a new shader (quint lightroom) which allow to modify infinite aspects of the color of a scene, this allowed me to give a better perception of the sunlight without loosing the greenish of the plants and trees giving a further natural touch to the scene



I should really take some time to try the PS3-emulator. this looks hella good and I have so many titles I loved on that system

When it works, it works very well, Virtua Fighter 5 runs at a locked 4K 60fps for me (9900K (5Ghz) & RTX 2080) & Demon Souls II, the same & without any (That I've so far noticed) graphical glitches.

But they are the exception, most titles I've tried struggle to do that, Sonic Unleashed for example will run between 40-60fps, not ideal for a Sonic game and most other games that I've tried have graphical glitches aplenty.

I just thought I'd give it try as an experiment and now its all set up on my rig, ready for future updates, this my setup:

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