2023 Console Screenshot Thread |OT| Crap, Crap, Mega Crap, I'll Give Ya 200 Bucks for All of Them

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Lords of the Fallen PS5 Photomode


Would you recommend it? I always loved V-Rally and played the older WRC games.
Hard to say.

The last rally games that I really loved were Rallisport Challenge 1 & 2 on the og Xbox. (Both very arcady).

A few years ago, due to the lack of alternatives, I tried Dirt 2. Personally, it was far too simulation-heavy for me, especially with a gamepad.

WRC 2023, on the easiest of the three difficulty levels, feels just right for me. The cars are significantly more difficult to control than in Rallisport Challenge, but nowhere near as extreme as in Dirt 2.
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