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2nd Child of Pa. Couple Dies After Only Praying (Update: sentenced)

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So how far does freedom of religion go? You can't do human or animal sacrifice in the name of religion as an example. So how do we allow people to practice faith based healing when it also results death?
Religion or not that is utterly disgusting. How you don't learn after the first loss is beyond me. Seems like they need something a little more serious than probation to get the point across to them.


So how far does freedom of religion go? You can't do human or animal sacrifice in the name of religion as an example. So how do we allow people to practice faith based healing when it also results death?

This is where I'm at. These faith based healers are crooks and shouldn't be allowed to peddle that bullshit. There is a big difference between praying for someone to get better while they are getting medicial treatment and some huckster. As a parent of a 10 month old, I don't understand how any parent could see their child in pain and not want to do anything possible to help their child. That is evil. If your child is in pain you take them to the doctor to help soothe your child. If you don't, there is something wrong with you. These people re mentally ill and should be put in prison for the death of two children. I think they should also go after these "pastors" for preaching this stuff.


Freedom of religion should never apply in this case. Two innocent children are dead because these scumbags couldn't bring their kids to a doctor! The sentencing was too light, should have given them at least 20 years instead


The church's website has a sermon titled "Healing — From God or Medicine?" that quotes Bible verses purportedly forbidding Christians from visiting doctors or taking medicine.
Churches should be held accountable for stuff like this. It shouldn't all be on the parents when christian churches are brainwashing them with teaching like this.
It's horrible, and it should be criminal.
This is where I'm at. These faith based healers are crooks and shouldn't be allowed to peddle that bullshit. There is a big difference between praying for someone to get better while they are getting medicial treatment and some huckster. As a parent of a 10 month old, I don't understand how any parent could see their child in pain and not want to do anything possible to help their child. That is evil. If your child is in pain you take them to the doctor to help soothe your child. If you don't, there is something wrong with you. These people re mentally ill and should be put in prison for the death of two children. I think they should also go after these "pastors" for preaching this stuff.

To me there's just not much difference between neglegince and honicide. I don't see much difference. So allowing a religion to preach one and not the other seems hipocritical at best.

Churches should be held accountable for stuff like this. It shouldn't all be on the parents when christian churches are brainwashing them with teaching like this.
It's horrible, and it should be criminal.

Right. The people teaching this shit should be just as accountable as the people practicing.
I'm not sure jail is what these 2 need. They definitely should have their children taken away. I dunno. What a bunch of morons. And they're still probably too narrow sighted to truly understand.


Their pastor, Nelson Clark, has said the Schaibles lost their sons because of a "spiritual lack" in their lives and insisted they would not seek medical care even if another child appeared near death.

Lock this guy up too.
I think the real unfortunate part of all this is the 7 other kids they have. Hopefully they're old enough to understand what a bunch of fuckwits their parents were and don't carry on their ass-backwards beliefs.


"You've killed two of your children ... not God, not your church, not religious devotion — you," Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Benjamin Lerner said.
Well said, but I'm left wondering about the relatively light sentence for killing two children. What a sad story of two dangerous people.


The people who should be most outraged are christians. Stuff like this really makes their religion look extremely bad, but there is such a reluctance to question what is being taught in churches.

When children are suffering and dying because of religious teachings, what are you going to do about it? Pray?


Very light sentence and sterilization should be mandatory after the second child.

The people who should be most outraged are christians. Stuff like this really makes their religion look extremely bad, but there is such a reluctance to question what is being taught in churches.

When children are suffering and dying because of religious teachings, what are you going to do about it? Pray?

Prayer works.


Scary Euro Man
Sadly, religion isn't the real cause of this. Stupid is the real cause of this. Which is unfortunate, because it means that even if you get rid of the sects that preach this garbage, stupid people will go on to be anti immunisation and treat their kids with homeopathic remedies, or get them treated for cancer and aids by quacks with harmful and expensive snake oil. And stupid is harder to eradicate than any religion.


Ok, since the idea of forced sterilization in cases like these offends some people, then the only safe option is life in prison. A couple of years isn't enough, they need to spend their entire lives in prison with no conjugal visits.


Scary Euro Man
Ok, since the idea of forced sterilization in cases like these offends some people, then the only safe option is life in prison.

They need to be treated as unsuitable parents in any other case would be; take their children away for the safety of the children, and don't allow them to have any more children without them being taken away at birth.

Life in prison isn't necessary, but they should serve whatever term of prison is appropriate. If the courts find 3.5 to 7 to be appropriate, then so be it.
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