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2nd Child of Pa. Couple Dies After Only Praying (Update: sentenced)

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In the US? Good luck making religious ceremonies that are harmful for children illegal. If that were the case, they'd probably eradicate baptizing, circumcision, those weird chanting displays you see in Jesus Camp, Jehovah's Witnesses and their weird blood issues, those weird Rabbis who suck blood from penises, etc...

If they got rid of those, the various groups would immediately scream persecution and murder the politician who tried it.

apparantly it is a human right to sexually and physically violate your children because, religion

that religious rights go before individual human rights in modern society is both baffling and terrifying


Junior Member
In the US? Good luck making religious ceremonies that are harmful for children illegal. If that were the case, they'd probably eradicate baptizing, circumcision, those weird chanting displays you see in Jesus Camp, Jehovah's Witnesses and their weird blood issues, those weird Rabbis who suck blood from penises, etc...

If they got rid of those, the various groups would immediately scream persecution and murder the politician who tried it.
Kind of hard to take you serious when you lump baptism with circumcision. Really?

Summer camp is harmful since they put kids in water.


Log4Girlz said:
If there was no god, he would never answer prayers.
Supposedly these christians believe in a god, yet he doesn't answer prayers.

Well God did answer their prayers.

He said "no".
i cant say im an expert in law, but can a judge overrule the verdict of a jury if he seems fit?

I would love to see a judge look at the verdict provided by a jury and just say "fuck this, im sentencing you both to death"

I'm pretty sure the judge can't just sentence people to death with no due process or anything, no.

Dude Abides

i cant say im an expert in law, but can a judge overrule the verdict of a jury if he seems fit?

I would love to see a judge look at the verdict provided by a jury and just say "fuck this, im sentencing you both to death"

A judge could reverse a guilty verdict but not a not-guilty verdict. Criminal defendants in felony cases are entitled to a jury trial, so a judge reversing a jury's acquittal and entering a conviction would effectively deny them that right. He might be able to declare a mistrial, but I'm not sure.


If the parents get two controlled experiments like this . . . doesn't this tell them anything?

Talk about receiving a sign from (none) god.
But seven of their children are still alive. They need to crank out a lot more before it's statistically significant but it's looking good so far.


It was all God's will. If he wanted that baby to live, he would have teleported the baby to the ER. God wanted to bring that baby to heaven.



I get that this story is infuriating, but there's no reason to think that the parent's would go to the hospital to save themselves. Believe it or not, there are a disturbing number of people who genuinely believe what they preach about faith healing and the like.

ugh stuff like this is why my faith in humanity dwindles gradually....


Guys I know two dead kids is a steep price to pay but we have to respect religious freedom because we have to respect religious freedom because we have to respect religious freedom. Also faith.
This story just pisses me off. I really can't stand people like this.
I dont understand how some people can be so delusional. I really hope they have learned from their negligence. Prayer cannot save a child.


Yeah, time to put them in jail. It was a big mistake not to do so the first time, and now another child is dead as a result. They are a menace to any child in their care.

Guys I know two dead kids is a steep price to pay but we have to respect religious freedom because we have to respect religious freedom because we have to respect religious freedom. Also faith.

I suggest a compromise: they can practice faith healing, on themlselves, from jail. :)
Their whole congregation should be in jail.

All of their actions led to these deaths.

On the other hand, how the fuck were they allowed to kill the second kid too? You would think someone would keep an eye on child murderers.

The Lamp

I think the point is that if you have to "update" the Bible when its something so demonstrably wrong like medical advice, it calls into question from where you derive faith in such a book. You're treating it like a historical curiosity in one sense, but then placing irrational trust in it in another sense, with disregard for all logic and reason.

The Bible doesn't attempt to be an authority on medical advice, it has other pressing matters to address. What are you talking about because I'm kind of confused now? I don't read the Bible for medical advice on what to do if my appendix is rupturing. The Bible is about spiritual healing. The Bible says that God can perform miracles and it's good to pray to God and ask for things like miracles but that doesn't equate to sitting around and ignoring the good people God left on earth to fix stuff like a rupturing appendix.


Well God did answer their prayers.

He said "no".

They should worship me. I will dutifully ignore all their prayers as well. And in this instance, if they had sent me a prayer via text, I would have called a fucking ambulance and saved their kid.


Kind of hard to take you serious when you lump baptism with circumcision. Really?

Summer camp is harmful since they put kids in water.

You mean like the times where kids have drowned or been harmed during baptisms?



For the record, I am not against it on the whole, but that there are cases when dunking a screaming infant into water against its will probably isn't a good idea.


Scary Euro Man
To Christians saying these people have an incorrect interpretation of the bible:
Any interpretation of the bible is as valid as the next. You can cherry pick verses to match whatever worldview you want.

So you're saying that any interpretation of your post is as valid as the next?


I don't know how many of you have kids, but you'd have to be heavily indoctrinated to look at your sick kid and do nothing.

Lock them away and sterilise them.


Scary Euro Man
Well, that's not really the same as the bible, since we can ask creationtheory what he meant.

It's a bit hard to ask God what he meant.

It's the same in that saying "all interpretations are equally valid" is ludicrous. In one case we can ask the original author for his interpretation, sure. But in cases where we can't, it's mind-numbingly obvious that not all interpretations are equal. There are a range of interpretations from those that are roughly in line with the source material to those that are directly in conflict with it.


Are these people still allowed to make children? Should they be? I think this is an interesting question. Because 7 were taken away already and it has been established that 2 died due to negligence... So it seems it has been established that they're not fit to "have" children so why allow them to make children?
It's the same in that saying "all interpretations are equally valid" is ludicrous. In one case we can ask the original author for his interpretation, sure. But in cases where we can't, it's mind-numbingly obvious that not all interpretations are equal. There are a range of interpretations from those that are roughly in line with the source material to those that are directly in conflict with it.
What if the source material is in conflict with itself? Wouldn't that allow for a much wider range of interpretations?


It's the same in that saying "all interpretations are equally valid" is ludicrous. In one case we can ask the original author for his interpretation, sure. But in cases where we can't, it's mind-numbingly obvious that not all interpretations are equal. There are a range of interpretations from those that are roughly in line with the source material to those that are directly in conflict with it.

The Bible's different than most books, though. Therein lies the inherent problem, since most people who claim the correct Bible interpretation also claim God (who is often credited as author/co-author/"inspiration") agrees with this interpretation.

It's one thing to claim your own personal interpretation is right.

It's another to claim that the creator agrees with you and only you that your interpretation is correct.


What friggin bible verse even suggests this?!

Am I wrong to think that this sect should be held responsible as much as the parents themselves?!

No I don't think there are any direct reference by Jesus Christ about not seeking medical attention. There is some mentions of praying and faith healing though. Usually by himself. But, you know, he was the son of God so maybe he had some special access.

In fact:

Mark 2:17
17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

He's unlikely to use that analogy if he is against doctors and medicne. Also Frankincense and Myrrh, as brought to baby Jesus, are both potent natural medicines:

Frankincense has antiseptic, nervine, decongestant and expectorant properties,

Myrrh has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-parasitic properties.

Quite how these loonies came to believe that Jesus wants them to live like savages is hard to fathom.


Scary Euro Man
What if the source material is in conflict with itself? Wouldn't that allow for a much wider range of interpretations?

A wider range of interpretations, but some are still plainly wrong. And as you narrow down the level at which you're looking at the source material, that becomes less of a defence. When you look at a single Bible verse and misinterpret it completely, that's not as valid an interpretation as one that fits with what's written.

The Bible's different than most books, though. Therein lies the inherent problem, since most people who claim the correct Bible interpretation also claim God (who is often credited as author/co-author/"inspiration") agrees with this interpretation.

It's one thing to claim your own personal interpretation is right.

It's another to claim that the creator agrees with you and only you that your interpretation is correct.

That ups the ante (or, if you don't believe in God in the first place, doesn't), but it doesn't change the fact that not all interpretations are equally valid. In fact it goes directly against that; if God not only exists but also has a 'correct' interpretation of His favourite book in mind, then other interpretations are really invalid.


Philadelphia? Honestly surprised. I figured most of this weirdo stuff happens out in the "sticks".

As a former PA resident...it's amazing how close you can be to civilization physically and so far conceptually. I was only a three hour drive from NJ/NY but you'd never know it.

The one distinct memory that always sticks out is seeing a protest of a store that was sold to and taken over by Russian owners. White trash carrying signs like "communists go home!" This was in a college town, mind you. Embarrassing.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
To bump this thread...

They were charged with 3rd degree murder and involuntary manslaughter today


Reading that article the details on their church and the stipulations of their prior conviction jump out rather loudly.

1. Their church advocates not using even glasses or seat belts.

2. They were explicitly ordered to call a doctor in the case of a sick child.

Seems unwise to allow these people near children ever again, whether their own or others. They appear to believe god is casting a magic bubble of protection around them and are daring reality to prove them wrong.
Reading that article the details on their church and the stipulations of their prior conviction jump out rather loudly.

1. Their church advocates not using even glasses or seat belts.

2. They were explicitly ordered to call a doctor in the case of a sick child.

Seems unwise to allow these people near children ever again, whether their own or others. They appear to believe god is casting a magic bubble of protection around them and are daring reality to prove them wrong.
Reality has already proved them wrong twice. I don't get why they don't see medicine as a gift from god. Like the stranded dude who is waiting for god to save him and turns down multiple rescue options sent by god because they aren't some divine looking shit or something. If you truly believe god has a plan and controls everything then should the discovery and use of medicine be part of god's plan?
Seriously?! 3rd degree murder doesn't get you locked up or will this be extra prison time for not calling the doc?

They are essentially facing three charges. New charges- 3rd Degree manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter for the new case. This seems like it would give a jury a lot of discretion to choose one or the other if they are actually charged with both.

They are also facing charges for the old case. Basically they failed their probation on a crime for which they were already guilty, and the judge can choose to enforce their prison sentence for that case or let them continue probation. For example, say they were sentenced to 2 years jail time, but allowed to serve it on probation. The judge could make them go to jail for two years on that completely separate from the new case. They are entitled to legal process before that can happen, but come on- they either called the doctor or they didn't, so pretty slam dunk.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
To bump this thread...

They were charged with 3rd degree murder and involuntary manslaughter today



Reading that article the details on their church and the stipulations of their prior conviction jump out rather loudly.

1. Their church advocates not using even glasses or seat belts.

2. They were explicitly ordered to call a doctor in the case of a sick child.

Seems unwise to allow these people near children ever again, whether their own or others. They appear to believe god is casting a magic bubble of protection around them and are daring reality to prove them wrong.

Wait, what kind of church allows that? That's in a fringe level.

Dead Man

Reading that article the details on their church and the stipulations of their prior conviction jump out rather loudly.

1. Their church advocates not using even glasses or seat belts.

2. They were explicitly ordered to call a doctor in the case of a sick child.

Seems unwise to allow these people near children ever again, whether their own or others. They appear to believe god is casting a magic bubble of protection around them and are daring reality to prove them wrong.

So they really should be against seeking out food, sheltering from storms, or building houses, since god will provide if he wanted to.
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