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2nd Child of Pa. Couple Dies After Only Praying (Update: sentenced)

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Its amazing how the presence of a god is indistinguishable from the lack of a god.

If there was no god, he would never answer prayers.
Supposedly these christians believe in a god, yet he doesn't answer prayers.

If I ever get a terminal illness and someone says they'll pray for me, I'm going to throw my bedpan at them.


Sidhe / PikPok
I can't imagine God saving someone that let innocent children die.

Did the parents let an innocent child die through neglecting to use the medicinal gifts bestowed on mankind? Or did God let an innocent child die through neglecting to use His infinite power to answer the prayers of his faithful and devoted worshippers?

He should at least consider clearing things up to avoid the same or similar incidents in the future by revealing to mankind which of the thousands of different sects of Christianity "has it right".
"Faith without works is dead". Gotta do all that you can first. That is where the work comes into play. Faith comes after you've exhausted all your options and have done everything you can.

These parents are looking for an immediate solution with no effort on their parts.
Its amazing how the presence of a god is indistinguishable from the lack of a god.

If there was no god, he would never answer prayers.
Supposedly these christians believe in a god, yet he doesn't answer prayers.

Whatever dude. I thought I had lost my car keys until I found them behind the couch cushion. I also lost 5 pounds. GOD IS GOOD
Is this real?


I might have to call the 800 number to find out.


"It is a definite sin to trust in medical help and pills; and it is real faith to trust on the Name of Jesus for healing," says the message, from last May

It's not real faith, it's murder you stupid people smh :(
"Faith without works is dead". Gotta do all that you can first. That is where the work comes into play. Faith comes after you've exhausted all your options and have done everything you can.

These parents are looking for an immediate solution with no effort on their parts.
Works without faith is . . . well, the same was works with faith.


fucking barbarians, if they trust their faith so much why don't they live without the help of any modern technology? just pray and live in a cave.
They probably believe in pre-destination so they will rationalize his death as being inevitable. God was going to take him at that time regardless according to their beliefs. The mother should be forced to have her tubes tied otherwise her subsequent kids will just die/suffer when they get sick.


This is criminal, disgusting and negligent to the extreme.

Fucking animals

Using helpless newborns to prove their belief, although it failed them twice.


Taking out the horrific horrific circumstances (if we can...) the whole thing just makes no sense to me at all.

If you believe that a) there is a god and b) God is all powerful, all controlling etc, then SURELY you've got to believe that advances made my the human race in modern medicine etc are planned and controlled by God? They only happen because God made them happen?


Or am I missing something?

Dead Man

Taking out the horrific horrific circumstances (if we can...) the whole thing just makes no sense to me at all.

If you believe that a) there is a god and b) God is all powerful, all controlling etc, then SURELY you've got to believe that advances made my the human race in modern medicine etc are planned and controlled by God? They only happen because God made them happen?


Or am I missing something?

The devil. Who is a more hands on being than god, and therefore anything material is of the devil. Or something.


That's not what I was saying. I'm a Christian. I'm saying just because they used oil and herbs in the Bible doesn't mean we have to use oil and herbs to treat people now...the point was to heal people....that's what they had then, we have better ways to heal people now.

Updating the Bible's "effectiveness" and "relevancy" is something completely separate from what I was trying to say.
As a Christian why would you want to try to keep yourself alive for as long as possible with modern medicine?
If the parents get two controlled experiments like this . . . doesn't this tell them anything?

Talk about receiving a sign from (none) god.


Neglect my ass. These guys murdered their first child, plain and simple.

And the state gave them a free pass and allowed them to do it again. All they had to do is pull out the religion card.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I dont view myself as an outright athiest, but I really dont understand religous faith. I kind of want to read the bible, in hopes of understanding all of this better.
Perhaps the bible inspired the Christians to create hospitals all over the world, and therefore God indeed healed the sick.

Weird because there are a shit-ton of hospitals in Japan and Christianity isn't a big thing there...but I digress.


it's their family's religion, who are we to judge them? they have all the right in the world to practice their beliefs. it is obvious that they were very caring parents and deeply religious if they really prayed a lot for the children, but God decided to take them anyway.. so i dont see the problem. God heard them for sure, so them dying as Christian kids was probably a good thing because now they are in Heaven, before the world could corrupt them. in fact you could say God blessed the family. they are the lucky ones.. IMHO

Can't tell if this some amazing sarcasm or you truly believe this lunacy.


where do Jehovas Witnesses fit in this argument? These guys refused any medical assistance, relying only on prayer. But if you accept *some* medical assistance but not all - eg blood tranfusions - are you not similarly at fault?


It's interesting to note these people have an attorney, but not a doctor. Why don't they practice "Faith Legal Defence"?


If the parents get two controlled experiments like this . . . doesn't this tell them anything?

Talk about receiving a sign from (none) god.
I imagine that for trained mentalgymnasts a minor thing like this is squared away easily. Why would they even care about death in the first place anyway?


They prefer holistic medicine as taught in the bible as opposed to modern science, so yeah, it is in there. It comes down to how literal you want to take it..

Well that doesn't really apply since 'modern science' as we know was incomprehensible when the gospels were written.

Applying the literal word of the bible in these circumstances is almost as stupid as applying the second amendment to high powered assault rifles.

As a catholic, I believe these people need to go to jail.


Hey idiots, if God disliked modern medical science, he would have done something about it over the last hundred years or so. I know he's slow to change and all, but come on.

Dead Man

Weird because there are a shit-ton of hospitals in Japan and Christianity isn't a big thing there...but I digress.

Can't tell if this some amazing sarcasm or you truly believe this lunacy.
I don't think he was saying that would be the only reason there are hospitals :/ And that post was a joke according to the poster.
It's interesting to note these people have an attorney, but not a doctor. Why don't they practice "Faith Legal Defence"?
LOL, I would quite like to see that.


As a Christian, here are the reasons why these people's church is a bunch of close-minded fanatics with an incorrect Bible interpretation and mine is not: Firstly, I


"It is a definite sin to trust in medical help and pills; and it is real faith to trust on the Name of Jesus for healing."

I just don't get it with train-of-thoughts like this. I was Catholic (and somewhat still is) but there was a point in my life when I compared facts and what's been thought, and they just don't match well. So I went with my rational thoughts instead of following blindly.

It reminds me a friend of a friend who once told me that those who don't believe in the Christian church will go to Hell. So I asked her "What about those people unfortunate enough to live far far away from civilization and never heard or seen any missionary?". You know what her answer was? "Well, it's unfortunate for them". I rolled my eyes so hard after hearing that and wondered how a person can be so blinded by a text, even if it's a supposedly Holy text and so devoid of rational thinking.
It reminds me a friend of a friend who once told me that those who don't believe in the Christian church will go to Hell. So I asked her "What about those people unfortunate enough to live far far away from civilization and never heard or seen any missionary?". You know what her answer was? "Well, it's unfortunate for them". I rolled my eyes so hard after hearing that and wondered how a person can be so blinded by a text, even if it's a supposedly Holy text and so devoid of rational thinking.

things like this make me wonder how anyone with at least half a brain cell can be religious, but I guess this isn't the kind of thread to be talking about that.

I'm just mad at those parents, how can you care so little of your children? fuck... and it was EASY to cure shit.

sigh... :(


No one should take the bible literally. It kills. God did not have the foresight to write a better motherfucking book.

Bzz, don't use that argument, yo. The pre-prepared replies are ready for that: Some parts are allegorical and some parts are literal, and the fallible parts were caused by fallible man. The Good Parts are still from God.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Catherine Schaible's attorney, Mythri Jayaraman, cautioned against a rush to judgment, and said the couple are good parents deeply distraught over the loss of another child.

Hey fuck you Catherine.


Prosecutors on Monday sought to have the couple jailed, but Lerner permitted them to remain free because their seven other children had been placed in foster care.
This part makes me sad. They're better off in those foster homes, at least.

Also, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

Also, y'know, *seven* other children. Nine total. That's... a lot.

I'd *hope* that this would challenge their worldview a bit, but I think the interpretation they're going to end up going towards is that God was punishing them for some transgression. That's another tragedy; faith so strong that losing two children to neglect and another seven to foster care *still* doesn't make them wonder that perhaps they should reevaluate it.


Junior Member
No one should take the bible literally. It kills. God did not have the foresight to write a better motherfucking book.
He should have made us better. We have used anything and everything to justify killing. The Bible, Koran, science texts. Tuskegee was in the name of science god.


End of. Shit like this needs to be made illegal.

In the US? Good luck making religious ceremonies that are harmful for children illegal. If that were the case, they'd probably eradicate baptizing, circumcision, those weird chanting displays you see in Jesus Camp, Jehovah's Witnesses and their weird blood issues, those weird Rabbis who suck blood from penises, etc...

If they got rid of those, the various groups would immediately scream persecution and murder the politician who tried it.
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