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34th annual Razzie nominations announced

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This. I'll watch After Earth only after his parts have been cut from the run time. Leave it to Will's own son to ruin his blockbuster streak.

Jaden isn't the only actor stinking up that film. Will's put on better performances asleep.


Where are Keanu Reeves in 47 Ronin or Tom Cruise in Oblivion? Also 47 Ronin was the worst movie I've watched in a decade. It deserves a spot on the worst movie noms.
Cruise was perfectly serviceable in Oblivion. Far from deserving a Razzie.

And if 47 Ronin is the worst movie of the decade... dude... you need to see more movies.

Either that or 47 Ronin is the only movie you will watch for the next 10 years.


The Lone Ranger should not be on that list of nominations and neither should Stallone, all three of his moves are ok to good and he's just fine in all three.

This is basically an internet popularity contest, movie version of "American's Worst Company".

From everything I have heard, Ashton Kutcher wasn't bad in Jobs either. He raised above occasion and gave a decent performance, despite his narrow range.

I am surprised 47 Ronin is not on the list since they like to shit one the summer movie that lost the most movie.



Halle Berry: Movie 43, The Call

Selena Gomez: Getaway

Lindsay Lohan: The Canyons

Tyler Perry: A Madea Christmas


Son Of D

Can't help but feel that Lone Ranger was there because of how much it bombed at the box office. In a "this film wasn't popular at the cinemas so it must be bad!" kind of way. Bear in mind I haven't seen TLR.

Also, Good Day to Die Hard isn't there at all? The fuck?
Elysium was impressive for combining 1%ers, healthcare reform, and immigration issues into one giant circle jerk. There wasn't an ounce of subtly or restraint in that film.


Can't help but feel that Lone Ranger was there because of how much it bombed at the box office. In a "this film wasn't popular at the cinemas so it must be bad!" kind of way. Bear in mind I haven't seen TLR.

Also, Good Day to Die Hard isn't there at all? The fuck?

The Razzies have always been like that. They go after the big fish for the attention.
My friend is a big Stallone fan and he made me watch Bullet to the Head and Escape Plan with him. Oh how I want to show this nomination to him. What a bunch of shit movies.


After Earth was nothing special, but its no where near some of the garbage on this list. Same for Lone Ranger. They are at least competently made movies, if bad ones.



Worst Picture
Movie 43

Worst Actor
Jaden Smith - After Earth

Worst Actress
Tyler Perry (in drag) – A Madea Christmas

Worst Supporting Actor
Will Smith - After Earth

Worst Supporting Actress
Kim Kardashian - Tyler Perry’s Temptation

Worst Screen Combo
Jaden Smith & Will Smith - After Earth

Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel
The Lone Ranger

Worst Director
The 13 people who directed Movie 43

Worst Screenplay
Movie 43 (written by 19 “Screenwriters”)


I'm glad Movie 43 got most of them. As fun as it is to mock Lone Ranger and After Earth, this shit was just on another level.


you speak so well
After Earth was a piece of shit but everything about Movie 43 was on another level. It deserved all those "awards."
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