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[360] NHL 09 Guild: The Mighty Dyacks of NeoGAF


After the servers quit on us I decided to practice being goalie. You can set up goalie drills, so I did a bunch of 5 on 0, 3 on 0 drills, so I'd be tested to the max. Unfortunately the CPU doesn't do much for dekes and their passing gets predictive, but at least I've gotten more comfortable with the controls and the camera.

I've set the camera to the BAP camera set on LOW. This, believe it or not, give you a better view of the ice ahead of you. In a prior game with the GAF team I did HORRIBLE as the other team were taking slaps from the blue line that I could barely see. So this view addresses that problem.

If it comes down to it, I'm down with being the goalie when we have 6 players. Though I think I could better contribute on offense...speaking of which...

I've changed my player to an Offensive Defensemen...yet I can play Right Wing with it. I'm a guy who likes to dish out passes, so the OD playertype has a real good passing rating. Not only that, but they can shoot (AFAIK slightly better than a playmaker!). Not only that, but I can hit, and hit hard! The biggest drawback is that the faceoff stat is insanely low. But this setup is PERFECT for me and I don't see myself changing it ever again. I can set up plays, get a decent shot off, hit hard for a solid forecheck...just perfect for me. I'm nearly averaging 2 assists a game with this guy.

firehawk12: I've added you to the waiting list and sent a temporary invite. You can play until the rest of the players accept their invites, once they do though, you'll go back on the wait list. This means you can play this weekend, as you mention you are a weekend player.

Gonna go on now and see if anyone's there...


Thanks EA.

Not only did I have to crawl through 5 games of watching you highlight how every player on the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Seaboard know how to flatten my guy on my ass... but when I finally put a sweet goal in short side from the point... you freeze my fucking game.

Fuck you.


slept with Malkin
Our squad is tearing shit up tonight, already made 2 teams quit. One of them after scoring 4 unanswered goals in the 2nd period to come back from a 2 goal deficit.

Mark D

pheeniks said:
I just heard about our upset opponent...

It's just cause they can't do the Flying V! :lol

Just heard about what? What did our opponents do?

The flying V was by far the funniest moment of this league for me. :lol And the entire team laying down right after the faceoff. I had tears in my eyes.
Mark D said:
Just heard about what? What did our opponents do?

The flying V was by far the funniest moment of this league for me. :lol And the entire team laying down right after the faceoff. I had tears in my eyes.

I was told that one of our guys got a message from the opponent saying we are basically h4x0r and that we should be kicked out. I assume they felt that laying down permanently in front of the net was cheesing..even though they scored when we did that :lol

Also, we need to get a real flying V. that was some ugly shit.
Okay, so something is not clear to me. I just played a game where it was 6 v 5, I got two assists...(and nobody left)

and it didn't freaking register in my stats. I didn't get a coach's critique after the game..this happens sometimes. WHY???


Okay, I am back from a work trip finally, and I have the game. I would love to go on a wait list or whatever. I just want to play as much as I can! Thanks :)

Xbox tag: bigsnack


So I've switched from a sniper to a playmaker, fits my playstyle much better and they're just as bestly as grinder in winning faceoffs

pheeniks said:
Okay, so something is not clear to me. I just played a game where it was 6 v 5, I got two assists...(and nobody left)

and it didn't freaking register in my stats. I didn't get a coach's critique after the game..this happens sometimes. WHY???

are you sure it was a ranked match?


Mark D said:
Just heard about what? What did our opponents do?

The flying V was by far the funniest moment of this league for me. :lol And the entire team laying down right after the faceoff. I had tears in my eyes.

Anyone happen to get a video of this? Dollar Taco was telling me about this game and it sounded hilarious.
X26 said:
are you sure it was a ranked match?

Well, these are the community games. i'm not sure if they're ranked or not...I didn't even know that was an option. is there a way to tell?

and no, we don't have a video unfortunately. we were too busy laughing. didn't we actually score on one of the flying V? (it got broken up but we scored)

also, I am changing my name to...Michael Beasley. lol. it is apparently lame to use your own name :(


BigJonsson said:
I wanna play

Did you manage to get in? If anyone here who just joined the team is unsure how to join a game, simply go to "Xbox Live" -> "EA Sports Hockey League" -> "Dressing Room".

It's basically a lobby, so if no one is there, they are either playing a game, or no one is online. If you wait there they should come back. Now, if there are exactly 6 players on that team, you will be alone as you are starting a new one. Typically though, we either have a few people (2-5), or a lot (7-10). So there's always a decent sized team.

I suggest everyone who hasn't already to add NeoGAF NHL 09 to their friends list.

Click here to do it via your browser:

It helps keep track of people who are on the team but aren't on your friends list, allows you to easily find them and message them, and all that good stuff. Been really useful so far.

Gonna send temporary invites (to see what the means check the OP) to those who requested to be on the waiting list. I'll try to get those invites out by tonight so you can play tonight.

Tomorrow I hope to update the roster list, and then finalize the other lists so that I can send PMs to everyone who has yet to accept their invites/didn't get the game yet/didn't go to the online portion/didn't read the OP. As stated in the OP, the deadline is Sept 24 (2 weeks after the game's release) for these people. At that point if there is no response, people on the waiting list are added to the roster.


SanjuroTsubaki said:
I'm hoping people are around to play. I didn't get to play one team game the other day due to EA problems.

Yeah we all left at the same time, but I joined in after and hour, and the people I joined with had no issues, and then it got bad again. Really up and down.


Damn... got my first goal online, and we (me and Qberto) won the game with the CPU finally getting a goal in about the 10th round.

Next game, we go into OT again and a shot hits 2 of our players trying to block shots in front of the goalie (including me) and trickles in the net. One game I go from joy, the next the GOAT.

This online mode and the be a pro mode in single player is basically the saving grace of NHL 09. I find the dynasty mode and flow of play to be far insuperior (is that a word?) to NHL2k9.

I'm very glad 09 has so many modes to it.
X26 said:
Is there anywhere that lists all the attributes and what increasing them actually does?
Have you tried the gaming sites's strategy guides or gamefaqs?

This game desperately needs a "missing manual". EA ought to be ashamed of the craptacular booklet they included with the game.
God damn it. I scored a sweet backhand goal in the game and then everyone decides to drop out. Silly assholes.

By the way, when fifa comes out, yall are still playing this right...?


Looks like I'll soon be getting a copy of the 360 version as well, so sign me up for the waiting list. :D

GT: N1ghtz


slept with Malkin
pheeniks said:
By the way, when fifa comes out, yall are still playing this right...?

Hell yeah, hockey is the only sports game I play.

I'll probably be on later tonight after the Steeler game.


shpankey said:
Haha, I'm still keeping the PS3 version. My buddy's 360 just red-ringed and he's gonna sell it when he gets it back, so he just gave me NHL 09. I'll be playing both versions. :D

Edit: Just made my character. Here are my details:

N1ghtz - Right Wing - Sniper - Righty


anyone gotten to the next card that requires 105 games played? If so, how many extra attribute points do you get


Doytch said:
Also, is it supposed to take 3 pts to go up 1 in speed?

Yeah it seems like some things are weighted. It also seems like once you go up in 10 pt increments, things cost more. Ie. if speed is 70 and you have 7 pts, you can put it up to 77. But if you are at say, 78, the first 2 pts will take you to 80, and then from that point it costs 2 pts to go up 1. I'm guessing if you're at 90, it takes you 3-5 pts to go up one. And different stats catagories have different weights, as you mentioned speed costs 3 to go up 1 in the 80s. It could perhaps vary from player type to player type. I think the Offensive Defensemen is a fairly powerful type to start with, so easily adding speed to him would make him too powerful.

I figured that if I can play 5 games each session, it'll progress me at a decent rate. It's a time commitment but it's fun. I haven't gotten into MMORPGs, but I'd argue that these "battles" are far more fun that simply fighting against a CPU boss. The teamwork required, the skill, and the level of competition is far greater and more rewarding...to my MMORPG ignorant ass anyways.

Going out for dinner, may be back in 2-3 hours to play and find out hte updated rosters.
pheeniks said:
wtf my game has frozen twice in the team play lobby
Happened to me multiple times the other day.

I'm going on to play, GT is BigKaboom2.

I friended NeoGAF NHL 09 but it's still pending so I'm not really sure how to organize anything.

EDIT: Oh man, I scored in the first to make it 1-0, then in the third they smashed one off our goalie's pad, it caromed about 10 feet in the air, and fell in the goal behind him :lol .


non-sanctioned troll
Holy crap, I just got back from being banned :( ... Stupid too human thread. I thought people weren't allowed to troll it and someone tried to do it rather subtly with a photoshop and calling them out got me banned lol.

Anyway, I've been playing as a goalie and I'm fairly good. I noticed Fighty has been trying to catch on, but I've got a pretty good handle on the position now. I actually played goalie when I was younger, which helps a little with the angles.

Has anyone else noticed chugging in the game when playing the goalie with the camera set to low? Every game I've played online has had it set to low and the chugging can really screw you, but I think I'm adjusted to it.

Finally, do you have to use the person you created offline for your online play? For instance, I used my real name for offline, but I wouldn't want that as my online guy. Do I have to start a new guy and build his stats?

I'm ready to play and I'd be more than happy to take the goalie position if you don't like it fighty.

EDIT: One more thing, the goalies are backassward EA. If you say you're right handed, they put the glove in your right hand :lol. That's right, so if I was playing your baseball game, I would field the ball, drop it to my left hand, fling the glove off, grab the ball with my right hand, and throw it.
I give up for tonight. I got one game in. We played well but just couldn't put the puck in the net. I keep having connection issues with EA for some reason. Hopefully these get fixed soon.
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