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$4.99 games at Circuit City in store (YMMV)


dark10x said:
I really wish I could have found another copy for you, B'z. I really looked hard (I had a helper who overturned virtually every case) for another copy of Disgaea, but I had no such luck. I found a ton of great stuff when I went back on Sunday, but that was not among them. ZOE2 was also a no show (that was not available at ANY of the four locations). I'd imagine the ZOE2 sale earlier this year probably was responsible for that (remember, it had been $4.99 this past spring).

Anyways, here's my final list...

Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea

Is there anyway I can get that Grandia Xtreme off your hands? :) I do have a copy of ZOE 2 that I'm willing to trade straight up if you're interested. PM me or something *crosses fingers*


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fongul said:
Is there anyway I can get that Grandia Xtreme off your hands? :) I do have a copy of ZOE 2 that I'm willing to trade straight up if you're interested. PM me or something *crosses fingers*

Heh, the ZOE2 was for B'z. I bought ZOE2 on release date. :p

Sadly, though, I only grabbed one copy of GX (for myself). If I had known there would be a demand for it, I could have grabbed one of the other two. :(


dark10x said:
I really wish I could have found another copy for you, B'z. I really looked hard (I had a helper who overturned virtually every case) for another copy of Disgaea, but I had no such luck. I found a ton of great stuff when I went back on Sunday, but that was not among them. ZOE2 was also a no show (that was not available at ANY of the four locations). I'd imagine the ZOE2 sale earlier this year probably was responsible for that (remember, it had been $4.99 this past spring).

Anyways, here's my final list...

Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea

Are DoAXBV, Silpheed, and Dark Cloud 2 not called for? If so, I'd be interested in taking them off your hands. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ha ha, I should have guessed that people would want some of those. :p

Seriously, to avoid any disappointment, I'm not looking to get rid of any of those. I had two copies of Disgaea before I even posted about them, but I sold them to a couple people (who wanted them). Other than that, I didn't buy any additional titles for trading/selling purposes (though I kept an eye out for some requests). The list just ended up getting much larger than expected. :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
elitehebrew said:
Before I put my copies of Disgaea on Ebay i wanna know if any of you guys still need a copy. If so hit me up with a PM

Ok this guy isn't bad after all :p

p.s. I can use some more Circuit City receipts with Disgaea on them


We need to get people who can just buy all the 4.99 games that they can and trade/sell them to other forum members. Worst case scenario you can return them back to Circuit City.
This was the most worthless sale ever. By monday (6 days before the official sale) there were 4 games at the CC's that I checked that were on the list. Okage, NFL QB Club 2002, Harvest Moon PS2 (1 copy and the only decent game, and some crap game I had never heard of. I mean talk about shit.
those employees might by lying.. about restocking on the sunday.. im gona check everyday and on saturday/sunday im gona go right when it opens..


works for Gamestop (lol)
I was at Circuit City literally for the first hour this sale was mentioned, and my Circuit City didn't have any good shit. Damn Circuit City. I usually act pretty quickly on these type of deals

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I can't wait to see the NPD numbers for some of these games this month. :p

I'm still pretty bummed out that I couldn't get a copy of Disgaea...

EliteHebrew - check your PMs.
i think the employees are hiding em!.. seriouslly.. theres so many young workers at my CC.. they all look like a nerd under that red shirt..


Whats that about a copy of Zoe 2 for me bz? ;p i can wish cant i? Disgaea looks to be taken care of i hope thanks to elitehebrew, but if you out to Frys and check with them wario could you please try and get it?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
johnnyboix said:
i think the employees are hiding em!.. seriouslly.. theres so many young workers at my CC.. they all look like a nerd under that red shirt..

I think so too. My conversation with some of them:

Employee1: So can I see that list of $5 games you have?
Me: No
Employee1: Why not?
Me: Because this place has already been picked over and if you guys get restocked I don't want you hogging all the games for yourselves. You already get first dibs and an employee discount. Do the work yourselves.
Employee2: Where did you find out about the sale? On the internet?
Me: Yes
Employee2: What site?
Me: I'm not telling you, because once again you guys will just hog everything up when the next deal rolls around.

So then they started to scan just about everything and if it was $5 and good they started pulling copies and putting them under the counter.
JC10001 said:
I think so too. My conversation with some of them:

Employee1: So can I see that list of $5 games you have?
Me: No
Employee1: Why not?
Me: Because this place has already been picked over and if you guys get restocked I don't want you hogging all the games for yourselves. You already get first dibs and an employee discount. Do the work yourselves.
Employee2: Where did you find out about the sale? On the internet?
Me: Yes
Employee2: What site?
Me: I'm not telling you, because once again you guys will just hog everything up when the next deal rolls around.

So then they started to scan just about everything and if it was $5 and good they started pulling copies and putting them under the counter.

Them dirty bastards.... *shakes fist*
I seriously hate news like this. I mean, is there even a Circuit City anywhere in America that even has 25% of all the games listed? Here in NYC, I think we have like 0.002% :(
FortNinety said:
I seriously hate news like this. I mean, is there even a Circuit City anywhere in America that even has 25% of all the games listed? Here in NYC, I think we have like 0.002% :(

They had many at mine on Saturday, before the list broke on a massive scale and before it had half of the games on it that I later found out about. It especially pains me because I specifically picked up several games that later ended up being on the list, thought "hmm, I should really bring this up and have them scan it just to check..." and put them back on the shelf. Blargh. I wanted my $5 Ghoulies and Lunar Legend - they had like 10 of them.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FortNinety said:
I seriously hate news like this. I mean, is there even a Circuit City anywhere in America that even has 25% of all the games listed? Here in NYC, I think we have like 0.002% :(

There WAS!

When I hit my CC on Saturday night, nobody around here knew anything about the sale and I found far too many games for me to buy. I'd say that my CC had at least 50-60% of everything on that list, if not more! I guess, really, the ONLY games that I wanted that I could not find were Wave Race BS, Dynasty Warriors 4, Gitaroo Man, & Dead or Alive 3. Everything was a piece of cake to find on Saturday night and Sunday morning. On the flipside, the selection has been reduced to virtually nothing at this point. If you didn't take advantage of the sale right away...you missed out.


Some of you guys are crazy lucky. My CC hasn't had Disgaea in stock for MONTHS.

(I already have Disgaea, but i'm using it as an example since it's one of the most sought after games in the deal.)


Well just hit up Circuit City again today. Slim pickens now. I was able to get 17 games and when I was checking out I mentioned to the salesman that I was disappointed because they didn't have a couple games I wanted and he told me Best Buy would price match it, and when Best Buy calls to check if they have it in stock they usually lie. Ha...I love CC.

Anyway, I headed over to Best Buy and was able to find a copy of Disgaea and a couple of other games.
Manders said:
Well just hit up Circuit City again today. Slim pickens now. I was able to get 17 games and when I was checking out I mentioned to the salesman that I was disappointed because they didn't have a couple games I wanted and he told me Best Buy would price match it, and when Best Buy calls to check if they have it in stock they usually lie. Ha...I love CC.

Anyway, I headed over to Best Buy and was able to find a copy of Disgaea and a couple of other games.
so do you not even need a receipt then? just tell them to call CC?


Well i'm gonna go and return Dark Cloud 2 over at CC now. Hopefully i get my money back. But thats a bummer. No freakin disk i mean come on. I hope they have something i can at least get. If not i'm adding a few bucks back into my pocket.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It came with no disc? Damn...good luck returning it. I forgot who it was (the post is buried in this thread) but someone got some hell trying to return Dino Crisis 3 causes it was missing the disc and they thought he stole it


Well i hope i dont get those type of problems but we'll see. I just want to pick up something at least maybe the might have a copy of MK DA for a penny to make up for it. I really wouldnt mind if they had a few games i actualy want for once, but Fongul said they were wiped out.
this pricematch from best buy is very interesting... has anyone tried?

anyways i went to circuit city today.. and nothing was there.. the worker there said they restock games everyday, and to check back if i wanted to, on a lighter note

while i was looking in the sale bin, some fat dood with glasses came storming in the store and went straight to the GC games, his sister, or girlfriend was like, arent you gona look at the ps2 games? and he said: no thats crap, i need PSO, then he went to the GC area and was lookin frantically through the games. behind every game.. o man it was hilarious, and then i walked by and said "its cleaned out"

o well

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

There was a terrential down pour on my way home so I stopped by CC to get out of the rain to see if they had anything left. There were no employees behind the counter so I went around back and low and behold... 1 copy of MGS2:S and 2 copies of Disgaea along with about 2 dozen really good games (Viewtiful Joe, Dynasty Warriors 4, Pikmin, etc, etc... basically every good game on the list and multiple copies of several of them. There were 7 Viewtiful Joes!!! Too bad I already owned them all). There was a note attached that read "hold for Nick, will pay Friday". Now, I recall that this Nick was one of the employees that was snatching up the good shit left and right on Saturday and when I asked him then if they had Disgaea he said they didn't. So I said fuck it. I snagged MGS2S and Disgaea (1 copy), took them up front, and bought them. Fuck you Nick! You selfish pig. First come first serve. If you don't have the money to pay for it oh well. Get in back of the line.

I'm so glad I didn't tell him about CAG. He'd ruin every deal from now on.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Wario64 said:
Haha nice, you should have tried to get more games though just to screw him

Shoot, come to think of it what I should have done is put them all back on the shelf so that other people could have a chance at them.
damnit.. i cant believe our circuit city has NOTHING... im gona check every morning and after work.. i hope i get one of any games i wanted.


LOL That's awesome.

Does anyone have a scanned receipt? I want to try some more price matching at various stores.
There was a terrential down pour on my way home so I stopped by CC to get out of the rain to see if they had anything left. There were no employees behind the counter so I went around back and low and behold... 1 copy of MGS2:S and 2 copies of Disgaea along with about 2 dozen really good games (Viewtiful Joe, Dynasty Warriors 4, Pikmin, etc, etc... basically every good game on the list and multiple copies of several of them. There were 7 Viewtiful Joes!!! Too bad I already owned them all). There was a note attached that read "hold for Nick, will pay Friday". Now, I recall that this Nick was one of the employees that was snatching up the good shit left and right on Saturday and when I asked him then if they had Disgaea he said they didn't. So I said fuck it. I snagged MGS2S and Disgaea (1 copy), took them up front, and bought them. Fuck you Nick! You selfish pig. First come first serve. If you don't have the money to pay for it oh well. Get in back of the line.
I have a huge list of games that I want from this deal but my fate is completely in the hands of my mom in the states. I hope at least they have 1/4 of the games on my list.


Drunky McMurder
Damn man, I would have bought half the games just to fuck with Nick :p

Either that or put a few back on the shelves to give everybody else fair chance at dicking Nick.

edit: And now I realize that you had already posted this idea. But it was a good one anyway!

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Houston people, I'm flying in tomorrow morning, any CCs in Houston by chance still got games?


well not really...yet
Future Trunks said:
Houston people, I'm flying in tomorrow morning, any CCs in Houston by chance still got games?
I went to two, completely cleared out. Id assume the same for the others
JC10001 said:
So I said fuck it. I snagged MGS2S and Disgaea (1 copy), took them up front, and bought them. Fuck you Nick! You selfish pig. First come first serve. If you don't have the money to pay for it oh well. Get in back of the line.

Kick ass. Not enough of a take, but way to stick it to him anyway.
To the people saying CC has been picked clean,

I've phoned over a half dozen CCs in the LA area and every one states that the sale starts on 7/11 so odds are the games have been pulled till then. There's a pretty good chance that come Sunday, there should be a decent selection to pick from. Just get there early or chances are you'll miss out (again).

Oh and good job JC. I would've been a bigger prick though :)
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