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$4.99 games at Circuit City in store (YMMV)


JC10001 you disgust me more than the ones who stocked up 100s of games for ebay. If I was the manager of that store I would have you banned for life.
signet said:
JC10001 you disgust me more than the ones who stocked up 100s of games for ebay. If I was the manager of that store I would have you banned for life.
While others might call it justice


I've phoned over a half dozen CCs in the LA area and every one states that the sale starts on 7/11 so odds are the games have been pulled till then. There's a pretty good chance that come Sunday, there should be a decent selection to pick from. Just get there early or chances are you'll miss out (again).

I plan to be there on sunday the minute they open, but I'm envisioning seeing several people also there with their lists or whatever ready to raid the goods. Should I run to the game section? :p


Where is the justice?

Working retail is hell, guy probably set aside a few game for some friends and himself and because he did not have money to drop on them right there and then he availed himself to the opportunity that working for Circuit City provided.

Now some cheap prick who missed out on the opening rush feels like he is entitled to something he is not and walks off with his games.

Now if you had a problem with Nick's selection the proper thing to do would be to ask the store manager if such activates were permitted, not just help yourself to what ever you wanted. Chances are you would have gotten the games you wanted without acting like a total asshole.


Drunky McMurder
You know, if he'd had told the manager and it wasn't permitted, he could have lost Nick his job instead of just taking the games he set aside.

Either way, I'm not about to feel sorry for somebody who set aside multiple copies of a game (SEVEN? Seriously, his friends could have came up and bought it themselves...bullshit, he was going for profit) so that customers could have gotten screwed over.

And working retail is hell? Bullshit. Working retail is annoying at worst.

The cheap prick in this story was Nick. JC didn't take every game and then run out to sell them, he could have. He just took what he wanted in the first place.


So if old JC was the one who had all those games in his cart and Nick walked up and helped himself to what he wanted it would be ok?
signet said:
Where is the justice?

Working retail is hell, guy probably set aside a few game for some friends and himself and because he did not have money to drop on them right there and then he availed himself to the opportunity that working for Circuit City provided.

Now some cheap prick who missed out on the opening rush feels like he is entitled to something he is not and walks off with his games.

Now if you had a problem with Nick's selection the proper thing to do would be to ask the store manager if such activates were permitted, not just help yourself to what ever you wanted. Chances are you would have gotten the games you wanted without acting like a total asshole.
1. Boo-fuckin-hoo about working retail. We've all been there so you (Nick) will find no sympathy from me.

2. This Nick guy lied to JC while hording the games in question in a box under the counter for a WEEK.

3. If he was "holding" these games for a friend then why wouldn't the friends at least cough up the cash for their games?

... imo this Nick guy was probably only holding the "valuable" games he felt he could make a decent profit from rather than being "generous" to his friends. I could be wrong here but I honestly don't care.


Drunky McMurder
signet said:
So if old JC was the one who had all those games in his cart and Nick walked up and helped himself to what he wanted it would be ok?

Actually, I'd fully support a customer taking another customer's games if they are clearly hoarding games that they have no interest in for themselves.
signet said:
So if old JC was the one who had all those games in his cart and Nick walked up and helped himself to what he wanted it would be ok?
If I were the manager of the store, I wouldn't allow someone to buy up games by the cartfull. I'd limit the customer to 1 copy per game. But that's neither here nor there. I will never have sympathy for the eBay horde that continually ruin opportunities for others to have a fair chance to buy games during sales like these.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
signet said:
So if old JC was the one who had all those games in his cart and Nick walked up and helped himself to what he wanted it would be ok?

The way I see it, this sale is first come first serve. The first people to come into the store to buy the games get the games. People are going to come in and buy mulitple copies of a game. Theres nothing I can do about that. If they got up early enough and got there first then that's fine with me. They beat me to them fair and square and they had the cash ready.

What pissed me off was how this guy was circumventing the whole "first come first serve" thing. This guy wasn't a paying customer. He was hording the games so that he could buy them at his own convenience. None of the customers, many of whom spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month in the store (which ends up paying Nick's salary), have such a luxury.


I don't care if Nick was going to sell them on Ebay or give them to sick orphans. Those games were spoken for already. Justify it all you want, if Nick was a prick for holding the games for himself, JC was just as big of a prick for sneaking behind the counter and helping himself to another person's belongings.

You are not fucking Robin Hood, some people made out on this deal because they acted fast while other bitch and whine because they were slow and missed out.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
signet said:
Justify it all you want, if Nick was a prick for holding the games for himself, JC was just as big of a prick for sneaking behind the counter and helping himself to another person's belongings.

Those games were Circuit City's belongings, not Nicks. And what right does Nick have to prevent the stores' owners from selling their merchandise ASAP? Last time I checked, it wasn't his store.


You are not fucking Robin Hood, some people made out on this deal because they acted fast while other bitch and whine because they were slow and missed out.

That's the thing. It isn't about acting fast. There is no way to act fast enough vs an employee putting a horde of games under the counter, before customers even have the chance to become fast.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'll have to agree again. This isn't someone taking a game out of another persons cart, this is someone hoarding games they don't own for several days. If you don't have the cash too bad you miss the deal, but it's not his store to be stashing away games like they are his when they are not. I can possibly understand calling his friend up, and his friend says "I'm coming right over to buy so-and-so game, hold it for me while I drive over" but what Nick was doing there is just going too far. It is his job to stock shelves and help customers buy products from the store, he was doing the opposite of his job.


Wario64 said:
It came with no disc? Damn...good luck returning it. I forgot who it was (the post is buried in this thread) but someone got some hell trying to return Dino Crisis 3 causes it was missing the disc and they thought he stole it

Well they gave me shit, i put up my fists and started out punching and kicking. It got me no where. SO i'm now out 5 bucks without any game. I guess i could sell the Manual to get some money back or something.

And everyone who was so willing to give out information about this sale, the helpful people of Circuit City are now very hush hush over here.


MoxManiac said:
That's the thing. It isn't about acting fast. There is no way to act fast enough vs an employee putting a horde of games under the counter, before customers even have the chance to become fast.

I hit 3 CC on Saturday and Sunday.

None of the employees knew what was going on until late Sunday evening. Sounds to me Nick reads the same message board the rest of us do and took advantage of it. It is obvious he was holding the games until he got paid.

Justify JC's actions all you want, you know if you were in Nick's shoes you would be mighty pissed. Like it or not Nick was afforded opportunities with this deal that most of us were not but guess what too bad. I don't work for CC but I kept up to date with the deals and managed to make out like a bandit because of it.

Looks like what we got here are some sorry sacks who got caught sleeping on the job and now have to resort to nefarious deeds to get their fix.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
B'z-chan said:
Well they gave me shit, i put up my fists and started out punching and kicking. It got me no where. SO i'm now out 5 bucks without any game. I guess i could sell the Manual to get some money back or something.

And everyone who was so willing to give out information about this sale, the helpful people of Circuit City are now very hush hush over here.

I would have never left the store. You should have demanded that they call the police. Chances are they would have chickened out and refunded your money because theres no way someone is going to sit there and argue about $5 and possibly get arrested unless it's a legitimate complaint. Buying games with no disc inside happened to me once too. When I bought Resident Evil 2 it was missing the first disc. Thankfully the employees at the EB I bought it from were cool about it.


Well JC lets just say that they didnt want me there so i was turned away after getting a refun on RAD and Okage. They did offer me a 10%off coupon but i want some damn compensation. I need a corporate number. Since they wouldnt give me one. And this is the manager were talking about here. ARGH i'll be there sunday and no one can stop me.


well not really...yet
B'z-chan said:
Well they gave me shit, i put up my fists and started out punching and kicking. It got me no where. SO i'm now out 5 bucks without any game. I guess i could sell the Manual to get some money back or something.

And everyone who was so willing to give out information about this sale, the helpful people of Circuit City are now very hush hush over here.
This happened to me. The fucking manager outright implied that I was a fucking thief. I yelled at her face, convinced her to let me get another copy of DC3 opened it in front of her and no game in it either.

Piece of shit manager didnt even apologize


The shelves were already raped when I got there today.

All that was left were some crappy Megaman games, and Timesplitters 2. I purchased them, then traded them in at Gamestop for a profit of three dollars.

signet said:
I don't care if Nick was going to sell them on Ebay or give them to sick orphans. Those games were spoken for already. Justify it all you want, if Nick was a prick for holding the games for himself, JC was just as big of a prick for sneaking behind the counter and helping himself to another person's belongings.

You are not fucking Robin Hood, some people made out on this deal because they acted fast while other bitch and whine because they were slow and missed out.
These games were not Nick's "belongings". They were the store's and correct me if I'm wrong but don't stores carry merchandise for it's "customers"? I don't ever recall a store policy where it states that its employees can take advantage of the store's policies for their own personal profit. I've heard of employees getting fired for doing such a thing.

Oh and fuck the sick orphans and Robin Hood for that matter. The customer comes first. Not the poor employee that can't even afford to buy the games he plans to make a nice profit on later. The store isn't "Robin Hood" either and Nick isn't a "sick ophan". :p


Deadstar i feel you i'm pissed cause i know i wont see that 5 bucks unless i take a lie detector test and sue there asses. I wanted to shoot the manager i swear if i had a gun i would have just went S-mart on him.


well not really...yet
B'z-chan said:
Deadstar i feel you i'm pissed cause i know i wont see that 5 bucks unless i take a lie detector test and sue there asses. I wanted to shoot the manager i swear if i had a gun i would have just went S-mart on him.
Well luckily in the end i was able to get something else, but..

the fact that I was accused of trying to steal a 5 dollar game? totally absurd. Im never going to that CC ever again. not like I go to CC usually anyways....

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
signet said:
None of the employees knew what was going on until late Sunday evening. Sounds to me Nick reads the same message board the rest of us do and took advantage of it. It is obvious he was holding the games until he got paid.

All of the employees knew about it by 11:00am Saturday morning at this particular CC because there had already been a ton of people in the store buying the games.

Nick had no right to do what he did. It wasn't his merchandise to hide. As someone already said, he is getting paid to help customers and sell products. If it was your store I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you had an employee who was actively preventing your products from being sold.

If Nick missed out on the deal because he didn't have the money at the time then tough shit. That's the way life works. Do you think that if I go into a car dealership and test drive a car and tell them "I want this car. Can you hold it until I can afford to make a down payment?" that they won't turn around and sell it to someone else if they get there first? The same principle applies here.

Justify JC's actions all you want, you know if you were in Nick's shoes you would be mighty pissed. Like it or not Nick was afforded opportunities with this deal that most of us were not but guess what too bad. I don't work for CC but I kept up to date with the deals and managed to make out like a bandit because of it.

A lot of us made out like bandits but that's not the point. I don't care if Nick is pissed. As a matter of fact, now I feel like sneaking back there again tomorrow and putting everything on the shelf.

Looks like what we got here are some sorry sacks who got caught sleeping on the job and now have to resort to nefarious deeds to get their fix.

I came away from the deal with about 20 games that I wanted. I didn't sleep on the job at all thank you very much.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It is obvious he was holding the games until he got paid.
And what says that is some right he automatically has?

Justify JC's actions all you want, you know if you were in Nick's shoes you would be mighty pissed. Like it or not Nick was afforded opportunities with this deal that most of us were not but guess what too bad.
No, those weren't his games, it was an opportunity not a right. If I were in Nicks shoes I wouldn't try to pull that crap in the first place, and if I did I wouldn't think of them as rightfully mine.


JC10001 said:
As a matter of fact, now I feel like sneaking back there again tomorrow and putting everything on the shelf.

Go for it, dude. I DEFINITELY would. That guy is a dickhead, holding on to one copy of each game he wanted is one thing.... But 7 Viewtiful Joes!!? Fuck dude, go there tomorrow and when nobodys looking put them back on the shelves.


I hope each and everyone one of you have the same thing happen to you. Lets see how happy you are when someone fucks you over at your job.

Employees are award certain privileges and if you thought it was unfair all you need do is notify a supervisor. There was a note present in place to *shock* notify other employees to whom these games were on hold for. They where out of view to customers, thus off limits.

Go JC go back and help yourself to more, I just hope Nick is there to catch you next time. Lets see how big of a man you are then, I don't think you have the balls to confront him.
I just wanted to say i hate all of you that got some of these deals. My circuit city didnt have shit when I went first thing sunday morning.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
signet said:
Employees are award certain privileges and if you thought it was unfair all you need do is notify a supervisor. There was a note present in place to *shock* notify other employees to whom these games were on hold for. They where out of view to customers, thus off limits.

Even if I would have talked to a supervisor the end the result would have been the same, if not worse for your friend Nick. I would have still gotten the games that I wanted only now management would become aware of the shit he was trying to pull.

signet said:
Go JC go back and help yourself to more, I just hope Nick is there to catch you next time. Lets see how big of a man you are then, I don't think you have the balls to confront him.

I won't help myself to more, but what I'll do is leave him with 1 copy of each game and put the rest on the shelf. And you obviously don't know me. I have balls of steel my friend.
signet said:
I hope each and everyone one of you have the same thing happen to you. Lets see how happy you are when someone fucks you over at your job.

Employees are award certain privileges and if you thought it was unfair all you need do is notify a supervisor. There was a note present in place to *shock* notify other employees to whom these games were on hold for. They where out of view to customers, thus off limits.

Go JC go back and help yourself to more, I just hope Nick is there to catch you next time. Lets see how big of a man you are then, I don't think you have the balls to confront him.
Wow, just wow. How can you sit there and justify this guy fucking over six customers by buying up 7 copies of a game yet judge JC10001 for what he did? This guy Nick fucked over the customers first. I wouldn't care if he was just holding games for himself. That's not the problem I have. I have a problem with the fact that six other customers should have been given the opportunity to purchase the game Nick was preventing them from purchasing.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I hope each and everyone one of you have the same thing happen to you. Lets see how happy you are when someone fucks you over at your job.
Actually that situation would be you trying to screw over the customers and failing.

Employees are award certain privileges
Oh really? So in job training at Circuit City they tell you that holding on to merchandise until you can pay for it is one of your employee benefits?

There was a note present in place to *shock* notify other employees to whom these games were on hold for. They where out of view to customers, thus off limits.
It wasn't his right to make them off-limits, you keep asserting that it was but you have nothing to substantiate that claim.


JC u should have asked to talk to the manager and told him he had employees hoarding games that should be on the shelf. GET HIS ASS FIRED! I used to work at a CC for a while and thing were quite strict. During sales we were only allowed to grab merchandise for ourselves after closing time and then we were limited to 1 per person. U were not allowed to get more of one item and use employee discount for fear of employees purchasing merchandise on special for friends and family. SCREW NICK! AHAHHAHAH


you had every right to purchase those games since they were property of circuit city and not nick

a manager may have chided you for stepping behind the counter but he would NOT have chided you for purchasing games the store had FOR SALE


I asked a question that is exactly like Nick's situation to a Circuit City manager, who is putting games on the cart to be held til Sunday. He said customers come first. He knew several employees getting in on a CDR deal and he busted their asses since the deal is for customers, not employees. He said employees aren't allowed to horde copies of games. They're for customers on Sunday on a first come first serve basis. This is a CC manager's view on the situation, and he would disagree with signet's POV.

My POV is if supply is plentiful, then a employee may be entitled to have ONE copy of a deal item on reservation, but it should be no longer than 48-96 hours for the holding period.


I hit up my location again today, and it was picked bone dry. Apparently they didn't care about the sale for next week, because they had all the 4.99 games in three boxes on the floor. Nothing ANYONE would want left.

There were maybe 20 games for each system. Mostly Fantasvision.

I was looking for something, anything that people from the forums had asked for and I found nothing. I think the local game store caught wind of the deal, because seriously, 10 copies of Resident Evil: Dead Aim just sell themselves?


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's pretty much a known fact that the clearance sale was suppose to occur on the 11th. What depends is if your Circuit City did any steps to pull back games and hold them till the 11th, or if there's any chance of restocks from warehouses or whatever
I mean, if I gotta go to these stores every fucking day between now and the 11th in the chance that I might be able to score some better deals, then I am all about that - but if I should just wait until the minute the stores open on 7/11, I would much rather do that.

Which is why I want some Circuit City working mofo to come here and tell us all what is REALLY going on :p


Saint Cornelius said:
Which is why I want some Circuit City working mofo to come here and tell us all what is REALLY going on :p

I think it varies on your store. Truly YMMV.

Some stores yanked all the titles from the shelves, others don't care. I don't work for CC, but what I hear is that it was supposed to happen on the 11th, not the 3rd. Some stores will be restocked, but it really depends on what's in the regional warehouse. For the most part, if you missed out earlier in the week, there's a slim chance you'll find a game you're looking for, especially given that more people are constantly learning of it.
Wario, I tried to buddy up to this guy that worked at one of the stores I went to, but he was all about helping the unwashed kid (who, granted, had gotten there before I did, but still!) and not really taking care of me.

The thing that makes me laugh - every store I went to had people with the fucking list printouts in there hands, going through the clearance rack & the regular racks as well. Word travels fast on the intarweb!!!1
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