hmmmmmmmm there's at least three women in LL line chat, maybe more?idol culture inherently demeans women
pretty sure most of you are guys so no shit you guys don't understand
Great, but why do you have to be so negative about it in this thread?im not even trolling, it's impossible for a male to fully understand negative and demeaning views of women
just like it's impossible for a straight person to understand what a gay person goes through and other things
-Why do you come to the k-on thread when you apparently hate the anime? "I like the manga" Why not post pics of the manga instead of being so hateful of the anime gifs?
-Why don't you talk about the tranformers in the transformers thread? "I like the people here, the transformers thread is full of terrible people" Then why are you being a terrible person in this thread of nice people?
Everyone here tries to be polite and accommodating specifically to your needs, and you don't recognize it and continue to step all over people's posts constantly daily.