Princess Viola
have u seen anime fans on other websites?K-on! will be airing in Australia starting next week
I don't think anyone will talk shit on you if you watch shows legally.
have u seen anime fans on other websites?K-on! will be airing in Australia starting next week
I don't think anyone will talk shit on you if you watch shows legally.
have u seen anime fans on other websites?
Ohh! You finally got your account approvedIt's a pleasure to be in this community! I consider all of you like my family!
EDIT:BTW, anyone has a Mio picture that was posted here? IIRC it was a trade between extollere and Chet-senpai. Maybe he still keeps that image somewhere...
it's nopt lieNooo! Don't listen to aiko
I have thought about getting that, or one of similar design...A day that Chet will never forget.
That's actually pretty cool, now if only it would air over here...
I was going to post his pixiv page, but then remembered most of his stuff is basically just porn.EDIT:BTW, anyone has a Mio picture that was posted here? IIRC it was a trade between extollere and Chet-senpai. Maybe he still keeps that image somewhere...
Believe it or not, I used an oppai mousepad of Katsuragi (Senran Kagura) at work that I bought in Akihabara. That lasted until I got laid off...but because they were outsourcing software development
australia was a mistake
it is nothing but trash
- england
Ohh! You finally got your account approved
Welc... from Chile? Bienvenido ;P
Any stories of people's reaction to your mouse pad?
How long did you have to wait?
the funny thing is there isn't really a topic
look at me i never post keion
[img width=<width> height=<height>]{url}[/img]
I've another request: There's a dojinshi posted here from OT2 called "Jun's abrupt end" but the link's broken. Is there anyone that could reupload it? (It's June-June so it stays on topic).
Your first three pics are not embedded,
Direct URL's so non-members can see them
HTT logo
K-on Logo
What's up with that SigmaVirus in the URL, Megaman fan?
EDIT: IDK for how long these SVG hotlinks will last. Anyone knows if these google URL's expire?
Houkago tea time cup logo
K-ON instruments logo
K-ON Logo
They're already dead.
Couldn't you just make extremely high resolution .png files?
Sweet jesus at that Senran Kagura mousepad. The producer (Mr. "Tits are life, ass is hometown") would be proud.
I'm feeling the E3 hype keions!
EDIT: Inafking, you sure are a big fan. Creating your own t-shirts and designs. Thumbs up to you.
In that way I'm on your side since I just like retro/oldschool games (8bit/16bit era and such). New games don't attract me (except if they're based on an animu I like...and no...I haven't found here in Chile the K-ON rhythm game...maybe I'll have to import it)i have no hype for e3
I guess I could since the area of a t-shirt's not so big so there's not so much info lost. Now if it's gonna be printed on a poster or a giant print the SVG (Vector) version should be well suited. Vector images can be made as large as you want.
hey newbie
some people here use mobile devices
Yeah, I understand how vector based images work.
And you forgot to remove the white on the keyboard and drums.
hey newbie
some people here use mobile devices
Mugi could beat up Mio.Had to choose between Mio and Mugi, so I guess Mio won that battle.
Mugi is the secret potential bully of K-On
swole girls gotta eat