Hey! Sometimes plastic bags can be difficult to open >.>pfft, she can't even open a plastic bag!
mugi isn't lewd and not a bully she is pure like viola
hey man those plastic bags can be a real pain in the asspfft, she can't even open a plastic bag!
We can all agree that Ritsu's the weakest right?
She's always pounding those drums, though. Wouldn't it be Azusa?
I can't think of any point in the series that Azusa ever shows any feats of strength, or lack there of.
She's a little nyanShe's a tiny baby.
She's a tiny baby.
pfft, she can't even open a plastic bag!
Mio has actual experience with hitting people. She wins 10/10
From OT2:
I was wondering why they didn't include Gohan wa okazu in that game Chet mentioned since that song is so energetic
I thought Yoko was the best fit of the bunch since her voice lent that feeling of maturity over the others that Mio always had
Projected maturity in any case. She's just as immature or even more so than the other girls.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Mio is momma's little angel.Moreso given than it's implied that her "mama" maked her bento and the theory that she's a very overprotected/coddled girl.
In the meantime I'm looking for a frame shot or animated gif about that scene (IIRC Mio's talking to Nodoka about how beautiful her bento is)
EDIT: Here's the proof (It was Yui dishing the dirt in front of Nodoka)
mio is a whore
Well I just saw some thinly veiled racism today. Owner of the restaurant I was in is of some southern asian decent and she speaks pretty decently with a heavy accent. This dumb brick shithouse clearly acts like he's above her and tries to buy a lighter off of her. After she refuses he starts asking how long she's been in the country and how if he was in her country he would be fluent in their language (yeah ok Mr. I probably never even got a degree much less payed attention at school and like to take out my frustrations on those who aren't as shitty as me but defenseless). To top it off he then acted like the lighter he borrowed from her to light a cigarette wasn't working and that he'll throw it out.
Like what? You were outside for a good few minutes. You try to buy it off of her, and now say it's useless as it's broken? You are one dumb racist piece of shit for thinking that is some brilliant plan. Needless to say the lighter was returned but man what a scumbag. I hope he choked on that food he got to go. People like this make all of us look bad and hold back the entire country. You don't have to give a damn about multiculturalism, that's fine. Not every country has to be America. But you treat people with respect and not like some tea party dullard.
oh... uh. E3 hasn't meant too much to me so far. Probably most excited for Dishonored 2 after the Bethesda conference. Here is hoping The Last Guardian is re revealed today.
EDIT: I thought Ritsu was the whore according to Aiko? It should be Jun though *grumble grumble grumble*
StayDead said:Well I moved into the next rented house (hopefully the last one before we move to a permanant one) and finally got my PC on.
Man today has been hard work. Boxes everywhere, just about got my bed and PC sorted and still lots to do tomorrow.
is k-on esports?
i want a goddamn ps4 now
anyone wanna buy me one for my birthday next week ^_^
OvOEDIT: I thought Ritsu was the whore according to Aiko? It should be Jun though *grumble grumble grumble*
Also check out his Love Live! video.
Demo is the top tier anime Youtuber btw. He has the perfect taste.
She can't help it being socute. She does it unintentionally.moe
Another reference to Mio-chan's PAPA and MAMA
i want a goddamn ps4 now
anyone wanna buy me one for my birthday next week ^_^
No you already got a free 3DS! >:T