Okay, impressions after playing through
This is a great story marred by some extremely frustrating play mechanics. I'm now on my 5th playthrough, and I'm seeing the next playthrough as a chore, despite my desire to want to see how the "good ending" unfolds. Like the poster above said, I don't want to play through room 5 again. I want to push "start" so I can bypass all the story elements until I'm at a branching point. I mentioned in a past post that I read a lot faster then the "scrolling" rate of text, and this has only been more and more annoying. Let me fast forward text. If I skip something, it's my own damn fault.
I also mentioned that the text is verbose for verbosity sake. Seriously. This is a quote from the game.
Three sentences that could have been condensed to one, with absolutely nothing added with its length. Yeah, just an example of the writing in this game. Brevity is king, and this game doesn't get that. I also don't buy the argument that it's supposed to be more of a novel then a game. 30 years ago, Infocom was doing it better with the Zork games and recently, Hotel Dusk and the court-room sessions of PW have been doing this very well.
I think the GAF-hype made me expect too much. Maybe I expected this game to be an evolution of the text-based Infocom games that I grew up with but so far, it's not quite there. Maybe I'll change my tune once I see the real ending, but I don't think any narrative will let me get past some of these game mechanics.