3 more to go, from what I'm seeing (assuming Coffin and True can be had at once).
I suggest you find yourself a spoiler-free walkthrough so you can plan the endings you're going to get. It would suck to get the same ending twice.
Partway through the true ending. I'll have to finish it tonight.
It better blow my mind, because it has been a fairly mediocre experience up until this point.
The puzzles have mostly been quite boring as well. They might feel rewarding, except your companions feel the need to blurt out the solution every time. The only one that was (albeit it was fairly easy) cryptic enough to feel rewarding was the 3x3 grid with the big F above it, as they didn't give you any hints on that one.
So I ask... I want to see all the endings, THEN the final good ending. How do I go about this? Just keep replaying the game and choosing different paths? Will that always lead me to a different ending as long as I don't do identical play throughs? Also, is it just the doors that matter, or can answering a question with a different answer effect the ending?
Pretty much my goal is to play through all the different endings with the true ending last.
basically, as long as you don't do the coffin ending again until you've seen every other ending, you'll ensure that you'll get the real ending last. Very much worth playing through a few times. You'll love it.First play through, got the..knife... Wow! The coffin and then the final death scene was tense. I always suspected Ace too
Was totally unprepared for the game to end like that. I knew there were multiple endings but I just assumed there'd be a more obvious trigger in deciding which one you got.
But I'm kind of happy there isn't. I'm starting to realise just how big this game is (potentially), and sort of how it works... I've gone in completely blind, so I don't know a thing.
So I ask... I want to see all the endings, THEN the final good ending. How do I go about this? Just keep replaying the game and choosing different paths? Will that always lead me to a different ending as long as I don't do identical play throughs? Also, is it just the doors that matter, or can answering a question with a different answer effect the ending?
Is there a chance I'll "accidentally" get the true ending, or is the true ending only achievable by deliberate and calculated actions that I'd learn from experiencing all the alternate paths?
Sorry for all the questions. Pretty much my goal is to play through all the different endings with the true ending last. I don't know how the game functions and I don't want to be spoiled, but at the same time I don't want to burn out on the game replaying it 100 times unsuccessfully trying to get all the endings.. haha.
In all though damn I'm loving this game. Came out around the same time as Ghost Trick I believe so I didn't make time for it.
I'm also really terrible with books and I loved this and PW. You should look into more traditional VNs (the fantasy ones, not the sex romance ones), they're really similar to these games and I love them.BUMP.
Got this on my birthday at the beginning of August.
Started playing it on Sunday.
OH MAN IT'S SO GOOD. So far got two endings,.knife and sub
I'm going to follow the flowchart on GameFAQs now 'cause I don't want repeat endings, but at the same time...I feel bad 'cause it feels like cheating :C
But yeah, turns out I love games like this and Phoenix Wright. Which is weird 'cause I'm bad with books.
Any suggestions for similarly awesome games?
Keep going bro, it only gets better from here. That's the first ending I got as well. Instantly started a new game.After hearing about the sequel coming to PAL-land, I imported this game. It plays fine on my Euro 3DS. Just had my first playthrough and got. The plot is so gripping. It's like a Video Game version of the SAW movies.the knife ending
One question though:who the actual fuck was Lotus? Everyone else made sense, except her.
Any suggestions for similarly awesome games?
Also what was up with the other endingSub who killed everyone?
Ace. Note that Seven only actually checked to see if Clover was dead, then assumed they all were. Ace was alive and playing possum.
For those that are waiting for VLR and want to re-play 999 or experience it for the first time, Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is now available
Store link:
guys, GUYS
I already beat the game twice and now I'm on my third run. I'd like to restart another time because I know that I'm going to get an end that I already got. if I do so, all the choices and shit that I have been through during this third run will be anyway saved, even if I didn't complete it, or it will be like I never played that part of my third run?
I'm sorta confused on how you get different endings.. Can someone explain without spoiling?
Just finished the game for the first time:
What an experience! Got a bad end:. I am suspectingthe Knife end, due to the following reasons:.....Santa....
1. he was the one who warned Junpei of becoming too filled with hope etc. early on in the game. The last few lines before the very end referenced to this.
2. The digital root matches up in the case of 2 3 5 8 9. 9 dies in the very beginning. Upon death the watch detaches. Someone probably grabbed it. Perhaps snake, because he would be the one least grossed out, from all the gore, due to being blind. Snake is then taken care off later by Santa. He then calculates what other numbers he needs. For the rest of the game, in my case, Santa was with number 8 and Junpei (5), and had time to learn their weaknesses etc.
Just took a look at the true ending flowchart, and by chance, I actually took all the correct choices on my first playthrough...
Wait, so I'm starting my 2nd playthrough of 999, how do I skip text?
I think it's hold right on the D-pad, can't be sure though. It's some button.
One problem with Santa + Seven is that it does not explain why they kill Snake. 3 + 7 + 8(lotus) = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. Lotus's murder checks out, but why kill Snake? In fact they would not need Mr 9's watch either.
For Ace 1 + 8 + 9 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. He also doesn't seem to need Snake's watch. This puts the motive into question. Perhaps it was to sow chaos, while publically calling upon the team members to keep calm (which usually ends in the opposite?)
Dang, this game is good. Usually I replay 1 in 30 or even less games, and usually only partially, but I've replayed this game twice in around 1.5 days already.
In any case, according to the "memories" entry in the main menu of the game I have seen all but two rooms, so I should be able to nicely fast foraward from now on.
Alright, so 3 endings down,.Knife, then Submarine, now Axe
Safe will mostly be skipped, so that's gonna be like 30 minutes or so.
Did not likeat all.Axe
The other endings gave me a sense of suspense, which is always fun, but Clover just smashing everybody was not.
Still don't know what's up with Ace though, and it seems that he and Clover aren't really connected, given the other endings.
I guess this does clear up Santa though, and definitely has me down to Ace for Zero or whatever.
I did make some different dialogue choices throughout each run though.
Not the main choices, but the smaller things.
Does that affect the endings or anything though?
Did not likeat all.Axe