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A great Youtube tutorial: "How to make a Sex Toy for Boy"

Bullet Club

This is how they masturbate in Russia (or wherever the video is from).

This tutorial will guide you to make a Sex Toy for Boy at home simply.

Things to look out for in this video:
  • The happy generic music
  • Dishwashing liquid being used as lube
  • The woman fingering the sex toy

Kagey K

Introducing the ultimate sex toy for a boy, you wanted it, we created it.....

Take it with you wherever you go and nobody will be the wiser, if you don’t like it trade it for a different one.... at no extra cost.

That airs/aired on a digital channel in Australia. A few years ago I was flicking through the channels and turn to one station and there's a close up of some dude's arsehole that has some kind of issue. I wasn't expecting to see that. :(

Embarrassing Bodies because they are embarrassed about their inflamed penis/vagina/anus acne....but is totally okay showing a Doctor on TV to millions.

That looks like way too much effort to wank. Just go vanilla.
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