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A question about Samus and interaction with characters (Metroid Prime 2 spoilers)

The Nintendo Europe website updated today with a text description of the first hour of the game for VIP 24/7 members. Samus receives a distress signal from Federation marines and goes to investigate... chases a familiar looking enemy into a portal, has a brief foray into a pretty nasty sounding dark world, and then comes back... at this point -- at least how NOE describe it..

the last surviving Luminoth (a race on planet Aether, at war with their dark rivals, The Ing), tells Samus she is the last hope and entrusts the survival of the planet to her. Has Samus ever spoken to anyone before? Or had anyone specifically speak up and address her?



Actually she doesn't pick up the distress signal I don't think, the Federation actually comissions her to assist the Federation troops who were last heard from after following the Pirates to Aether's vacinity.

But yeah, this is the first time Samus will actually 'interact' with another species, through language and what not. Unless you count Adam Malkovich. There were a few scenes at the end of IV where she talks back and forth with Adam.


I dunno. I haven't even seen any shots of text thus far during the Luminoth scenes so it might be entirely voice acting.


Tritroid said:
Actually she doesn't pick up the distress signal I don't think, the Federation actually comissions her to assist the Federation troops who were last heard from after following the Pirates to Aether's vacinity.

But yeah, this is the first time Samus will actually 'interact' with another species, through language and what not. Unless you count Adam Malkovich. There were a few scenes at the end of IV where she talks back and forth with Adam.

Watch the spoilers there. I don't think he's played Fusion yet, and that's the plot twist..



any high res version of that including background?


Deku Tree said:
I think Voice Acting would be very cool in Echoes, but if it's in there why would they keep so quiet about it?
Who knows. Maybe they're trying to keep at least something secret since they've already had a demo released and most of the item upgrades revealed in NP by now.

But yeah, if it is voice acting it could be really cool. The voice acting in the European version of Prime 1 was pretty good, for what it was.


I doubt there is voice acting. You mgiht get translations in text of their language? There is clearly more interaction in this game however.


Deg said:
I doubt there is voice acting. You mgiht get translations in text of their language? There is clearly more interaction in this game however.
oh yeah...scanning....I forgot. :p That's probably what it is.
I'll have to pick up Fusion. I don't have Zero Mission yet either.

Anyway, here's how its worded:

Soon, Samus has her worst fears confirmed, as she discovers the burnt-out wreck of the Federation Marines' ship. A scan of their last log entry reveals they were decimated by hordes of shadowy insectoid creatures that suddenly appeared through dark portals. The finger of blame points firmly at the Ing.

With every Marine dead, Samus's rescue mission has failed - but she is soon given a new objective. Upon meeting one of the last surviving Luminoth, the alien senses Samus's heroism and entrusts her with the survival of the light world. The sage explains how the Ing are siphoning energy from Light Aether, so Samus must journey into Dark Aether and put a stop to the Ing's plans.

It'd be awesome if the scan of the log brought up video of the attack too :D probably won't be though... whats actually in the demo?


radioheadrule83 said:
I'll have to pick up Fusion. I don't have Zero Mission yet either.

Anyway, here's how its worded:

It'd be awesome if the scan of the log brought up video of the attack too :D probably won't be though... whats actually in the demo?
Actually it does bring up a video of the attack. I'm not sure if that's when she scans the log or if that's a transmission sent to her by Federation HQ. Either way, there is a brief video of the Ing attack which is pretty awesome.

Also, I was under the impression that she didn't know that all of the Federation Troops had been killed until she started to find the corpses scattered across Aether. (Which then results in the 'zombie' Troopers).
Screw it, you guys can't be expected to register European Nintendo games, so you couldn't read this any other way:

They've managed to take the genius gameplay, the gorgeous graphics and sumptuous sound of Metroid Prime and super-charge them in such a way that the result leaves other sequels looking like mere wannabes. Anyway, enough gushing, on with the info... [Warning - minor spoilers coming up!]

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes features a gripping plot that takes place on planet Aether - a world torn apart by a violent meteor impact. The cataclysm split Aether into twin worlds of light and dark, leading to a war between two factions - the peaceful Luminoth and evil Ing - for control of the planet's abundant solar energy.

Samus is summoned to Aether in response to a distress call from Federation Marines, who chased a Space Pirate ship to the ravaged planet. Following a bumpy landing, Samus emerges from her Hunter class craft onto the eerily quiet surface.

After blasting her way through a series of locked gates (it's as though someone wants to keep strangers away...) Samus stumbles upon a figure that looks remarkably familiar. The exo-suited stranger disappears through a portal of light, so Samus follows forthwith - and instantly regrets it. On the other side, she is attacked by a swarm of shadowy creatures. While fighting them off, Samus gets a better glimpse of the stranger. It can't be..? It looks like...Samus!

Barely making it back through the portal alive, Samus returns to the relative safety of the light world. She then realises that the creatures somehow robbed her Varia Suit of many of its abilities. Vowing to rebuild her suit, and figure out the identity of her mysterious twin, Samus sets off deeper into the caverns.

Thankfully, Samus's Scan Visor is still intact, which is essential kit in the game's early stages. In Metroid Prime 2, the Scan Visor has been improved so that scan-able objects are highlighted in different colours: red for mission-critical items, blue for regular items and green for objects that have already been added to Samus's Log Book. (This has also had an upgrade: now revealing more detailed info and a three-dimensional image of the scanned object.)

Soon, Samus has her worst fears confirmed, as she discovers the burnt-out wreck of the Federation Marines' ship. A scan of their last log entry reveals they were decimated by hordes of shadowy insectoid creatures that suddenly appeared through dark portals. The finger of blame points firmly at the Ing.

With every Marine dead, Samus's rescue mission has failed - but she is soon given a new objective. Upon meeting one of the last surviving Luminoth, the alien senses Samus's heroism and entrusts her with the survival of the light world. The sage explains how the Ing are siphoning energy from Light Aether, so Samus must journey into Dark Aether and put a stop to the Ing's plans.

Problem is, Dark Aether's atmosphere is poisonous, even to suited-up Samus. However, the Luminoth placed light crystals throughout the dark realm, which create a protective 'bubble'. Entering the dark world for the first time is thrilling stuff. There's a real sense of danger as you run from one light crystal to the next, engaging enemies as you go. Straying from the light for a second saps Samus's energy, so speed is of the essence. Plus, many light crystals require power from Samus's weapon to keep them lit for a limited time.

But what's most impressive is the fact that the game's locations exist on two planes: light and dark. For instance, early on Samus finds a switch. Activating it in the light world is only half the job; she must enter the dark world to finish the process. Plus, the look of each world is distinct. Light Aether levels are made up of natural - yet desolate - textures like stone and sand, while Dark Aether is an alien mix of craggy rocks and vision-blurring mist.

Later in the game, as Samus increases her abilities, she'll be able to enter Dark Aether with more safety. But for the moment, it remains a nightmarish anti-world where you wouldn't want to spend your holidays.

What we've described is just the first hour's play of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - which goes to show how much Retro Studios have packed into the game. With a massive quest ahead of Samus, this is just the beginning...

Stay tuned for more Metroid Prime 2: Echoes revelations as that November 26 release date edges ever closer.


Oh kick ass. I was hoping Retro would explain how Samus loses her abilities yet again at the beginning of Prime 2. Very cool on their part. (It's also kinda hilarious that the Ing choose not to damage her scan visor....of all things.)

Anyway, Prime 2's story is certainly more deep than Prime 1's was. I'm loving the premise too. (Even if the Dark vs. Light world concept has been redone countless times.)

Oh and by the way, you asked what was in the demo earlier:

It starts out with the Federation HQ transmission that is sent to Samus. Basically it just assigns her with the task of assisting the Federation Troopers on Aether, and doesn't go into much detail (Though I think they're skipping out on portions for the actual game). Samus' ship locates the Trooper signal on Aether and sets a flight path. In mid-flight through Aether's atmosphere, her ship is struck by some kind of electrical surge during the unstable shift from Light to Dark, and she loses control of the ship as it plunges into a canyon on the Light Aether side.

This is where the playable demo basically takes over, and you get a chance to try out the new scan visor (which I don't particularly like, but I'll get used to it I suppose), as well as the new Light and Dark beams. You make your way through the Light Aether side, encountering a couple new enemies as well as a pretty cool view of the Light Aether horizon, which is beautiful. Eventually you happen upon the destroyed Federation ship (I'm assuming) which has been taken over by Space Pirates and made into an entrance for a temporary lab. After slaughtering a few Pirates, you enter the base through a secret route and stumble upon the Pirates' attempts to infiltrate the Dark side of Aether. Beneath the floors you can witness multiple Pirate troops charging into a Dark portal. After they leave, you can infiltrate the lab after taking down the 4 remaining pirates and scan their computers. Most of the scans talk about various things, from Metroid breeding to Aether itself, and even the problems the Pirates have been having with Dark Samus who keeps attempting to steal their Phazon supply (which is kinda funny). Anyway, inside the lab is where you get your first glimpse of Dark Samus after she appears suddenly behind a locked gate. She disappears from sight, and you then travel through the Dark portal after activating it.

The Dark Aether environment is best described as being underwater. That's the impression I got anyway. The plantlife resembles that of seaweed in a way, and it sways in the wind like it would underwater. The atmosphere itself is toxic, so of course Samus can't stay in it for long. Anyway, you stumble across the dead Pirates that had attempted to infiltrate Dark Aether earlier before you take a short tour through the rest of the area. Eventually the last room has you facing off against two Warrior Ing, who aren't necessarily that difficult to handle especially with the Light Beam. It's very cool how they move around the room though...the easiest way I can describe it is that it's similar to the paint in Mario Sunshine, but black. Really cool looking though.

Anyway after that, a Light portal opens and the demo ends as Samus heads through it.


While we're on the subject of wallpapers, does anybody have any really cool Metroid Prime 2 wallpapers they want to share?

I've been trying to find some really good ones with no luck. :(
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