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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Have we ever settled on the word that Brienne shouted? I think it was Arya or Sansa.

Stone heart gave her two choices. Sword or noose. Kill Jaime or die herself.

Reason says she choose sword.

Their is a weaker theory she yelled 'stannis' seeing as she herself had made cat vow to never get in the way of getting revenge on stannis for what he did to renly, so there is a bit of a vow conundrum.


Winds needs to have a pretty massive bodycount. There are like 30 separate storylines going on right now, and those need to be condensed down to like 10 before A Dream of Spring rolls around.


Winds needs to have a pretty massive bodycount. There are like 30 separate storylines going on right now, and those need to be condensed down to like 10 before A Dream of Spring rolls around.

I agree there needs to be quite a few deaths, but some of the condensing could happen through just dropping POVs and having some storylines intersect and characters regroup in the same locations.
Winds needs to have a pretty massive bodycount. There are like 30 separate storylines going on right now, and those need to be condensed down to like 10 before A Dream of Spring rolls around.

Yeah. With a title as foreboding as winds of winter, I imagine deaths will be plenty, but as his characters start to merge once again, the need for so many characters will decrease.

Edit: beaten by seconds.
I think they all make it. Sansa is the only Stark child I can see getting killed as a result of Littlefinger's game of thrones. Her death can come as a total surprise or perhaps happens by accident. It's doubtful though. The only twist I can see is her death coming from the hand of one of the Stark children. Take a look at Arya. She may be assigned to eliminate Littlefinger's daughter, or the new Queen of the Vale. I suppose it is possible Arya mistakens her oldest sisters identity, although it is a bit of a stretch. So I say they all live, they all remember, and they all rejoice in their revenge.
I think they all make it. Sansa is the only Stark child I can see getting killed as a result of Littlefinger's game of thrones. Her death can come as a total surprise or perhaps happens by accident. It's doubtful though. The only twist I can see is her death coming from the hand of one of the Stark children. Take a look at Arya. She may be assigned to eliminate Littlefinger's daughter, or the new Queen of the Vale. I suppose it is possible Arya mistakens her oldest sisters identity, although it is a bit of a stretch. So I say they all live, they all remember, and they all rejoice in their revenge.

does "they all" include jon snow?

arya is such a great character. i cant wait until we see what she has in store for westeros.


Predictions for the end?

At the Citadel, Sam finds that the Maesters are working with a new substance called "coal". A Grandmaester has created the first steam engine. Eventually this is used to power mechanized armor suits and airships.

The Others are defeated halfway through TWoW when Bran sacrifices his body to spirit bomb them with the power of love. Inspired by this sacrifice, Stannis puts aside his claim to the throne and takes the black, and is soon elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

Arya dies in a shipwreck on the way back from Braavos. Jon has been dead since the end of ADWD. No warging, no resurrection. He's gone. His death is mentioned once in an early Winds chapter, and he is never spoken of again. Sansa comes to love Littlefinger. They have a son named Robb. Undead Catelyn rediscovers her love of life as a grandmother.

Bob Strong stands for the throne in Cersei's trial by combat, but he is defeated by Lancel Lannister. Cersei is unceremoniously executed.

Drogon toasts Victarion's fleet in the first chapter of Winds. The Greyjoys are never heard from again. Dany easily defeats the armies outside Mereen and falls in love with Tyrion. Tyrion and Dany get married and jointly claim the Iron Throne. They then relinquish the monarchy and establish a democratic republic. Sandor Clegane is elected as the first President.

Along with Hodor, Tyrion and Dany ride off on the three dragons. The series ends with sunset.jpg

No one knows what happens to Rickon.


Bran in some form or another. I also really don't think Martin would kill off Sansa either.

But that's about it. Everyone else is up in the air.

But what about Lady dying? Wouldn't that be foreshadowing Sansa's impending death? Or maybe it is just because Sansa is much less Stark than all the other Starks.


I see Rickon on the Iron Throne and as head of House Stark.

No, seriously, maybe not on the Iron Throne, but I really do see him as the head of House Stark.


Speaking of Sansa, I was watching a clip of GoT on Youtube before I had finished reading all of the books and happened to catch a comment that said "I CAN'T BELIEVE SANSA DIED!" I was so fucking pissed off, but after I finished ADWD I was like...well played, Youtube troll.
But what about Lady dying? Wouldn't that be foreshadowing Sansa's impending death? Or maybe it is just because Sansa is much less Stark than all the other Starks.

I think Lady dying wasn't a foreshadowing of Sansa's death, but the events of Game of Thrones which would go more with your second point; Sansa becoming detached from the rest of the Starks and (blindly) betraying her family and causing a lot of the noise that happened.

Afterall, Grey Wind was doing fine until the Red Wedding, and as far as we know, Ghost is still kicking around +/- a newly warged Jon Snow in his body...


I'd be quite content if Jon Snow was actually just dead, not coming back. Of course the evidence points that it isn't likely to happen but I think it'd be an interesting twist if it was. Does Jon dying and resurrecting mean he is no longer a man of the Night's Watch/Lord Commander do you think?
So wait, people think that Jon's actually dead? In TWoW I see Melisandre swooping in just before he takes his last breath and using some of that R'hllor fire to heal his wounds like what happened to Victarion.

Then Jon, Melisandre and the Wildlings ride down to Winterfell to open a can of whoopass on the Boltons.

... Oh, and Stannis isn't dead either, I can't believe people still fall for GRRM's trolling.
So wait, people think that Jon's actually dead? In TWoW I see Melisandre swooping in just before he takes his last breath and using some of that R'hllor fire to heal his wounds like what happened to Victarion.

Then Jon, Melisandre and the Wildlings ride down to Winterfell to open a can of whoopass on the Boltons.

... Oh, and Stannis isn't dead either, I can't believe people still fall for GRRM's trolling.

Why would people think Stannis is dead? He seems pretty damn alive in the preview chapter we got.


But what about Lady dying? Wouldn't that be foreshadowing Sansa's impending death? Or maybe it is just because Sansa is much less Stark than all the other Starks.

I don't know if direwolf protection is really about protection from death. After all, everyone dies eventually. If you look at it instead as protection from suffering, then Sansa has already had her full share of suffering; moreso than Robb in my view. You could argue the same for Arya, who also parted from her wolf, even if it isn't dead.

Why would people think Stannis is dead?
He seems pretty damn alive in the preview chapter we got.

That chapter takes place prior to the end of events in ADWD.

As an aside, what are the spoiler rules for preview chapters from the next book? I would favor tagging them.


Fuck, really? I hope the next book isn't full of more jumps around time like the last two.

This is a good point. How will that chapter fit in to TWOW? I thought the events at the end of ADWD were supposed to be everything merging and continuing real time or whatever.


But what about Lady dying? Wouldn't that be foreshadowing Sansa's impending death? Or maybe it is just because Sansa is much less Stark than all the other Starks.

I always took it as just a sign of how she won't be a Stark anymore. You can see this with Arya as well, although the fact that Nymeria isn't dead lets her cling on to the girl beneath all the identities she's accrued.
Why would people think Stannis is dead? He seems pretty damn alive in the preview chapter we got.
I haven't read the preview yet, but I came to the decision long ago that everyone in ASOIAF is alive unless we see a body. In fact, even if we see a body they may be alive.

That means going forward, in addition to Jon and Stannis, I'm assuming that Sandor is still alive and possibly Lyanna, somewhere in hiding.
I haven't read the preview yet, but I came to the decision long ago that everyone in ASOIAF is alive unless we see a body. In fact, even if we see a body they may be alive.

That means going forward, in addition to Jon and Stannis, I'm assuming that Sandor is still alive and possibly Lyanna, somewhere in hiding.

I think that's a silly way to go about things, plenty of characters die and we don't see a body just hear about it. There is plenty of evidence suggesting Sandor is still alive and is living at Quiet Isle but I don't recall anything showing Lynna is still around.


The only stupider story decision that Martin could make than having Jon be actually dead would have been Dany actually dying in that arena.

This far into a series you can't just off a major character for shock value.
The only stupider story decision that Martin could make than having Jon be actually dead would have been Dany actually dying in that arena.

This far into a series you can't just off a major character for shock value.

Why not? I would love to see Dany killed, she's an awful character. What originally turned me onto the series is that GRRM was willing to kill anyone.


Arya should totally die in a shipwreck on the Narrow Sea.

Even better if it happens offscreen and we only hear about it later.


Why not? I would love to see Dany killed, she's an awful character. What originally turned me onto the series is that GRRM was willing to kill anyone.

You don't spend 4 books telling the stories of this character that is entirely separate from everyone else and then randomly have her get eaten by a dragon. Characters need to die for a reason, not just to teach the audience that no one is safe.


I don't see how the NFL can keep a man from working.

Most weeks there are only games on Sundays and Mondays. Sometimes they'll add a Thursday game. Towards the end of the season there will be Saturday games.

At any point in the season, there are 3-5 days of the week where no games are scheduled at all. Get 'er done. Does he spend the rest of his time contemplating waiver pickups for his fantasy team?
I always took it as just a sign of how she won't be a Stark anymore. You can see this with Arya as well, although the fact that Nymeria isn't dead lets her cling on to the girl beneath all the identities she's accrued.

I also think that the parallel between Nymeria and Arya is probably the strongest. Both were either abandoned to make their way through the world and survive; Nymeria's going out and becoming totally boss which hopefully bodes well for Arya.

That means going forward, in addition to Jon and Stannis, I'm assuming that Sandor is still alive and possibly Lyanna, somewhere in hiding.

Lyanna? Why? I think the Aegon reveal was enough. I think having too many of the "historical" characters come back is gonna dilute things a lot...
I think that's a silly way to go about things, plenty of characters die and we don't see a body just hear about it. There is plenty of evidence suggesting Sandor is still alive and is living at Quiet Isle but I don't recall anything showing Lynna is still around.

After five books without any solid details about what really happened to her and the Aegon reappearance I've prepared myself for anything. What bigger bomb could GRRM drop at this point unless Rheagar himself strolls into the red keep and asks what's been going on while he was on vacation.
But what about Lady dying? Wouldn't that be foreshadowing Sansa's impending death? Or maybe it is just because Sansa is much less Stark than all the other Starks.
You nailed it. Its her becoming less of a stark. She is pawn in this game now and hopefully she will become a player throught the next books.
You nailed it. Its her becoming less of a stark. She is pawn in this game now and hopefully she will become a player throught the next books.

Another question would be whether or not Ned killing Lady foreshadowed Sansa being the one who unwittingly causes his death.

And I think Sansa is going to become a major player in the future books and eventually becomes the one who undoes Littlefinger.
Well, asides from Eddard's memories re: her death and the sheer implausibility of it all, sure.

At that point we may as well say Septa Lemore is Ashara Dayne Lyanna!
It's super implausable but not impossible in the context of the story. I'll have to go back and read GoT again to see if he ever actually remembers her dead. All I remember is him saying that he sees her in her bed of blood (just had a baby) and making the promise to her (to hide Jon).


After five books without any solid details about what really happened to her and the Aegon reappearance I've prepared myself for anything. What bigger bomb could GRRM drop at this point unless Rheagar himself strolls into the red keep and asks what's been going on while he was on vacation.

Well, asides from Eddard's memories re: her death and the sheer implausibility of it all, sure.

At that point we may as well say Septa Lemore is Ashara Dayne Lyanna!


Another question would be whether or not Ned killing Lady foreshadowed Sansa being the one who unwittingly causes his death.

And I think Sansa is going to become a major player in the future books and eventually becomes the one who undoes Littlefinger.

That would be pretty much awesome.


I wonder who's the final boss.

I think George has made the series to big. There are so many POV's and plots going on now that I think 2 more books will just end up rushing the story. I mean, even little stuff like Darkstar needs explanation and an ending.

I have no idea how he is gonna do this.
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