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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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After five books without any solid details about what really happened to her and the Aegon reappearance I've prepared myself for anything. What bigger bomb could GRRM drop at this point unless Rheagar himself strolls into the red keep and asks what's been going on while he was on vacation.

I really doubt Aegon is Argon. I'm at school and can't link to it, but there's a thread on reddit that notes a very interesting story from AFFC that suggest he's a Blackfyre. A maester story about a Blackfyre sign that was thrown into the river, and by the time it reached the south it had turned red with rust

It seems even more obvious when you consider AFFC and ADWD were once one book
I really doubt Aegon is Argon. I'm at school and can't link to it, but there's a thread on reddit that notes a very interesting story from AFFC that suggest he's a Blackfyre. A maester story about a Blackfyre sign that was thrown into the river, and by the time it reached the south it had turned red with rust

It seems even more obvious when you consider AFFC and ADWD were once one book

Even though I've ignored the WoW preview I did read about that theory and it makes a lot of sense. One thing that I was concerned about though is I thought I remembered there being a part in ADWD where a story was being told about Varys buying a baby from a peasant but I can't remeber the context of the story or who was telling it.

My whole Lyanna theory is pretty out there but I just wonder how GRRM is going to tie everything together regarding Jon (if he is Lyanna's baby) and his past. Barristan is the only character that we know about who might know who Jon is although I guess that there's a chance Connington might know too since he and Rhaegar were best friends.

If Lyanna were somehow still around it would be pretty convenient to let her fill in all the holes about what really happened between her, Robert and Rhaegar.
I think our best chance at finding out the truth about Jon is Howland Reed,he really needs to show up in the next book
You're right, I keep forgetting that he was there too. And GRRM keeps avoiding introducing him into the story so maybe that's what he's saving him for.
Even though I've ignored the WoW preview I did read about that theory and it makes a lot of sense. One thing that I was concerned about though is I thought I remembered there being a part in ADWD where a story was being told about Varys buying a baby from a peasant but I can't remeber the context of the story or who was telling it.

My whole Lyanna theory is pretty out there but I just wonder how GRRM is going to tie everything together regarding Jon (if he is Lyanna's baby) and his past. Barristan is the only character that we know about who might know who Jon is although I guess that there's a chance Connington might know too since he and Rhaegar were best friends.

If Lyanna were somehow still around it would be pretty convenient to let her fill in all the holes about what really happened between her, Robert and Rhaegar.

I think our best chance at finding out the truth about Jon is Howland Reed,he really needs to show up in the next book
does "they all" include jon snow?

arya is such a great character. i cant wait until we see what she has in store for westeros.

Of course it includes Jon Snow. If Jon Snow is truly dead I think I might stop reading the series. I seriously mean that. Not because he is my favorite character (he is) but because there is so much mystery and loose ends surrounding his character that must be resolved.

One loose end is Ned's relationship with Howland Reed. We haven't even met Howland Reed or been to the Marshes yet. However, we have heard many stories through various characters to describe the Mystery Knight, the Isle of Faces and received a picture of the Marshes through the accounts of the Reed children. Martin went into some detail describing the type of man Howland Reed was, and his association with Ned. In fact he is one of Ned's most loyal allies. Let's not forget he holds the secret to Jon's parentage as well. That one aspect is what makes Jon such an intriguing character with evidence supporting the theory that Jon is probably more than meets the eye.

There is too much mystique surrounding Jon Snow to off him this far into the series forsake of novel norms. He is the established hero, something every series needs. Especially one as unpredictable as ASoIaF. Lastly, Jon's offing didn't feel right, whereas Ned's and Robb's did. I never once had the impression or felt the typical dread surrounding a character whose fate is death with Jon. His murder felt rushed and was a bit sloppy overall just as Bowen Marsh's assassination was sloppily handled as well, therefore it may have intentionally written that way. Which brings me to this conclusion. I'm going with my instincts here by predicting Jon's revival 2/5ths into Winds either through the eyes of Mel or through a Jon POV. He still has much too accomplish for his story to end the way it did, that much is evident.


Of course it includes Jon Snow. If Jon Snow is truly dead I think I might stop reading the series. I seriously mean that. Not because he is my favorite character (he is) but because there is so much mystery and loose ends surrounding his character that must be resolved.

One loose end is Ned's relationship with Howland Reed. We haven't even met Howland Reed or been to the Marshes yet. However, we have heard many stories through various characters to describe the Mystery Knight, the Isle of Faces and received a picture of the Marshes through the accounts of the Reed children. Martin went into some detail describing the type of man Howland Reed was, and his association with Ned. In fact he is one of Ned's most loyal allies. Let's not forget he holds the secret to Jon's parentage as well. That one aspect is what makes Jon such an intriguing character with evidence supporting the theory that Jon is probably more than meets the eye.

There is too much mystique surrounding Jon Snow to off him this far into the series forsake of novel norms. He is the established hero, something every series needs. Especially one as unpredictable as ASoIaF. Lastly, Jon's offing didn't feel right, whereas Ned's and Robb's did. I never once had the impression or felt the typical dread surrounding a character whose fate is death with Jon. His murder felt rushed and was a bit sloppy overall just as Bowen Marsh's assassination was sloppily handled as well, therefore it may have intentionally written that way. Which brings me to this conclusion. I'm going with my instincts here by predicting Jon's revival 2/5ths into Winds either through the eyes of Mel or through a Jon POV. He still has much too accomplish for his story to end the way it did, that much is evident.

Couldn't agree more. Jon's my favorite character too.
As an aside, what are the spoiler rules for preview chapters from the next book? I would favor tagging them.

i dont plan to read the AWOW chapters until the book comes out, so i would appreciate spoiler tags on anything from those.

I haven't read the preview yet, but I came to the decision long ago that everyone in ASOIAF is alive unless we see a body. In fact, even if we see a body they may be alive.

That means going forward, in addition to Jon and Stannis, I'm assuming that Sandor is still alive and possibly Lyanna, somewhere in hiding.

that means way too many people could still be alive. balon greyjoy, for example, no? unless i misunderstand.

After five books without any solid details about what really happened to her and the Aegon reappearance I've prepared myself for anything. What bigger bomb could GRRM drop at this point unless Rheagar himself strolls into the red keep and asks what's been going on while he was on vacation.

just quoting this because the visual made me laugh.

Of course it includes Jon Snow.

ok, cool. i was asking partially because i still need reassurance that he is still alive now, and partially because i honestly dont know if he will make it to the end of the series. he is one of my favorites also, but many of my previous favorites have been killed. great post, by the way.
Of course it includes Jon Snow. If Jon Snow is truly dead I think I might stop reading the series. I seriously mean that. Not because he is my favorite character (he is) but because there is so much mystery and loose ends surrounding his character that must be resolved.

One loose end is Ned's relationship with Howland Reed. We haven't even met Howland Reed or been to the Marshes yet. However, we have heard many stories through various characters to describe the Mystery Knight, the Isle of Faces and received a picture of the Marshes through the accounts of the Reed children. Martin went into some detail describing the type of man Howland Reed was, and his association with Ned. In fact he is one of Ned's most loyal allies. Let's not forget he holds the secret to Jon's parentage as well. That one aspect is what makes Jon such an intriguing character with evidence supporting the theory that Jon is probably more than meets the eye.

There is too much mystique surrounding Jon Snow to off him this far into the series forsake of novel norms. He is the established hero, something every series needs. Especially one as unpredictable as ASoIaF. Lastly, Jon's offing didn't feel right, whereas Ned's and Robb's did. I never once had the impression or felt the typical dread surrounding a character whose fate is death with Jon. His murder felt rushed and was a bit sloppy overall just as Bowen Marsh's assassination was sloppily handled as well, therefore it may have intentionally written that way. Which brings me to this conclusion. I'm going with my instincts here by predicting Jon's revival 2/5ths into Winds either through the eyes of Mel or through a Jon POV. He still has much too accomplish for his story to end the way it did, that much is evident.
One thing I've noticed, and Catelyn is the only exception I can think of to this, is that when characters in ASOIAF are killed you witness the killing from another characters POV. I really feel that if Jon were dead GRRM would have switched the POV to Melisandre at the end of ADWD.
that means way too many people could still be alive. balon greyjoy, for example, no? unless i misunderstand.
No you're not misunderstanding, I'm just being overly simplistic. Basically the rule is, if a character is dead, you don't see them die and they have an unresolved storyline then they might still be alive. Sandor has a lot of bones to pick and I have tons of problems with Lyanna. The Lyanna issues may just be from GRRM wanting to leave some doors open when he was writing GoT for story possibilities later though.


One thing I've noticed, and Catelyn is the only exception I can think of to this, is that when characters in ASOIAF are killed you witness the killing from another characters POV. I really feel that if Jon were dead GRRM would have switched the POV to Melisandre at the end of ADWD..

Prologue and epilogue characters are also the exception to this.
I think Howland Reed reveals that Jon's mother is some insignificant tavern wench, Jon stays dead as a true bastard, Ghost dies from some recessive predisposition to wolf-cancer, and Ned's promise to Lyanna was to burn her porn stash. <-- Only half joking.
I think Howland Reed reveals that Jon's mother is some insignificant tavern wench, Jon stays dead as a true bastard, Ghost dies from some recessive predisposition to wolf-cancer, and Ned's promise to Lyanna was to burn her porn stash. <-- Only half joking.

Well then Lyanna's dying wish truly was for naught, for Howland Reed will reveal in TWOW that while away on her grand adventure with Rhaegar back in Winterfell Hodor got all up in that porn stash.

What do you think screwed him up like that?


The Lyanna issues may just be from GRRM wanting to leave some doors open when he was writing GoT for story possibilities later though.

She most likely died in childbirth. There might be a pattern of women dying in childbirth when they give birth to a particulary special Targaryen. Such as Daenerys and Jon
or Tyrion!
She most likely died in childbirth. There might be a pattern of women dying in childbirth when they give birth to a particulary special Targaryen. Such as Daenerys and Jon
or Tyrion!

Damn, I never considered that spoiler but it would kind of fit in with what freaky mask ghost chick (whetever her name is) tells Dany in her prophecy.

There are some weird inconsistencies in the Lyanna backstory but because of the way the story is written it's hard for me to figure out if it's laying the groundwork for something later in the story or just me over thinking things.

One thing that bothered me since GoT is why is Lyanna buried in the crypts at Winterfell? Those crypts are supposed to be for Kings in the North or Lords of Winterfell and Lyanna was neither. When Robert asks Ned why he buried her down there in the dark Ned says it's because she was a Stark and that's where she belonged but was it?

I really need to re-read the books from the beginning and see if I just missed some info.
I listened to the latest Podcast Of Ice and Fire episode and one of the hosts mentioned that someone spoiled the Red Wedding for Larry Williams recently. That really pisses me off. I guess it was always going to be hard for him to stay spoiler free, given he reads his emails and video comments...but I'm still mad.

Last I heard he had bought the books and was reading them, so I'd imagine he'll catch up soon enough. Still though... :(


Not that anyone needs me to do it but just to give a "final ruling" so to speak.

Spoiler tag preview chapters, or anything such podcasts or interviews etc., or anything else for the next book and indicate which characters they're about.

EDIT: OP updated.
Shortly after starting ACOK I remember getting scared something would happen to Robb so I read a bit of ACOK's wikipedia and I briefly stumbled across a few words suggesting Robb got seriously injured. I was like fuck, then when I got to the part where Catelyn hears that Robb was injured in battle I was like fffuuuuuuu. But the injury turned out to be minor and I felt like both Robb and I dodged a bullet. He survived the book and all was well.

Then I read ASOS


I read all the books (of which there were 3, at the time) before I started discussing them online. I think that is the only way to do it and remain completely spoiler-free.
i didnt have the red wedding spoiled, but i did have the fact that tyrion survives at the end of whichever book we think he might be dead at the end of by going to amazon and having them advertise the next book to me with a tyrion chapter.


i didnt have the red wedding spoiled, but i did have the fact that tyrion survives at the end of whichever book we think he might be dead at the end of by going to amazon and having them advertise the next book to me with a tyrion chapter.

Dragons? Theres a fake out in that. And I guess theres insinuations of his death in Feast as well.
Dragons? Theres a fake out in that. And I guess theres insinuations of his death in Feast as well.

maybe i am remembering incorrectly. i read all 5 books back to back this summer so they sorta blend together. its possible it wasnt at the end of a book that there was a chance he was dead, it could have been mid book. is there a cliffhanger chapter where we think he may have drowned while going up the river with connington?


maybe i am remembering incorrectly. i read all 5 books back to back this summer so they sorta blend together. its possible it wasnt at the end of a book that there was a chance he was dead, it could have been mid book. is there a cliffhanger chapter where we think he may have drowned while going up the river with connington?

Yeah, that was ADWD.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Halfway through Storm of Swords, Robb and Catelyn just died, not even reading any other posts in this thread, just wanted to drop in to say "STOP KILLING CHARACTERS I LIKE!"
UGH. That was scary. I started my re-read of dragons when i hit the Jon chapter very early on talking about sending him away. Then i remembered all the stuff with Gilly and the baby and seriously got sad thinking i had to endure that again along with the dany stuff. Then i remembered that was Feast. It seriously didnt hit me until i had already typed a full post describing how i didnt want to have to read that again through dragons. What a weird sense of relief.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It feels like now the focus is somehow going to shift to Bran, but I have almost no connection to Bran

Mostly I'm just pissed that Starks keep dying.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
While I'm at it, there had better be a fucking awesome payoff for The Wall. You do not build a three hundred mile long wall that's seven hundred fucking feet high to hold off a few zombies. There had better be like...a civilization of those ice people.

I thought for a while that the reason why the series was called A Song of Ice and Fire was that Robb would take up the sword Ice and do battle with the Lannisters and their new red swords. But Robb is dead and we haven't heard a thing about Ice, so...


While I'm at it, there had better be a fucking awesome payoff for The Wall. You do not build a three hundred mile long wall that's seven hundred fucking feet high to hold off a few zombies. There had better be like...a civilization of those ice people.

I wish the Invasion would quicken up. Yeah they had to wait for winter, But i hope to hear some back story rather than 'Oh fuck zombies'.


I was devastated. Robb was far and away my favorite character up to that point.

Robb felt like too much of a cliched fantasy hero to me. He just didn't fit in with the rest of the series. You have all those Sansa chapters directly saying over and over that life is not like a fairy tale, and meanwhile Robb is this fairy tale character - young, handsome, clever, great leader, brave, kind, honorable, secretly humble, etc.


Robb felt like too much of a cliched fantasy hero to me. He just didn't fit in with the rest of the series. You have all those Sansa chapters directly saying over and over that life is not like a fairy tale, and meanwhile Robb is this fairy tale character - young, handsome, clever, great leader, brave, kind, honorable, secretly humble, etc.

I think that's the point, look where that got him.


Robb felt like too much of a cliched fantasy hero to me. He just didn't fit in with the rest of the series. You have all those Sansa chapters directly saying over and over that life is not like a fairy tale, and meanwhile Robb is this fairy tale character - young, handsome, clever, great leader, brave, kind, honorable, secretly humble, etc.

You do realize that there are people in real life who are all those things, right?


Robb felt like too much of a cliched fantasy hero to me. He just didn't fit in with the rest of the series. You have all those Sansa chapters directly saying over and over that life is not like a fairy tale, and meanwhile Robb is this fairy tale character - young, handsome, clever, great leader, brave, kind, honorable, secretly humble, etc.

He was the one character who reminded me the most of myself.


While I'm at it, there had better be a fucking awesome payoff for The Wall. You do not build a three hundred mile long wall that's seven hundred fucking feet high to hold off a few zombies. There had better be like...a civilization of those ice people.

I thought for a while that the reason why the series was called A Song of Ice and Fire was that Robb would take up the sword Ice and do battle with the Lannisters and their new red swords. But Robb is dead and we haven't heard a thing about Ice, so...

Tywin had the sword melted down to forge two new Lannister blades of valarian steel. This actually hit me pretty hard when I first read about it, and I almost felt like another Stark family member had just been killed. I was quite angry because I felt like every trace of the Starks was being swept away.
Tywin had the sword melted down to forge two new Lannister blades of valarian steel. This actually hit me pretty hard when I first read about it, and I almost felt like another Stark family member had just been killed. I was quite angry because I felt like every trace of the Starks was being swept away.

beat me to it. where are these now? im not the best with the details but does ilyn payne have one and brienne the other?
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