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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Anyone else think that Daniel Radcliffe should be Ramsay? There is something creepy about him and he brings star power.

At this point I just need to figure out who should play Jojen as I already selected Caitlin Stasey for Meera.

I don't see his demeanor and voice matching Ramsay well, specifically his voice.

Haven't seen Caitlin Stasey in anything, but based on looks, that looks very good for Meera.


Rafe Spall is my Ramsey, forever and ever.

Edit: ugh, he's way too handsome these days.

Bring back fat and ugly Rafe from Shaun of the Dead.
The "Giant" in Winterfell could just turn out to be a literal giant if the Wall comes down and/or the North-of-the-wall invades.

Although if the story results in Sansa killing Gregor... I'd like to read that.
[pre-edits in the last post] Well, the fellas who make the show did comment that because so many characters are introduced in season 2, several will be moved to season 3 instead. The Reed kids seem like likely suspects. But who knows.

[post edit] I presume that Bran and Rickon will still split ways, and if Osha is the only guide in the whole group, I'm not sure how they'll do it.


Are you mixing Radcliffe up with Elijah Wood? He was one creepy fucker in Sin City.

Why would anyone still think the Reeds are in the show? Bran, Osha and Hodor are now on their way up north (i must have missed Rickon). They were in the book for ages before Theon took Winterfell.

Have i missed some casting reveals or is this just wishful thinking?
edit: casting "rumours" don't mean shit.

Well, unless they deviate wildly from the story, Rickon and Osha will have to split up with them at some point. Bran and Hodor traveling together is not going to make for very compelling television. So they will need someone else with them. Why not the Reeds? They can have them meet on their way north.

Also, the producers have mentioned that they have had to hold off introducing certain characters that appear in the second book, and that those characters aren't cut from the show, they will just appear in later seasons. They never mentioned explicitly who those characters were, but most people think they are referring to the Reeds and Ramsay Snow (who we now know is definitely in the show).

EDIT: I should also mention that I'm pretty sure Bran and Co. haven't left Winterfell just yet. They are likely hiding in the crypts. The show wants people to think they left, so that when Theon captures and kills the miller's sons in the next episode, people will think he has captured and killed Bran and Rickon.


True, but there are lots more characters to squeeze into S3 somehow.

Anytime there has been a major deviation from the lore its been to cut out a character or two, i'd say that Bran having the "greendreams" counts as that.
Jojen served no purpose at all other than those dreams, and Meera didn't do much either, there is no reason to cast them. Its just not going to happen.

As much as they may be faves of book readers, TV viewers tend to not like new characters being shoved into an established group.

I wouldn't say they have no other purpose. I've already mentioned their other primary purpose, and it's one the show can't easily pass off to someone else, that is to lead Bran and Hodor to the Children of the Forest. Giving Bran the "greendreams" gets around having to cast them for this season, but like I said, unless they change the story dramatically, they will need them to be Bran's tour guides for next season and beyond.

Also, what characters have they cut so far? Only very, very minor characters have been actually cut. Most have just had their introduction delayed (Podrick, Edmure Tully, Ramsay Snow, etc.).


My running theory is that the Dornish will pull a Red Wedding style trap on Dany in the final book as revenge for Quentyn, just to troll everyone who thinks the book's about to end with Dany on the throne.

As distasteful as RW part 2 would be in terms of cursing themselves I would still love for Dany to be fucked like that.

Her dismissal of Quentyn along with her stay at Mereen have made her my number 1 hoped death wish.


Its obvious now that the Winterfell plotline won't be extended. 6th ep and they've left Winterfell, and Ramsey is on his way to fuck up Theon. Its done, an introduction of "bogpeople" would make zero sense, and is unrequired as its already been established that Bran is now having the prophetic dreams instead of Jojen.

Well if you remember, they end up going BACK to Winterfell and hiding in the crypt. I think that since they've focused on Bran's connection with the crypt a couple times in each season that we'll see this plot line happen.

I agree with you, though. We won't see the Reeds. There's no need for them. I suppose they're going to drag Rickon with them then.

OR maybe they'll keep Luwin alive and give Rickon to him. I would be okay with this, though we would lose out on the saddest part of COK.
I would cut out Jojen and just introduce Meera. Jojen doesn't add much to the story now that Bran is having the visions, and many people believe he dies in ADWD. Of course Martin might tell the writers that he becomes important later, which would change things. But I'd rather have a young badass Meera who constantly assures Bran that today is not the day she dies


I would cut out Jojen and just introduce Meera. Jojen doesn't add much to the story now that Bran is having the visions, and many people believe he dies in ADWD. Of course Martin might tell the writers that he becomes important later, which would change things. But I'd rather have a young badass Meera who constantly assures Bran that today is not the day she dies

Yeah, I could see them doing that. Cast a young-looking 18-20 year old as Meera, and they get around having to worry about child actor laws.


Yeah, Meera is important as the storyteller, though I'm sure they could put Osha in the same role. I doubt the bogmen stories are important and need to be told - considering they haven't even touched Jon's parentage since episode 2, which is a much more important story.

But that said, I want Meera in the story. I don't care about Blackfish, the Tullys, Jojen, I want Meera.

Yeah, I could see them doing that. Cast a young-looking 18-20 year old as Meera, and they get around having to worry about child actor laws.

Well if you remember, they end up going BACK to Winterfell and hiding in the crypt. I think that since they've focused on Bran's connection with the crypt a couple times in each season that we'll see this plot line happen.

I agree with you, though. We won't see the Reeds. There's no need for them. I suppose they're going to drag Rickon with them then.

OR maybe they'll keep Luwin alive and give Rickon to him. I would be okay with this, though we would lose out on the saddest part of COK.

I'd love this. Dude that plays Luwin is awesome. But probably won't happen.

And yeah, I could see them casting Meera and leaving out Jojen. They've been lucky with child actors so far, no need to push it.


I would cut out Jojen and just introduce Meera. Jojen doesn't add much to the story now that Bran is having the visions, and many people believe he dies in ADWD. Of course Martin might tell the writers that he becomes important later, which would change things. But I'd rather have a young badass Meera who constantly assures Bran that today is not the day she dies

Why do people think Jojen dies in DWD? Is there some hint at that while Bran is tripping on trees?


I'd love this. Dude that plays Luwin is awesome. But probably won't happen.

And yeah, I could see them casting Meera and leaving out Jojen. They've been lucky with child actors so far, no need to push it.

I hope it happens, because Luwin's death is the only one in the books that literally made me cry. If we get to season 6 or 7 (lol), Davos can arrive on Skagos to find that Luwin was killed a few miles away from Winterfell and Rickon was kidnapped by Wildlings.

(rumored tv series spoilers)
Yeah, it's not going to happen. Luwin dies at the end of this season. Apparently the scene is very heartbreaking. Can't wait to see it.



Yeah, Meera is important as the storyteller, though I'm sure they could put Osha in the same role. I doubt the bogmen stories are important and need to be told - considering they haven't even touched Jon's parentage since episode 2, which is a much more important story.

If you don't add Meera then how do you handle Bran and Rickon splitting up? Rickon can't make his way to Skagos by himself.
(rumored tv series spoilers)
Yeah, it's not going to happen. Luwin dies at the end of this season. Apparently the scene is very heartbreaking. Can't wait to see it.

Sad, but as it should be. And he'll sell it for sure.

I hope it happens, because Luwin's death is the only one in the books that literally made me cry. If we get to season 6 or 7 (lol), Davos can arrive on Skagos to find that Luwin was killed a few miles away from Winterfell and Rickon was kidnapped by Wildlings.

Yeah, it was pretty well done in the books, and I didn't even care much for book Luwin.
Hey, isn't Luwin theorized to be the mysterious person living in the crypts? The "Ghost of Winterfell" that killed Little Walder? I'm pretty sure Osha's "mercy" to Luwin is off-screen in the books, isn't it?

No, I don't really think it's him
Hey, isn't Luwin theorized to be the mysterious person living in the crypts? The "Ghost of Winterfell" that killed Little Walder?

I don't think it's him

Yeah, probably not him. He'd have to be some magical motherfucker to survive the wounds he got at his age, or maybe Osha's a magical motherfucker and healed him when she was supposed to kill him. But I doubt it.


If you don't add Meera then how do you handle Bran and Rickon splitting up? Rickon can't make his way to Skagos by himself.

I posted some theories up above.

It's entirely likely that Rickon will go with them to 3EC.

Or maybe we see a nighttime camp scene later on and Osha hears a bird call, looks up, does a bird call back and these wildlings appear. She tells Bran that she's called them and asked that they take Rickon away because "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell". Quick and easy.

Also, I believe that the show and Martin are all very happy with Natalia's portrayel and would rather keep her around. Better that then bringing in new characters, as sad as that sounds.

But that said, Osha and Bran alone going to the Wall would be kind of boring.

Hey, isn't Luwin theorized to be the mysterious person living in the crypts? The "Ghost of Winterfell" that killed Little Walder?

I don't think it's him

You know, that's one hanging thread I haven't thought about yet.

Who are the current suspects?


I'm pretty sure Talisa is Jeyne Westerling in disguise. Just a slight change in the way her and Robb meet and fall in love, but not a cutting of a character.

Jeyne Poole and Lollys are both very minor characters, at this point. They can always be introduced later, if absolutely necessary.

Cortnay Penrose and Edric Storm are also both very minor characters. And again, they can introduce Edric later if need be. In fact, I can see him showing up at Dragonstone next season, along with Shireen. They just need to give a short introduction on his backstory and then the storyline of Melisandre wanting to sacrifice him could continue as in the books.


I'm pretty sure she is Jeyne Westerling in disguise. Just a slight change in the way they meet and fall in love, but not a cutting of a character.

Jeyne Poole and Lollys are both very minor characters, at this point. They can always be introduced later, if absolutely necessary.

Cortnay Penrose and Edric Storm are also both very minor characters. And again, they can introduce Edric later if need be. In fact, I can see him showing up at Dragonstone next season, along with Shireen. They just need to give a short introduction on his backstory and then the storyline of Melisandre wanting to sacrifice him could continue as in the books.

Well didn't you break the story about rumored Shireen casting? I wonder why she is suddenly important. They had an out with Mel's speech...maybe the theory that Shireen is going to be the Typhoid Mary of the Wall has some truth behind it and Martin insisted they bring her in.

Lollys would be easy down the road - they showed a quick scene of a large woman being prepped for rape in the riot scene - some have said that's likely a Lollys easter egg.

And Jeyne, yeah, she's probably the former Jeyne Westerling. I just wondered if they would fuck with us book readers, since it's basically confirmed she has a different last name.


Same here. I can't even think of who it might be. Old Nan?

lol, well in fairness we haven't seen her yet. You know she's still alive, but could she kill?

Do they have meds for rheumatism back then?

Didn't Mance(Abel lol)/spear wives admit to killing yellow dick etc?

Mance and his crew killed everyone but the Frey. They all said they didn't do it.

I had a theory that it was the other Walder that killed him, likely to take advantage of all the mysterious murders to get himself a better shot at the title. I might have the wrong Walder though...


Well didn't you break the story about rumored Shireen casting? I wonder why she is suddenly important. They had an out with Mel's speech...maybe the theory that Shireen is going to be the Typhoid Mary of the Wall has some truth behind it and Martin insisted they bring her in.

Yes, although the rumor is unconfirmed at the moment. It seems very plausible though. Can't wait until we get some casting announcements again. I love that stuff.
Mance and his crew killed everyone but the Frey. They all said they didn't do it.

I had a theory that it was the other Walder that killed him, likely to take advantage of all the mysterious murders to get himself a better shot at the title. I might have the wrong Walder though...

I figured it was Big (I think) Walder too.


Yes, although the rumor is unconfirmed at the moment. It seems very plausible though. Can't wait until we get some casting announcements again. I love that stuff.

Yeah, I keep checking WIC every morning hoping we get some leaked casting news.

Especially when it's multiple people up for a role. I love putting my weight behind one person and feeling like I "won" when they're cast.

I figured it was Big (I think) Walder too.

Yeah, because BIG Walder is the younger one, I'm almost completely sure. And it's the "little" one that dies...?

Cortnay Penrose and Edric Storm are also both very minor characters. And again, they can introduce Edric later if need be. In fact, I can see him showing up at Dragonstone next season, along with Shireen. They just need to give a short introduction on his backstory and then the storyline of Melisandre wanting to sacrifice him could continue as in the books.

Yeah, the only issue being that if they presumably split A Storm of Swords for seasons 3 and 4, the first half of ASOS doesn't have a whole lot going on with Dragonstone beyond the stuff with Davos involving Edric Storm or having Davos learn how to read.

Although, I do hope they don't overly telegraph Stannis coming North to save the day against Mance and the Wildlings. Reading that, I always pictured it as something super awesome like Gandalf and Eomer saving the day at Helm's Deep, basically coming out of nowhere.

I really hope they can do the Battle at the Wall justice, cause thats one of the coolest things in the books, way better than Blackwater, IMO.


Wiki of Ice and Fire said:
A Dance with Dragons

Walder is disturbed serving Ramsay Bolton and is also apprehensive when he see's his cousin Little Walder become more and more like Ramsay, Big Walder takes no part in his cousins games or cruelties.[9] He is present at Winterfell during the wedding of Ramsay and The Fake Arya Stark.[10] When Little Walder is murdered, Big Walder claimed that before his death Little Walder was searching for a White Harbour man who owed him coin from a dice game Little Walder won.[11]

Yeah, maybe but maybe not.

Sounds like a Manderly man.


Yeah, maybe but maybe not.

Sounds like a Manderly man.

I barely remember any of this stuff. We're coming up on a year since ADWD. It might be time for me to do a re-read.

Actually, I've been thinking of reading AFFC and ADWD as one, the way GRRM intended it to be. Has any one seen a breakdown of how to read these book at the same time while keeping things in chronological order?


I barely remember any of this stuff. We're coming up on a year since ADWD. It might be time for me to do a re-read.

Actually, I've been thinking of reading AFFC and ADWD as one, the way GRRM intended it to be. Has any one seen a breakdown of how to read these book at the same time while keeping things in chronological order?

That's a good question.

About a year ago someone asked a similar question on GAF, especially since they didn't want to read Feast first due to hearing people talk down on it. So someone (I think me) suggesting reading Dance first up until the first Arianne Martell chapter, then reading Feast, the finishing Dance. Then again, that still doesn't match them up chronologically.

One thing that will be exciting if we get Seasons 5 and 6 (very likely) is to see the events told in the proper order, similar to the Return of the King/Two Towers adaptations.

Edit: found this: http://whittling.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/affc-adwd-remix/#order
Yeah, maybe but maybe not.

Sounds like a Manderly man.

That's what Big Walder wants you to think!

It may indeed be time for ADWD re-read. I liked AFFC a lot better my second time through. Maybe I'll get the same experience reading ADWD again, although I think it would take an act of God to fix the Dany chapters.


I started a re-read of Dance a few weeks ago, but wasn't allowed to continue. My wife ended up stealing my Kindle to read the three Shades of Grey novels. Then after that, she started reading the Hunger Games trilogy. She's on book 3, so I got my hopes up that I could continue my re-read, but now she's talking about wanting to read another series.

I shouldn't complain; I'm the one who insisted she read more and she's reading like a [deleted Lollys rape joke].



This is a great post. This guy is on-point with the major problem that plagues AFFC and ADWD, namely that the story "arcs" are so illogically chopped up as to completely defeat the purpose of calling them "arcs".

It is a real shame that after three great books, that move the overall plot forward but also stand on their own, GRRM has taken to writing the next three (and maybe even four) books as essentially one giant book.
I want to re-read Feast and Dance as well, I'm going to wait until it gets cold though. I hope it will add to the immersion when I'm reading the chapters that take place in the North.

Also, I just mentioned this in the tv thread; but how hyped would you guys be if Howard Shore composed the music for the Red Wedding? That scene demands the best music money can buy, if Shore did it I know it would blow us all away.


Anyone else buy into the theory that one of the lannisters is a Targ?

Aerys had a thing for Tywin's wife, explains his hatred for Aerys/last minute betrayl.

Tyrion - More fascinated by dragons that almost anyone in the book even before he hears of Dany's. Also the mis matched eyes.

Cercei/Jaime - Sibling incest, and cersei has similar madness/obsession with fire that many targs like aerys had.

Doubt it but interesting anyways.


This is a great post. This guy is on-point with the major problem that plagues AFFC and ADWD, namely that the story "arcs" are so illogically chopped up as to completely defeat the purpose of calling them "arcs".

It is a real shame that after three great books, that move the overall plot forward but also stand on their own, GRRM has taken to writing the next three (and maybe even four) books as essentially one giant book.

I'm hoping that won't be the case with Winds. Since he brought more threads together and brought the timelines together about halfway through Dance, I'm hoping that the "deleted" chapters that will make up the beginning of Winds aren't going to create more issues.

Again, I'm HOPING this isn't the case and he can bring things together. I think even he admits he confused himself.

Anyone else buy into the theory that one of the lannisters is a Targ?

Aerys had a thing for Tywin's wife, explains his hatred for Aerys/last minute betrayl.

Tyrion - More fascinated by dragons that almost anyone in the book even before he hears of Dany's. Also the mis matched eyes.

Cercei/Jaime - Sibling incest, and cersei has similar madness/obsession with fire that many targs like aerys had.

Doubt it but interesting anyways.

Interesting. I haven't thought about the Jaime/Cersei thing before.

Would give him another reason to keep Jaime near him, but you would think he would WANT Cersei to marry Rhaegar.


This is a great post. This guy is on-point with the major problem that plagues AFFC and ADWD, namely that the story "arcs" are so illogically chopped up as to completely defeat the purpose of calling them "arcs".

That was my biggest problem with Dance. It moved things forward but everything stopped at an almost entirely arbitrary place in the narrative. The only one that actually felt like a climax of sorts was Jon's last chapter. But that was only about shock value. Nearly every other story in Dance was cut off one or two chapters early.


I'm hoping that won't be the case with Winds. Since he brought more threads together and brought the timelines together about halfway through Dance, I'm hoping that the "deleted" chapters that will make up the beginning of Winds aren't going to create more issues.

Again, I'm HOPING this isn't the case and he can bring things together. I think even he admits he confused himself.

Interesting. I haven't thought about the Jaime/Cersei thing before.

Would give him another reason to keep Jaime near him, but you would think he would WANT Cersei to marry Rhaegar.

Even if he fucked Tywin's wife there is no way to know for sure who's kids they are since either father would leave them with faire hair of some sort.

Tyrion the one true Lannister child would be great to, remember one of the lannister women who married a Frey always told Tywin that Tyrion was truly his father's son.
That was my biggest problem with Dance. It moved things forward but everything stopped at an almost entirely arbitrary place in the narrative. The only one that actually felt like a climax of sorts was Jon's last chapter. But that was only about shock value. Nearly every other story in Dance was cut off one or two chapters early.

Theon's kind of reached a climax. He escaped Winterfell and is out of the reach of Ramsay, which is something. But yeah, none of the others did. And the one Jaime chapter felt incredibly out of place and had one of the abrupt endings ever. OH hey Brienne what's up? Come with me. OK!


I really wonder how much of that was intentional and how much was Martin just saying "fine, I'm done with the fucking book."

If I remember correctly he wanted to do the battle of Mereen and another battle...maybe Hardhome or Storm's End or Dany and Drogo vs. the khalasar? I think his editor's helped influence him to basically stop.

So worst case scenario, we're going to get two huge battle scenes where POVs convene right away in Winds.
I really wonder how much of that was intentional and how much was Martin just saying "fine, I'm done with the fucking book."

I think it was more an editing issue and the publishers saying "The book needs to be done now" issue. I'm pretty sure GRRM had more chapters done that he's now going to open The Winds of Winter with, as I recall from some interview. Like how TWOW will open with 2 big battles or something.

But the funky editing is my biggest issue with Feast and Dance. What makes books 1-3 so good is how they're each fairly self contained with character arcs and natural cliffhangers that, by the end of each book didn't feel too forced. Plus, you had all of the POV characters involved so you saw the story of the world from everyone. Whereas Feast and to some extent Dance seem to spin their wheels in terms of actually advancing the overall plot, which is kind of frustrating after a while.

I'd be very interested to see somebody try to edit Feast and Dance together- either into 2 separate volumes that integrate all the POV's or into one massive book that cuts between everyone. If the TV show gets that far, I''m actually looking forward to how they handle that.


Theon's kind of reached a climax. He escaped Winterfell and is out of the reach of Ramsay, which is something. But yeah, none of the others did. And the one Jaime chapter felt incredibly out of place and had one of the abrupt endings ever. OH hey Brienne what's up? Come with me. OK!

I would have rather had no Jaime chapters than that little tease. Should've just saved it for next book.


Are you mixing Radcliffe up with Elijah Wood? He was one creepy fucker in Sin City.

Why would anyone still think the Reeds are in the show? Bran, Osha and Hodor are now on their way up north (i must have missed Rickon). They were in the book for ages before Theon took Winterfell.

Have i missed some casting reveals or is this just wishful thinking?
edit: casting "rumours" don't mean shit.
edit2: from WIC, dated 6 months ago

Its obvious now that the Winterfell plotline won't be extended. 6th ep and they've left Winterfell, and Ramsey is on his way to fuck up Theon. Its done, an introduction of "bogpeople" would make zero sense, and is unrequired as its already been established that Bran is now having the prophetic dreams instead of Jojen.

They said they are saving characters for season 3, it would be really simple for Bran to meet them on the road. It would involve a lot more work to change the plot around just so that they could keep Osha and leave them out. Not to mention that the story of Bran, Jojen, and Meera is not yet complete so it is definitely a big risk to change around something so major. Also I don't think Bran dreaming about the ocean was meant to be an introduction to greendreams and replacement for Jojen's explanations. I think just the imagery of the sea swallowing Winterfell was a great one in the book and they wanted to keep it in the story. People have dreams that predict the future in fantasies all the time.


Here is a better post from another forum that addresses the possible Tyrion targ situation.

I've just read the Tyrion chapter in SoS where he talks with Tywin who denied him Casterly Rock, and where Tywin comments that he could never prove that Tyrion is not his son, so he is forced to treat him as one of his family. Now that by itself may not mean much, just an indication of the dislike that Tywin has for his dwarf son. But I believe this is the second time that Tywin makes the same comment, and it seems strange that Tywin would keep making the same otherwise petty comment - unless he seriously felt that Tyrion could possibly not be his son.

Tywin's last words to Tyrion are also "You are not my son". Admitedly he says the same thing to Jaime, which in fact makes me wonder if this is not a deliberate red herring.

But we also know that Tywin was 20 years the hand of the king. We know that Aerys was envious of him. We know that Aerys wronged him many times, and that this led to Tywin abandoning his post and position, apparently the only man Aerys feared so much as to not try and punish him for it. We are led to believe that what pushed Tywin to leave Aerys' service was Jaime entering the kingsguard, but again we have that from third-hand.

I think the theory that Aerys at some point forced himself on Joanna is a very possible one. Tywin otherwise seems to be at least logical, he knows that death at childbirth is not a conscious fault of the child, to hold a grudge against Tyrion for it. But if he had reason to suspect the child was not his, he would have reason to have such hate for him. It would also explain his own hatred for Targaryens, leading him to order the murder of Rhaegar's children, and letting King's Landing be sacked (which would to him be a city that stayed loyal to Aerys).

At the same time in Feast, Aemon tells Sam that both he and his brothers dreamed of dragons. We know that Daenerys dreamed of dragons before she had her eggs hatched. And if I remember correctly, in book 1 Tyrion also tells Jon that he used to dream of dragons - or at least that he was fascinated by them. If I recall correctly one of his mismatched eyes is also the Targaryen color.

It also seems to have a nice symmetry to it with Tyrion now going to find Dany, and a nice symmetry to the story, with all 3 main characters (Dany, Tyrion and Jon), being the last descendants of a once mighty but fallen dynasty, all 3 of which had to suffer being outcasts in some way in their childhoods.


Also the red viper talking to Tyrion basically describing the rumors of his appearance as a baby monster/dragon are in there.
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