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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I remember reading the theory shortly after the book came out. Tyrion being a secret Targ would be so stupid. It's not like GRRM hasn't done enough with fake identities already. It would cheapen the arc between him and Tywin.
Maybe all three Lannister children are Targs! That would be a lovely, final "fuck you" to the Lannisters. (And to Robert who famously knocked the Targs off the throne, only to put a whole new mess of them back on).


Everyone is a secret Targaryen. That will be the resolution to all the problems in the stories. "Hey, you're a secret Targaryen? So am I! Lets stop fighting and go get some lemon cakes."
I remember reading the theory shortly after the book came out. Tyrion being a secret Targ would be so stupid. It's not like GRRM hasn't done enough with fake identities already. It would cheapen the arc between him and Tywin.

Yes, Tyrion needs to be the son of Tywin. Jaime and Cersei wouldn't really bother me though.

Ironically Dany isn't a Targaryen at all.

She's one of Robert's bastards! Which I guess would still make her a little Targaryen.


Re: Winterfell in ADWD from last page:
I thought it broke down as

-Mance's crew is killing several Freys.
-Big Walder kills Little Walder.
-The "Ghost of Winterfell" that Theon sees is himself, because he's having a dissociative episode.

But I also haven't read ADWD since it came out so I could very well be forgetting details.
All I know is I've spent half the morning lost in the Wiki, and one big conclusion I've come to is that Wyman Mandelry can NOT be omitted from the show without drawing my wrath. If they cast him properly, imagine how great his storyline with Davos will be.
As distasteful as RW part 2 would be in terms of cursing themselves I would still love for Dany to be fucked like that.

Her dismissal of Quentyn along with her stay at Mereen have made her my number 1 hoped death wish.

That would be fucking awesome.

(rumored tv series spoilers)
Yeah, it's not going to happen. Luwin dies at the end of this season. Apparently the scene is very heartbreaking. Can't wait to see it.

Sad, I loved Wray's idea of Luwin becoming the guy that Jon is asked to kill by the wildlings when Summer attacks the group and Jon escapes in ASOS. Then Luwin's final scene with the boys could play out pretty much the same, and Osha and Rickon don't split off until then.

Either way, I'm sure it will very impactful doing it the same way as in the book.

I'm pretty sure Talisa is Jeyne Westerling in disguise. Just a slight change in the way her and Robb meet and fall in love, but not a cutting of a character.

That's my assumption as well.

I think I want to try this for a reread.

All I know is I've spent half the morning lost in the Wiki, and one big conclusion I've come to is that Wyman Mandelry can NOT be omitted from the show without drawing my wrath. If they cast him properly, imagine how great his storyline with Davos will be.

There is no way he gets cut.

The North Remembers


I kind of think it would be cool (but have to be hush hush because technically it's piracy) for someone to cut Dance and Feast into each other as one or two big novels.

Also, is it just me or is Theon less redeemable on the show? Killing Rodrik like he did, Rodriks' curse that there's no going back now...it feels heavier than in the book. Maybe because there's such a large cast and Faren and Mikken didn't have the footprint that Rodrik did, so we still somewhat sympathize with Theon.


I feel just the opposite, Theon of the show seems more reedemable, he feels more like a real person. In the book before the torture he underwent he was just an asshole wannabe prince, he felt a bit one dimensional. In both versions he will be responsible for the death of two children, I think that is the act that really brings him to the point of no return.


The way how Ramsay slays Rodrik in the book is one of the biggest reasons why I hate the bastard. Such a cowardly kill.

I wonder how they'll make Ramsay a much hated character now...besides letting him burn down Winterfell.


The way Ramsay slays Rodrik in the book is one of the biggest reasons why I hate the bastard. Such a cowardly kill.

I wonder how they'll make Ramsay a much hated character now...besided him letting burn down Winterfell.

They will probably show his torture of Theon and other Winterfell prisoners in detail. Him and Theon need to be doing something for seasons 3 and 4.
The way how Ramsay slays Rodrik in the book is one of the biggest reasons why I hate the bastard. Such a cowardly kill.

I wonder how they'll make Ramsay a much hated character now...besides letting him burn down Winterfell.

I hope we get to hear/see some of:

Ramsay openly enjoys abusive and sick practices such as having young women stripped naked and released into the Bolton forests, before hunting them with a pack of feral dogs. He gives a quick death to women who give him good sport (after raping them first), then flays their corpses. He likes to name his dogs after the women he enjoys most to "honor" them. The women who don't give him good sport are raped and then flayed alive.

I've always found the Boltons to be such interesting characters. I would love to get a better look into Roose/Ramsay in the show.


I feel just the opposite, Theon of the show seems more reedemable, he feels more like a real person. In the book before the torture he underwent he was just an asshole wannabe prince, he felt a bit one dimensional. In both versions he will be responsible for the death of two children, I think that is the act that really brings him to the point of no return.

Theon in the show becomes almost less redeemable because of his humanity. In the book you get one look into his head and realize he's a sleezeball without a conscience, and you have no hope for him. In the show you invest way more in Theon, and you recognize that he's conflicted and he knows how awful a thing it is to lop off the head of the man who taught you to swing a sword in the first place, but he actively chooses to do it despite knowing how wrong it is. That makes him feel so much more far gone to me. He chose to be evil, instead of just doing it by default.


There is no way he gets cut.

The North Remembers

Yeah, he has to be in. And if we are lucky, they will be able to get Ian McNeice to return to the show as Wyman Manderly.



The "evil" in Ramsay comes from Roose, except Roose is more cold and calculated, he is driving towards a purpose. Ramsay is a crazed dog off his leash. I find the dynamic between him and Reek to be so fascinating. Roose said that he wasn't sure whether it was Reek who corrupted Ramsay or Ramsay who corrupted Reek.
Everyone is a secret Targaryen. That will be the resolution to all the problems in the stories. "Hey, you're a secret Targaryen? So am I! Lets stop fighting and go get some lemon cakes."

I can tell I've listened to too many Podcast Of Ice and Fire episodes because my immediate thought was "Let's stop fighting and go have sex." Assuming lemon cakes is a sexual euphemism as theorized on the show lol


They will probably show his torture of Theon and other Winterfell prisoners in detail. Him and Theon need to be doing something for seasons 3 and 4.

Don't think people will hate him for torturing Theon :p

My non-book reading friends who watch the show are hating Theon so much right now.

Maybe Ramsay will slay Maester Luwin now. But Luwin had, what seemed, an important conversation with Osha at the end of book 2. Don't know how they'll do that..
Don't think people will hate him for torturing Theon :p

My non-book reading friends who watch the show are hating Theon so much right now.

Maybe Ramsay will slay Maester Luwin now. But Luwin had, what seemed, an important conversation with Osha at the end of book 2. Don't know how they'll do that..

I HATED Theon at the end of Clash of Kings. But then you don't see or hear from Theon until Dance. I think maybe you hear a little bit of hearsay that in Storm that he's Ramsay's prisoner and being tortured.

But its so shocking to get to Dance and be put in Theon/Reek's point of view and just how absolutely brutal his treatment has been, to the extent that the once cocky, arrogant dickhead Theon has been physically and mentally transformed into whatever Reek is. For as much as I hated Theon in Clash, holy smokes, nobody deserves the crap Ramsay did to him. I mean, damn.

So if the show showed that kind of transformation with torture scenes, I think that might sort of lessen the impact later on. Its like when Asha sees Theon in Dance, she doesn't even recognize him. It would be neat if the show handled it similarly where you're kind of shocked at Theon's transformation into Reek. Cause the stuff Ramsay does is just insanely disgusting and even if you hate Theon, I don't know how you couldn't feel a little sympathy for him in that state.

Theon's chapters in Dance (and the stuff in the North in general) were some of the better material GRRM has written and I can't wait to see it in the show. Especially with how TV Theon is more sympathetic than Book Theon, his sort of redemptive arc should be interesting to see.


Never forget.

I would love for him to get the part. Why did he not want the show again? Because he couldn't make reshoots?

He would have made a good Illyrio, but that costume is hilariously awful.

I believe it was a scheduling issue, yes. So assuming his schedule is clear in a couple years, he should have no problem signing on again. If it happens, I would be glad it didn't work out the first time because he would have been wasted on the boring character of Illyrio.


He would have made a good Illyrio, but that costume is hilariously awful.

I believe it was a scheduling issue, yes. So assuming his schedule is clear in a couple years, he should have no problem signing on again. If it happens, I would be glad it didn't work out the first time because he would have been wasted on the boring character of Illyrio.

Agreed. Plus he would have only had three scenes in the first season and not another until...I think Dance? Yeah, I think the next time we see him is Dance, or the 6th season.

And yes, the costume is horrible, though I always pictured Illyrio being more flamboyant than the current one we have and that hat suits him to a "T".

+1 for Manderly.


I wondering where that bald fucker had been hiding. Can't wait for Littlefinger to treat with him and they can talk about his balls again.

Just like old times.

So was the Khal in the D Sea one of the new ones or was it Danaerys' dudes out looking for her but gathered up some troops for her?


I wondering where that bald fucker had been hiding. Can't wait for Littlefinger to treat with him and they can talk about his balls again.

Just like old times.

So was the Khal in the D Sea one of the new ones or was it Danaerys' dudes out looking for her but gathered up some troops for her?

It was some Khal from A Game of Thrones that Dany pissed off or something.


Uh ah something tells me he'll have a change of.....


This was Dany's vow about what she plans to do to Khal Jhaqo and his bloodrider Mago after learning that they had raped a Lhazareen woman and then slit her throat.

"It was a cruel fate, Yet not so cruel as Mago's will be. I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh."

Things should get very interesting...
I'm just glad he's at least claiming to be working on it some more at this point. Last I heard he hadn't written anything except for the ~200 pages that got pushed back from ADWD, and wouldn't be writing anything else for a while
Also from his post:

Casting is in full swing for the new season, so I'm watching auditions every night. Froggy may be turning up soon, but don't hold your breath. I'm too busy to devote much time to whipping up obscure clues.

Froggy? Reed(s) being cast for season 3?


He's still in the beginning part of the book. Obviously he's writing about the dothraki that found dany in the wastes.

That's what you think. He is probably writing in a new pov character about what the Dothraki are doing all throughout Dance as to add another 300 pages to Wind.
That's what you think. He is probably writing in a new pov character about what the Dothraki are doing all throughout Dance as to add another 300 pages to Wind.
You just can't apreciate great world building and lore. It takes time to develop a race of rapist horsemen, but that depth is key to the series.


He could be writing about Dany taking Westeros by storm with her enormous Dothraki army. That means he's probably finishing the book...

Or not.
That's what you think. He is probably writing in a new pov character about what the Dothraki are doing all throughout Dance as to add another 300 pages to Wind.

Would be pretty legit. Khal Jhaqo just kills Dany immediately in the prologue and continues on to take the dragons and go to Westeros and wreck shit and take the Iron Throne like a boss
Man that gives me even less confidence he's ever going to finish it. Every other project he's working on gets big paragraph explanations, and Winds of Winter is like "oh yeah guess that's being done too, sure. I mean, but did you hear about that we're working on more garbage Wild Cards shit?"

GRRM needs to abandon Wild Cards forever. Shit blows.

Never read any Wildcards shit, but have you read Pear-shaped Man or Meathouse Man? That shit is fucked up man

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