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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I think the majority of the complaints (ignoring the goofy SHE'S UGLY people) are that she comes off as cold and humorless. Which I can see, I imagined her being more witty in a fun Tyrion-ish way instead of all of her lines being direct insults.

She has her good episodes, though.


Finally finished all 5 books after 6 and 1/2 weeks.

Overall it would be ASOS > ACOK > AGOT > ADWD > AFFC. ASOS is good due to the amount of shock and twist moments to lots of important characters but the most impressive event to me is ACOK for the Blackwater battles, Davos fighting through wildfire and Tyrion riding into battle like a boss.

Anybody thinks the producers would combine half of AFFC and half of ADWD to make season 5?

And where in the blue hell there is a Dany x Jon Snow? Who came up with the theory/shipping?
I dont get the complaints about Gemma Whalen, with people bitching about her coming off like a foul mouthed sailor or whatever.

ummm, Asha's like that in the books. do I need to quote passages from AFFC? She's quick witted, vulgar, commands the respect of brutes and cutthroats and gives as good as she gets. I love the way Gemma's played Yara, I can actually see a gang of pirates respecting someone like that.

how isnt this Gemma's Yara?

Book Asha comes off as way more clever and charismatic than Yara.
I dont get the complaints about Gemma Whalen, with people bitching about her coming off like a foul mouthed sailor or whatever.

ummm, Asha's like that in the books. do I need to quote passages from AFFC? She's quick witted, vulgar, commands the respect of brutes and cutthroats and gives as good as she gets. I love the way Gemma's played Yara, I can actually see a gang of pirates respecting someone like that.

how isnt this Gemma's Yara?

I like the casting. Sometimes when I hear people talking about her I wonder if I read the same books that they did. Also, I'm curious where the fan art and people's perception of her being incredibly attractive came from. It is not stated in the books.


Finally finished all 5 books after 6 and 1/2 weeks.

Overall it would be ASOS > ACOK > AGOT > ADWD > AFFC. ASOS is good due to the amount of shock and twist moments to lots of important characters but the most impressive event to me is ACOK for the Blackwater battles, Davos fighting through wildfire and Tyrion riding into battle like a boss.

Anybody thinks the producers would combine half of AFFC and half of ADWD to make season 5?

And where in the blue hell there is a Dany x Jon Snow? Who came up with the theory/shipping?

I would switch AGOT and ACOK, other than that I agree with your list.

I'm sure that AFFC and ADWD will be in chronological order in the show, but other than that I think it's going to be a pretty radical restructuring from the what's presented in the books.
The showrunners should just take Affc and Adwd as a rough sketch of future events and cut and restructure them heavily to something much better focused and paced that can be made into decent television on feasible budget. Anything resembling a literal adaptation would be a disaster. Hell, people are already finding problems with GOT's lack of focus and Dany's inertia in season 2!


will gain confidence one day
I haven't read the WoW Theon chapter, myself. I think it'll be better if I hold off until the whole book comes out. Plus, he'll probably have re-written that chapter 23 times by the time the final copy is released. What's the point in reading his rough draft?


The showrunners should just take Affc and Adwd as a rough sketch of future events and cut and restructure them heavily to something much better focused and paced that can be made into decent television on feasible budget. Anything resembling a literal adaptation would be a disaster. Hell, people are already finding problems with GOT's lack of focus and Dany's inertia in season 2!

Have it streamlined by having 3 main stories: KL with insane Cersei, the North starring Reek, and Dany getting a shit ton of visitors instead of being the MOTHER OF ALL and pining over Daario.

Of course the show could set up how they're gonna do things the next two seasons. I think Kingsmoot, Ironborn reaving the Reach, and the Martells will be in season 4.
I haven't read the WoW Theon chapter, myself. I think it'll be better if I hold off until the whole book comes out. Plus, he'll probably have re-written that chapter 23 times by the time the final copy is released. What's the point in reading his rough draft?

Curiosity mostly tbh. Beside I usually read the books 2 times, one in English, the other on Spanish.
Not sure if I want to read anything from book 6 until it's out. I am having serious withdrawal symptoms after finishing book 5, and indulging my vice by reading just a tiny bit from the book might make it even worse.


I dont get the complaints about Gemma Whalen, with people bitching about her coming off like a foul mouthed sailor or whatever.

ummm, Asha's like that in the books. do I need to quote passages from AFFC? She's quick witted, vulgar, commands the respect of brutes and cutthroats and gives as good as she gets. I love the way Gemma's played Yara, I can actually see a gang of pirates respecting someone like that.

how isnt this Gemma's Yara?

My issue is that in the books Asha is a bad ass when it comes to combat.

In the show? Girl would get winded running a few flights of stairs let alone killing men in battle.
Cross posting this here so people can discuss without spoiler tags:

- EW.com: 'Game of Thrones' scoop: Season 3 character list revealed
We recently spoke to showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss about some of the show’s creative departures from the novels this season. “[Jojen and Meera Reed] haven’t been written out,” Benioff says. “It’s important to point out that that we have the largest cast on television right now. We introduced dozens of new characters in season two. If you hurl 300 characters at an audience, the story collapses under the weight of too many faces, too many names, and too many subplots. We need to be just as mindful of the audience members who have never read the books as we are of the readers; the series will fail if we only appeal to those who already know the characters. So we try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”

That said, here’s who will appear in season three:

– Mance Rayder: We’ve heard about him all season. A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.

– Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.

– Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.

– Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.

– Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.

– Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.

– Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.

– Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.

– Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.

– Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.

– Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.

Now, if a character is not listed here, does that mean they are not in season three? Apparently not. Because Benioff then added: “And a few others…holy hell that’s a lot of new faces.”


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Yeah Queen of Thorns will be great. I liked her so much in the book I expected Martin to kill her off in some horrible and soul crushing way.


Pretty great cast list for season 3. Can't think of any notable omissions. Suprised some of those guys made it really, charcters like the queen of thrones could easily be written out given how they've delt with Margery. God, getting me excited for season 3 already


Speaking of Ramsay, I just want him to die with a smile on his face like Elijah Wood in Sin City just to troll the haters.


Seeing the list of characters for next season has convinced me that I should re-read the books! I had forgotten how many good characters are introduced in the third book :) Especially the Reeds. I hope that their presence will allow the tv series to delve more deeply into the mystical elements of Martin's universe.
Where's the Red Viper?

Pushing him to season 4 i guess?

edit: I wonder if Olenna's role in Joffrey's death will be made more apparent here (i.e., taking the thing out of Sansa's hair-net).


Seeing the list of characters for next season has convinced me that I should re-read the books! I had forgotten how many good characters are introduced in the third book :) Especially the Reeds. I hope that their presence will allow the tv series to delve more deeply into the mystical elements of Martin's universe.

To be fair, most of these characters were introduced in ACoK, only pushed back to Season 3. I'm glad we're getting a complete package though, especially excited how they will handle QoT


Hey, what if TV Daario is a pretty cool guy? What then!

Hopefully the writers don't try and "improve" his character like they did with a certain richest man in Qarth.


To be fair, most of these characters were introduced in ACoK, only pushed back to Season 3. I'm glad we're getting a complete package though, especially excited how they will handle QoT

In my head she is Frau Totenkinder from Fables


Which only makes her more awesome, she may be a minos character but is definitely one of my favorites


Hey, what if TV Daario is a pretty cool guy? What then!

Hopefully the writers don't try and "improve" his character like they did with a certain richest man in Qarth.

But his story was so impressive, I mean, he had nothing at first! And now he is the richest man... bah, the KING of Qarth. My goodness.
Wait, you all think Jon is dead? I know it's likely, but part of me hopes GRRM is screwing with us somehow.

I do not believe that Jon is dead.
a) I think this helps him fulfill the prophesy
b) I don't think his Nights Watch even wanted to kill him, I think they're injuring him to keep him on the wall because they know they'd be toast with Melisandre and nobody else of any strength there... Knowing the only way to keep him on the Wall is to injure him enough where he cannot run.
c) Melisandre sees something in Jon and could revive him, although I don't think he'll become a Zombie.

Not that this is my reason but -- Does anybody have an example of any POV characters dying in their own chapter, other than the prologue/epilogue folks?
I do not believe that Jon is dead.
a) I think this helps him fulfill the prophesy
b) I don't think his Nights Watch even wanted to kill him, I think they're injuring him to keep him on the wall because they know they'd be toast with Melisandre and nobody else of any strength there... Knowing the only way to keep him on the Wall is to injure him enough where he cannot run.
c) Melisandre sees something in Jon and could revive him, although I don't think he'll become a Zombie.

Not that this is my reason but -- Does anybody have an example of any POV characters dying in their own chapter, other than the prologue/epilogue folks?

Only Catelyn but of course she didn't stay dead, so nope.


Finally finished all 5 books after 6 and 1/2 weeks.

Overall it would be ASOS > ACOK > AGOT > ADWD > AFFC. ASOS is good due to the amount of shock and twist moments to lots of important characters but the most impressive event to me is ACOK for the Blackwater battles, Davos fighting through wildfire and Tyrion riding into battle like a boss.

Anybody thinks the producers would combine half of AFFC and half of ADWD to make season 5?

And where in the blue hell there is a Dany x Jon Snow? Who came up with the theory/shipping?


I think for me:

A clash of kings has great moments (Tyrion kicked so much ass in every single chapter he was in), yet I really, really enjoyed Dance - it might be that it is just fresher in my mind, but I loved it.


May contain jokes =>

I think for me:

A clash of kings has great moments (Tyrion kicked so much ass in every single chapter he was in), yet I really, really enjoyed Dance - it might be that it is just fresher in my mind, but I loved it.

This would probably be my ranking too.
Someone in the other thread mentioned that the paperback version of ADwD is out in the UK. I thought the paperback was going to include a new sample chapter, but I assume I would have heard bout it if it did? Was it one of the already released ones?

Yeah it's the Theon chapter that was first released online.
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