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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Lax Mike

Neo Member
I love it. I bought the game Sunday and put about 7 hours into it since then. Haven't even touched the base game.

A bit rough around the edges but it's been fun so far. I think it will really take off when Paradox work Republics into the main game, as that's when the mod team will add in Essos.

Go get it from Amazon - it's $12 with a bunch of other games!

That settles it then.

Thanks for the heads up on the deal!


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A bit rough around the edges but it's been fun so far. I think it will really take off when Paradox work Republics into the main game, as that's when the mod team will add in Essos.

Go get it from Amazon - it's $12 with a bunch of other games!

I don't know anything about Paradox or their dev history, but is adding republics something that's actually going to happen, or just a hypothetical the mod devs posed?


I don't know anything about Paradox or their dev history, but is adding republics something that's actually going to happen, or just a hypothetical the mod devs posed?

Well, they've just announced that the next DLC for the game will add the ability to play as Muslims, and they seem fairly interested in expanding the play-styles available.
I think the majority of the complaints (ignoring the goofy SHE'S UGLY people) are that she comes off as cold and humorless. Which I can see, I imagined her being more witty in a fun Tyrion-ish way instead of all of her lines being direct insults.

She has her good episodes, though.

same here. It's not her looks, it's how the character is played. I expected a witty badass with a wicked sense of humor like the books. Not a sullen stump.


3 5 2 1 4

That's my order.

I think I'm due for a series reread. It's been six years since I first read them, Dance excluded of course.


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I'm surprised all of these are making it in. To be honest, I think it may be overkill. The show is already sprawling with too many characters and lacks focus, I'm not sure everyone of these characters needs to be in the show.

Just curious which you think are overkill. I'm assuming the Tullys?

Personally I think it's pretty conservative, seems they'll certainly be adding less than between 1->2 (which I do agree is for the best).


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Second half of Dance picked up considerably though.

It's nowhere near as good as ASOS but I think ADWD is still a great book. Yes, it absolutely left too many cliffhangers, but I think people's 6-year wait hurts their opinion of it too much. The half dozen people I've introduced to the series in the last year or two all thought that ADWD was second only to ASOS in the series.
I'm surprised all of these are making it in. To be honest, I think it may be overkill. The show is already sprawling with too many characters and lacks focus, I'm not sure everyone of these characters needs to be in the show.

I think its ok for A Storm of Swords, considering that not only are they splitting the book into basically 20 episodes, but that most of these characters are being added to existing character's stories. So the Tully's are being added to Robb and Cat's story and Daario, Barristan added to Dany's or the Reeds to Bran's. Its not like this season where Stannis and Mel and Davos are a whole new characters not connected to anyone previously. Everyone being added is to supplement an existing main character. Plus its ASoS, so a lot of big names are going to get put out of commission.

I just hope that they don't try to cram every character into every episode like they often did this past season. And I kind of hope they let some characters fully fade into the background when they aren't needed. That helps unclutter things too. I'm just worried they needlessly keep Theon on the show with Ramsay instead of just letting his torture happen off screen and reintroduce him when he has something worthwhile to do in Dance.
It's nowhere near as good as ASOS but I think ADWD is still a great book. Yes, it absolutely left too many cliffhangers, but I think people's 6-year wait hurts their opinion of it too much. The half dozen people I've introduced to the series in the last year or two all thought that ADWD was second only to ASOS in the series.

Second best book in the series? That's insane. Long portions of ADWD are so boring that they're barely readable.


Yeah, ADwD is by far the worst in the series imo, and I read them back to back so the wait wasn't an issue. It was almost entirely an editing problem though. Between Dany,Tyrion and to a lesser extent Jon they should have cut about 8 chapters and included the 100 pages that got pushed to Winds. It was a baffling decision not to include the 'battles of ice and fire', it might have been right up there with Storm had they done so. The whole book is a build up to those events, and then it just ends before the final act. Its like if Clash had ended before Blackwater. Its especially criminal because it drags so much in the middle. I suppose it took so long to write they probably just wanted it out the door.

edit: my series ranking would be 3>1>4=2>5


I never did like the Martells/Greyjoys chapters in AFFC and ADWD(with exception of Theon). GRRM should have just focus on the already available characters he establish on the first 3 books.


Dance was the only one of the books where I started to skim through in certain parts and take breaks or almost fall asleep while reading.


We rankin' now?

3 > 1 > 2 > 4 = 5

Feast is pretty damn good when it comes to rereading, the prose is the best in the series with some really excellent passages, Dance has some of the best chapters in the series (along with some of the worst).


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Second best book in the series? That's insane. Long portions of ADWD are so boring that they're barely readable.

Did not have that problem in the slightest, I was hooked from beginning to end. It's a pointless argument to have though so I won't have it.

As others have said though, the editing was an issue. And it absolutely had some of the best chapters in the entire series.


Mine is 3>1>2>4>5. I liked the way Feast was written, but I don't think that splitting characters was a good idea. They also introduced too many new characters and the Greyjoy's bored me a little. Dance was just disappointing.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The lack of a centralised spot for a bunch of the main characters to interact (like, say, Kings Landing from the first three books), really sucked a lot of the energy out of AFFC and ADWD.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I read all the books back to back on my kindle so the whole thing read like one giant book to me, so it's hard in retrospect to name which book I prefer. Immediately afterwards I could have, but I can't even remember what events happened in which novels anymore.
I think the only times I wanted to punch Martin in the face were the endless descriptions of food. I actually didn't mind dany's portions aside from making her into such a fucking idiot, although considering she is just a child, it makes sense in some ways.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
book 1-3 = awesome, cant stop reading! Book 4-5 = terrible... what happened?!

Martin c.1999
"man, if I did this and this and this it would be so awesome! how will I resolve it later? fuck it. it'll be awesome right now, people will love it."

Martin c.2001
"fuck. this."


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
The lack of a centralised spot for a bunch of the main characters to interact (like, say, Kings Landing from the first three books), really sucked a lot of the energy out of AFFC and ADWD.

Indeed. The last two books both drag because of it, all the plot threads are sort of random with barely a theme connecting them. At least that what it seems like. I'm nearly done with my second read of A Feast For Crows, after that I'm headed to Dance.

The Vicatarrion chapters are very good. The cersei chapters are excellent if you read them trying to figure out what everyone around her is trying to do and contrast it with what she thinks they are doing. The only chapters that suck are Brienne. It's just too fucking aimless. So many chapters all exploring the same theme with no possible plot development. These chapters while well written, they are at times redundant and poorly placed. Has to be an editing problem. But they do provide backstory to the world of westeros.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It's like, I get it, you're establishing Sam's dad as someone important, next plot point please.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
It's like, I get it, you're establishing Sam's dad as someone important, next plot point please.

He does it, and does it again in a Cersei chapter, Does it again in a grayjoy chapter and again in a Jaime chapter. Over and over.


List wars? List wars!

I'm not unsure about ACOK/ADWD, but I'd put ADWD just a smidgen above ACOK. If only it hadn't been cut early it could have easily been the second best book in the series.


I only found AFFC dull but still worth a read. I'll agree with the sentiment about the Brienne chapters, they just felt so aimless and dull/depressing.
I mean, we did potentially find out about Sandor's 'final resting place' but what a round-about way to introduce that.


If Dance had actually resolved the major plotlines that it set up it would've been a significantly better book.

This. Times a million. Have another chapter for Jon, let the Stannis/Bolton battle happen, and have the Meereen showdown happen and it'd be one of the bests. Would have been able to fit it in with less Dany and Tyrion chapters.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Random question about ADWD: Where did Osha actually take Rickon? The whole cannibal thing with Davos and him being a sailor makes it sound like Skagos, but that doesn't really make sense. Didn't they go south, and Bran and co. went north? At first I thought maybe they were going to the Neck, and when Davos was sent there I thought there would finally be a POV with Howland, but I don't think the cannibal thing fits. And how did that mute kid manage to follow them long enough to find out they went to Skagos, all the way from Winterfell? Then there's the whole problem of them getting a boat. Did Osha build them one, or did they board one? A lady, a kid and a direwolf asking for a ride to Skagos might have raised some eyebrows.

But really, the mute kid following them for any long period of time to anywhere is just strange. Even if Osha could be fooled, how could he follow Shaggydog without being found out?


Feast has the best extende passage in the series in Septon Meribalds broken men speech, which automatically raises it in my estimations. Its the best written of all the books. Plus I like the Brienne chapters
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