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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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it's 4th of July in my asshole
He'll plunge it into Mel and when he draws it out it will steam and smoke and be the real Light Bringer. Mel will somehow go into the sword.

Then sword sex.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
He'll plunge it into Mel and when he draws it out it will steam and smoke and be the real Light Bringer. Mel will somehow go into the sword.

Then sword sex.
I actually buy this.

Minus the sword sex.


Looking for meaning in GAF
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Ramsay was a "Daddy didn't love me" story............ and likes to drown puppies.
Boo hoo. Both him and his dad need to have horrible, horrible things happen to them.


Akuun said:
Boo hoo. Both him and his dad need to have horrible, horrible things happen to them.
So do about half of the characters in the series.

It seems to happen so rarely that I was literally fist-pumping in real life when Jon executed Janos Slynt. Felt good man.
I didn't know that the guy Wun Wun killed wore a star since Martin lost a bet with some other blogger about a football game (Dallas = blue star on silver). So that kind of kills that aspect of the Jon=AA theory.

I really need to jump back like 40 pages and read through this lol


petethepanda said:
I didn't know what the guy Wun Wun killed wore a star since Martin lost a bet with some other blogger about a football game (Dallas = blue star on silver). So that kind of kills that aspect of the Jon=AA theory.

I really need to jump back like 40 pages and read through this lol
And he was killed by a Giant... Ha. Although GRRM is a Jets fan.

Where did you hear about this?


KingGondo said:
And he was killed by a Giant... Ha. Although GRRM is a Jets fan.

Where did you hear about this?
The blogger is Pat from Pat's Fantasy Hotlist (he named the character Ser Patrek of King's Mountain).

GRRM is a fan of both the Giants and the Jets, so it was fitting he had a Giant kill the Cowboy.


How do we get through all those Tyrion chapters without figuring out where whores go?

Somewhat relatedly, Cyvasse sounds like an interesting game.


Clipjoint said:
The blogger is Pat from Pat's Fantasy Hotlist (he named the character Ser Patrek of King's Mountain).

GRRM is a fan of both the Giants and the Jets, so it was fitting he had a Giant kill the Cowboy.
What a great Easter egg, haha. Thanks for the source.
ultron87 said:
How do we get through all those Tyrion chapters without figuring out where whores go?

I assumed it meant that Tyrion was resigned to living like a whore. Milking off people more powerful than him is all he can ever hope to do. I took it as a slight against his dwarfism.

ultron87 said:
Somewhat relatedly, Cyvasse sounds like an interesting game.

Isn't it just chess with different pieces? Or is supposed to be some kind of chess/Risk game?

Melisandre's bit about how she keeps asking to see AA in her flames, but keeps seeing Jon Snow, confirms that bit of the story for me. Though that is one awesome Easter Egg he through in there about the Cowboys (especially since Ser Patrek presumes to be the 'natural' choice for Val).
bonesmccoy said:
I assumed it meant that Tyrion was resigned to living like a whore. Milking off people more powerful than him is all he can ever hope to do. I took it as a slight against his dwarfism.

Isn't it just chess with different pieces? Or is supposed to be some kind of chess/Risk game?

Melisandre's bit about how she keeps asking to see AA in her flames, but keeps seeing Jon Snow, confirms that bit of the story for me. Though that is one awesome Easter Egg he through in there about the Cowboys (especially since Ser Patrek presumes to be the 'natural' choice for Val).
Is there an analysis of cyvasse up somewhere. I don't directly remember how it's played (I glossed over it sometimes...)
bonesmccoy said:
I assumed it meant that Tyrion was resigned to living like a whore. Milking off people more powerful than him is all he can ever hope to do. I took it as a slight against his dwarfism.

Isn't it just chess with different pieces? Or is supposed to be some kind of chess/Risk game?

Melisandre's bit about how she keeps asking to see AA in her flames, but keeps seeing Jon Snow, confirms that bit of the story for me. Though that is one awesome Easter Egg he through in there about the Cowboys (especially since Ser Patrek presumes to be the 'natural' choice for Val).
it's like chess, but you can set up your pieces in different ways to start, with a screen between the players so that they can't see your setup.


sparkle this bitch
AA killed his wife to make Lightbringer. Jon doesn't even like Mel.
Well... he did just make an attempt to have the Nightwatch march on Winterfell after hearing about Arya. It seems like the only requirement would be someone he loves.

I mean, she seems to be the only one who he has any meaningful attachment with still left that could serve the purpose.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
He'll plunge it into Mel and when he draws it out it will steam and smoke and be the real Light Bringer. Mel will somehow go into the sword.

Then sword sex.

Is the story based on stabbing someone you love? Why would Jon come to love Mel?
I think (hope?) you guys are are probably being too literal in your interpretation of the prophesy about Jon having to stab his wife or whatever. Particularly when looking at Jon's "death" as fulfilling that other part of the prophesy by interpreting aspects of it a bit creatively.

Perhaps that portion of the prophesy has already been fulfilled by Ygritte's death (even if not directly by his hands). She was "kissed by fire" after all, and I am fairly willing to bet that the deliberate phrasing is significant in some way.


platypotamus said:
I think (hope?) you guys are are probably being too literal in your interpretation of the prophesy about Jon having to stab his wife or whatever. Particularly when looking at Jon's "death" as fulfilling that other part of the prophesy by interpreting aspects of it a bit creatively.

Perhaps that portion of the prophesy has already been fulfilled by Ygritte's death (even if not directly by his hands). She was "kissed by fire" after all, and I am fairly willing to bet that the deliberate phrasing is significant in some way.

And he did stick his sword in that! Multiple times


So my brother is about 3/4 of the way done with A Storm of Swords, and he asked me to borrow A Feast For Crows, because he wants to read ahead and find out what happens with Dany. I told him there are no Dany chapters in Feast. He replied "You mean I have to read another whole book before I find out what happens post-Mereen?"

I didn't even have the heart to tell him.


Puddles said:
So my brother is about 3/4 of the way done with A Storm of Swords, and he asked me to borrow A Feast For Crows, because he wants to read ahead and find out what happens with Dany. I told him there are no Dany chapters in Feast. He replied "You mean I have to read another whole book before I find out what happens post-Mereen?"

I didn't even have the heart to tell him.

On one hand: LOL

On the other hand: Fuck 'im. I've been waiting a decade.
It's not that bad. If he's just reaching those books now, he's still got about 2,000 pages of painfully slow plot development to enjoy.

Now, I might be missing the significance of clothing in ADWD, but fuck me if GRRM keeps telling me at the start of each chapter what kind and colour of doublet the POV character is wearing.


It gets even better! I thought he was way further along in Storm than he actually is, and so in one of my messages I said "So what did you think of Storm? Long live King Robb!"

He hasn't gotten to the Red Wedding yet, so he replied "Not done yet, but glad to know that Robb completes his comeback!"

I think that what my brother wants out of ASoIaF and what GRRM is going to give him are two entirely different things.


Puddles said:
It gets even better! I thought he was way further along in Storm than he actually is, and so in one of my messages I said "So what did you think of Storm? Long live King Robb!"

He hasn't gotten to the Red Wedding yet, so he replied "Not done yet, but glad to know that Robb completes his comeback!"

I think that what my brother wants out of ASoIaF and what GRRM is going to give him are two entirely different things.

Puddles said:
It gets even better! I thought he was way further along in Storm than he actually is, and so in one of my messages I said "So what did you think of Storm? Long live King Robb!"

He hasn't gotten to the Red Wedding yet, so he replied "Not done yet, but glad to know that Robb completes his comeback!"

I think that what my brother wants out of ASoIaF and what GRRM is going to give him are two entirely different things.

I seriously wish there was some way you could secretly record your brother's face right as he realizes what's going down at the red wedding, without tipping him off.
Just finished, and I loved it. I certainly don't understand the notion that nothing happens. Quentin's entire arc, Westeros invaded by Aegon(!) and everything at the Wall.

I figure Jon jumps to Ghost, then his body reanimates and he jumps back, Coldhands style. Just my guess.

Anyway, loved all the Tyrion stuff especially, still the best character in the story.
Puddles said:
It gets even better! I thought he was way further along in Storm than he actually is, and so in one of my messages I said "So what did you think of Storm? Long live King Robb!"

He hasn't gotten to the Red Wedding yet, so he replied "Not done yet, but glad to know that Robb completes his comeback!"

I think that what my brother wants out of ASoIaF and what GRRM is going to give him are two entirely different things.
Martin completely shattered my belief in the kindness of Man. I'm a broken man now.
PhoenixDark said:
I remember reading his take on the series last year; he kind of took a dump on many of the long standing talking points of the series, especially the "no one is safe" one.
GRRM kinda did that already, though. Nobody of importance has died in a long time.
levious said:
wait, was coldhands explained? I must have missed that.

There are some vague clues. Jon mentions that the wights appear to retain memories of their past. Coldhands displays a high level of aptitude, indicative that he was at one time a very skilled ranger. He also appears to be naturally protective of Bran.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Just finished, and I loved it. I certainly don't understand the notion that nothing happens. Quentin's entire arc, Westeros invaded by Aegon(!) and everything at the Wall.

It isn't that nothing happened. It's just that this book is really poorly structured as a singular book.

Even Feast For Crows was better about actually finishing up each character's plot line and having them go through an actual arc.
ultron87 said:
It isn't that nothing happened. It's just that this book is really poorly structured as a singular book.

Even Feast For Crows was better about actually finishing up each character's plot line and having them go through an actual arc.
Most of the characters have arcs. What are you talking about? These character's plotlines won't be finished until the end of the series most likely. I don't get this.

And don't give me the "well everyone ends on a cliffhanger", everyone always ends on a cliffhanger in every ASOIAF novel.
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