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Spider-Man 2 will drive right to game if the year awards

When you consider the drop off in cinema attendance and lack of recovery since Covid lockdowns, I'm not sure your edit has the impact you intended. There are a lot more people now waiting to watch movies at home for a few dollar rental fee on a streaming service and fewer paying $18 in the cinema. People don't want 5 hour movies to get the most movie per hour value for $18, but they also don't want to pay $18 to see a two hour movie one time.How does this sound to you?
You're focused on the wrong thing here. Replace movies with books, and a book that is 400 pages costs the same as a book with 800 pages. Does that automatically make the 800 page book better?When you consider the drop off in cinema attendance and lack of recovery since Covid lockdowns, I'm not sure your edit has the impact you intended. There are a lot more people now waiting to watch movies at home for a few dollar rental fee on a streaming service and fewer paying $18 in the cinema. People don't want 5 hour movies to get the most movie per hour value for $18, but they also don't want to pay $18 to see a two hour movie one time.
I wouldn't call it depth. It simplifies the options down to 1, actually. At that point, it's just waiting for the meter to fill.This is exactly what the Arkham Batman games were doing back then, and I love them for it. Gives the combat some depth.
On the other hand, the spider-man games will become even more clones of the Arkham games in terms of combat system
There is a middle ground. I don't like the idea of spending 70$ on a game that will only occupy 10 hours of my time. Unless a game is doing something truly revolutionary, I am not buying it at that price. I don't need AC Valhalla either. Which is a game that purposefully becomes a grindfest so players buy their microtransactions after 60 hours. 25-35hrs is perfect for the vast majority of AAA games, and that is where most are. I can only think of a few games that are truly weakened by having too much contentYou're focused on the wrong thing here. Replace movies with books, and a book that is 400 pages costs the same as a book with 800 pages. Does that automatically make the 800 page book better?
It just sucks that when it comes to video games, people can't move on from this ridiculous means of quality by the means quantity ratio, yet with other forms of media they are perfectly fine in not using it as a form of quality measurement.
The collective whining of the PS3/360 gen 8-12 hour experiences lead us all to the PS4/XBO gen of bloated games. Games that could have been 8s, 9s, or 10s were instead 6s or 7s due to being filled with garbage just so that '40-60 hour experience' could be used as a marketing gimmick, with narratives and storytelling stretched as paper thin as possible over that long period of time.
All this happened because somewhere down the road, people suddenly had the bright idea that the correct qualifier for price is time, not quality. And publishers actually listened to this and took it seriously.
That sounds like a GOTY candidate.
Lol yeah, I want to see everything. It’s Spider-Man. What are they going to show that is going to spoil anything for me? It’s not like they’re going to kill Spider-Man 5 minutes in and let us play with Venom instead. I just want to see if it’s a day 1 drop everything else purchase.It's because I choose to watch it. These things are hardly going to destroy my perception of the game, so it doesn't bother me.
OMG my eyes will burn if I see leaks prior to release. must go dark. MUST GO DARK NOW!
Just keep playing the game for longer then?Tbh i think is too short for $70. Games need to have at least 30-40h content for full price.
Naughty Dog:It’s not like they’re going to kill Spider-Man 5 minutes in and let us play with Venom instead.
no need to walk on egg shells. it was pretty divisive to say the least.Naughty Dog:
Edit: For those raising concerns; TLOU2 is one of my favourite games of last gen
Lol I haven’t played TLOU2 yet but had all the story beats spoiled long ago, ND have balls no doubt and deserve some praise for that but for me as a TLOU1 Joel Edition gamer they missed the only mark they couldn’t miss. I have it on the shelf though, will try some day.Naughty Dog:
Edit: For those raising concerns; TLOU2 is one of my favourite games of last gen
Bosses don't require specific gadgets to defeat them. But certain gadgets work better or worse depending on the boss. That is good game design. It entices gamers to engage with the full combat systemInteresting on the point of bosses requiring specific gadgets to defeat. I personally feel that as limiting the creativity and making it more "cinematic" for the experience. That can be both good and bad for the player, depending on their playstyle.
I don't know about this. The first entry was great, but ran out of ideas that led to some repetitive gameplay. Nothing wrong with cutting back play time of the campaign to ensure a player doesn't get burnt out. There is always NG+ for people who want more.30-40h is where it should be. Inso taking the lazy route. SMH.
Will get it when it hits 20$ or something.
I don't know about this. The first entry was great, but ran out of ideas that led to some repetitive gameplay. Nothing wrong with cutting back play time of the campaign to ensure a player doesn't get burnt out. There is always NG+ for people who want more.
As always, to each their own.
You’re missing one of the best games of all time.Lol I haven’t played TLOU2 yet but had all the story beats spoiled long ago, ND have balls no doubt and deserve some praise for that but for me as a TLOU1 Joel Edition gamer they missed the only mark they couldn’t miss. I have it on the shelf though, will try some day.
Insomniac don’t try to rewrite the rules but what they do they do better than most.
I haven't finished Miles Morales yet, is that going to be "required" you think?
The writing and scenario in the game is terrible, pandering stuff. However, the gameplay is a pretty big upswing from the original game, which I'm sure will translate to the next game. In my opinion, it's very skippable if you're all in on the sequel.I haven't finished Miles Morales yet, is that going to be "required" you think?