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A Trump supporter insulted Patton Oswalt's late wife, which prompted him to respond..

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Once you realize that the alt-right is mostly composed of bitter basement dwellers who are merely projecting loser trolls, you empower yourself to steamroll them. These people are tools and easy to make fun of and expose simultaneously. You just have to go hard and be ruthless. I know many on the left and who are moderate to be polite to a fault. Fuck these shitheels. Rip them a new one.
lmao of course his name is ham solo

you wouldn't see trekkies doing this just saying

also fuck that realtor hope you enjoy unemployment dipshit
I wouldn't be really surprised if there's some overlap between the people freaking out about positivity between those who are against Trump and the same grouping of fans that bullied a child actor incessantly because they didn't like him in their space and laser swords movie.


Hapoy as hell that scumbag got fired, I hope he never sells another house. Internet harassment needs to have consequences.


Patton's point of Trump's teflon umbrella only protecting Trump and nobody else is spot-fucking on. These idiots are learning a hard lesson.
The savagery in this thread is real, and it is everywhere.

No sympathy for the guy who decided to go Oswalt's wife from my end. You reap what you sow and all.

And absolute props to the Snipes tweet about hands. Guy probably turned off his computer, packed his bags, and became a farmer lol.



This is the one that bust my gut


Once you realize that the alt-right is mostly composed of bitter basement dwellers who are merely projecting loser trolls, you empower yourself to steamroll them. These people are tools and easy to make fun of and expose simultaneously. You just have to go hard and be ruthless. I know many on the left and who are moderate to be polite to a fault. Fuck these shitheels. Rip them a new one.

The guy who drew Patton Oswalt's fire was (was) a real estate agent.

Once you realize the alt-right is composed of bitter assholes of all strides, you'll understand how big the problem actually is.


Incredibly Naive
Patton's point of Trump's teflon umbrella only protecting Trump and nobody else is spot-fucking on. These idiots are learning a hard lesson.

Are they really though? They're dense as fuck and no matter the situation they will bitch and moan. I don't believe they've learned a damn thing. The world could fall to pieces and they'd still do their bullshit attention grabbing act. I've learned, as hard as it is, to block out trolls and let it go. They can't be reasoned with and it's not worth the effort. They celebrate illicited responses as a victory. "Hurr Durr jimmies rustled lolmirite?!"


Are they really though? They're dense as fuck and no matter the situation they will bitch and moan. I don't believe they've learned a damn thing. The world could fall to pieces and they'd still do their bullshit attention grabbing act. I've learned, as hard as it is, to block out trolls and let it go. They can't be reasoned with and it's not worth the effort. They celebrate illicited responses as a victory. "Hurr Durr jimmies rustled lolmirite?!"

I think this is the practical response. Many people are a lost cause, just maintain your distance and concentrate on "saving" the ones you can. Like this 13 year old kid. Focus on the future, not the people that are clinging to the past, they can't, and won't accept change.


Incredibly Naive
I think this is the practical response. Many people are a lost cause, just maintain your distance and concentrate on "saving" the ones you can. Like this 13 year old kid. Focus on the future, not the people that are clinging to the past, they can't, and won't accept change.

I personally find troll wars like these embarrassing for both sides, it's like arguing with a child. They feed off your anger and response.
Good god that was a savage beat down. Every single thing that happened to Tony after that crack about Patton's wife, he had coming. Every little drop. Fuck that guy to hell.


That joke she made about the wheelchair being ridden more than the anonymous man on twitter made me go "snaaaaaaaaap"


Oh well..enjoy that vacation.

But Dai, what lesson will he learn? He's just going to be even angrier. We need to reach across the isle and be the better ham.

Oh, my bad. I always forget about that fragility.

Sorry guys, next time i'll try to be in the superior middle.


has calmed down a bit.
Nobody outwitted anyone. Well, Patton did, but the girl and the idiot trying to get zingers past each other was just dumb.


There are some things you just shouldn't ever do. I'm not a softie who thinks we can't speak ill of the dead, but you don't wish harm or death on people's family nor do you laugh about it their passing or illness.

Dude got what he deserved, and I can only hope he takes the time to reflect on why he was judged as harshly as he was and learns from it. Although you have to imagine somebody like that is likely to just double down.


Nobody outwitted anyone. Well, Patton did, but the girl and the idiot trying to get zingers past each other was just dumb.

If you are pathetic enough to get in a shouting match with a person you know to be a child you are sad. If that child turns around an dunks on your ass you've somehow gone even lower than the basement.
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